I got them really, really bad. They are immune to everything I can get my hands on. I have logged TEN different formulas of pesticide concoctions. California sucks when it comes to available pesticides; worst in the Union. I got this stuff from a dispensary I grow for, he had a "connection" for it out of state. Well, this $hit is $hit... It is Geranium Oil and of course, 99% water. I got so clever that I also put 8 containers of real Geraniums around my room too, right in with the ladies. Sprayed like I have a million times before. Low and behold, they were back the very next day. They must drink the stuff because they enjoyed it like beer! The guy paid $100.00 for enough to make 1 US Gallon. It came with goggles, gloves, a spray bottle and lots of warnings. Made out to be some intense chemical formula. Oh, also, they actually laid eggs on the real Geraniums!!! I couldn't believe my eyes!
So far, my mites are "mite of the week". They can kick your mites asses! HA! Take that!
They are immune to: AZATROL; AZAMAX; DOKTOR DOOM BOMB; DYNA-GRO NEEM OIL; FLORASHIELD; goGNATS; NO MORE SPIDERMITES; LIQUID LADYBUG; several brands containing Pyrethriens and of course my own concoction (the best so far) containing Tobacco, Jabanero Peppers, Garlic, detergent and water. I have washed and sprayed daily; tried various schedules to keep them at bay and at the best, they are gone for only a day or so. I simply cannot get a hold on them. I tried several dunks (complete) and still they return. I am going to stop/kill/sterilize and re-group at great expense as my last resort. No one will ever enter my building again. No clone will come from the outside world. I pray I can survive because I depend on this to pay the rent, etc. This will set me back many months and lots of dollars. Pray for me...