My First Growbox w/cfls


Well-Known Member
it's just cause I'm so awesome :) LOL.... you prob gave out too much in the past stopped me after I hit Chief and Kronnix with some love.


Well-Known Member
I need someone to come to my house and tell me the sex of my plants or look at my thread. You know one or the other.


Well-Known Member
I need someone to come to my house and tell me the sex of my plants or look at my thread. You know one or the other.
you came to the wrong thread, newbie central or pm me some pics ill tell you

nevermind, just checked your sig looks like they're not ready to sex yet give them time and look out for white hairs or balls forming.


Active Member
ooh damn she's lookin nice, been watchin from day 1, and will watch til' harvest :P keep updated bro, nice grow ;)


Wow man.. this setup looks great. i got a smaller box setup right now and mine aren't doing as nicely as yours. for my next time around I want to build something similar to your design. Quick question about your light setup.. Did you just wire up some pigtail sockets in line and then screw a double light socket adapter to the socket?bongsmilie


Active Member
yep, on the top of my reflector there is 2x electrical boxes and I wired half to one, half to the other. From there its just a extension cord out to the timing powerbar.
The reason I did it seperately is so that theres less stress on the cords, If something fucks up atleast I will have half the lights on. Easy setup, pretty cheap too. I got all my material from HD. Single sockets and splitters easiest way to go, you can order those splitters on ebay for 99cents a piece free shipping. They work better then the ones i got from homedepot.


Active Member
Lookin good Bro! I too will be rebuilding my light setup before the next grow. thinking about a 5 socket bathroom light fixture (or two back to back) with "Y" splitters.


Active Member
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Heres some updates, Leaves are still turning yellow and falllin off. Not too sure what it is anymore. I just hope they survive 4 or 5 more weeks