My First Growbox w/cfls

can anyone help with a small dwarf syle grow with soil & biobizz grow schedule,with top max if anyone does.Water ph a prob,is destilled bottled water ph alright? Send message.


Active Member
Just tested my soil, Ph in both pots were around 6, I Noticed in both pots the N/P were pretty low The potash was good. Would this be the problem of my yellow dieing leaves? I use distilled water, and my nutes. Got a liquid test kit so I try to keep the ph of my water good.


Active Member
Im Thinkin I should go out and buy some stuff to make myself a nice little veg box.
I want to start my next ones soon, I rather them be a couple weeks old before moving into the big one.


Well-Known Member
your on the right track to figuring it out. Did you see Chief's trick on his thread about what to do in a situation like yours?
I sure hope they can handle a few more weeks of stress without going hermie on you.....hurry....FIX IT!!!


Well-Known Member
your plants look right on... don't worry so much about the yellowing, I stressed out the first few girls i grew... I was so worried that she wouldn't make it another few weeks. She will... She looks a lot like the sour d I grew, Sativas seem to be a little more fragile in my experience.
I'm sure you have heard this but when it comes to nutes, less is more!!! if you feel you need to add a small shot of veg nutes with your flower nutes, do it, just not too much. I like water water water nutes water water water nutes... MJ is resilient. keep up the good grow. stay high


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what is going on with your plants. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that 3 of mine are females so far...


Active Member
I have no idea what is going on with your plants. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that 3 of mine are females so far...
Nice, congrats on the ladies. Not too sure what the problem is, Going to try a shot of veg nutes. See how that works.
I know Less is More, I havent even given my ladies a full dose of Nutes since day one. But I tested the soil and Like I said Earlier High in Potash low on N/P
I Usually water, then next water with nutes, Depending on how they act, I will give them nutes or just water. Maybe Water w/ A little CalMag
I Test the Ph going in the pots, try to keep it right. I Use Distilled water or Purified w/ No organic matter.
I hope the veg nutes work, but I wont worry too much about my girls. Ill check out Chiefs threads see if my answers in there.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I got a stand alone Nitro supp for part of my veg nutes so that way I can just add a little N to my P and K if needed!!


Active Member
I just re-read all those deficiency posts and shit, I figure out of all the symptoms Its N or P Kinda what I thought in the first place by doing the soil test.
SO i gave it a tiny bit of veg juice and micro, see how that works. Lost alot of leaves, on the one all the older big fan leaves are gone, just the healthy looking new growth is there. The other is just slowly going yellow everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Damn it, where's the like button, new green growth is good, don't pull any dying leaves until there us no juice left in them, I think you'll be fine. Stay high.


Active Member
I'm glad I got a stand alone Nitro supp for part of my veg nutes so that way I can just add a little N to my P and K if needed!!
Thats a nice feature, But I was also reading that In flower its natural for the leaves to start to yellow. It takes the remaining nutes and Stuff from older fan leaves to the new growth and lets those ones die off. One thing also said "Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best
flavor." Not to sure what that means. Another person said that you should not add "n" this late in flowering. Im not sure if im going to do anything else to try an fix the problem, might just let it ride out and see how she goes. It is my first grow...


Active Member
SO just found out Im out of a job, lack of work or some bs.
Damn 3 years at the same place for this... Hope the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.


Well-Known Member
SO just found out Im out of a job, lack of work or some bs.
Damn 3 years at the same place for this... Hope the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Damn dude I'm sorry to hear that! Looks like you're gonna have to step your game up on here if you know what I mean ;P


Active Member
Damn dude I'm sorry to hear that! Looks like you're gonna have to step your game up on here if you know what I mean ;P
Gettin me a warehouse, going big time lol
Nah, I'm a apprentice so it isn't too hard to find another job. Might drag it out a bit, nice ass weather here right now.