WTF isthis leaf curl

kbo ca

Active Member
this guy painkiller types so damn fast i can't read a fucking thing he posts. You make no damn sense bro! slow down hahaha


But guys he did say he would send a bag of seeds of his choice from whichever seed bank he wants so I think he is on to something with that and not to mention how many plants could this guy get from a bag of seeds do to one plant being killed of think about it would be worth it to me if he actually is a man of his word and really sends them to him :hump:


do me this one favor if only to humor me n prove me WRONG i have years 18 intotal and hold a medical liencse iam trying to teach u some wise knowlage and make u better grower too the point u can see deffs before the get started in some cases PLEASE I BEG OF YOU take 1 the worst one (i like to proved right but we can get to that later)add 20 %more PK only20%extra PK added to 30%less ur nutes now 10%compisation for high N just get 20% run off and flowering starts lower N only 75 ppm less if round say 900-1000/100ppm less input water iam talkn nice green not dark /real light explosive fruit set slowly raise back after 2nd week minus the amount out of ur high N nutes now if ur nutes cant do this even go get starter formula give half label strenght n u will learn how to treat this in the future

Dude he might listen to you IF he, or anyone else for that matter, could understand what the hell your saying lol


Active Member
iam man of my word and iam very sorry for making my posts beyond ur expertize as iam new to having explain my self (it ten times worse inside my head)but ill make posts less complex in grade school terms so all can benifit from the disscusions