Club 600


Well-Known Member
Damn Dez 1 lb from 3 indoor plants is good. I wish my BBK kicked ass like that!! I lost my BBK mom now though.

My internet (Comcast) was broken all day long...finally got back online!!

Nowhereland, I run my 1000watt with a 750 cfm fan and a powerful fan on the top of canopy with 8-10" off glass with no bleaching on burning. I get them used to the light by lowering it slowly over time.

Doob congrats on the newborns!!

Sunny nice pull!!


I am there right now tinkering around...I just added a few capacitors to realign it. Hopefully the mods or admin can help you out. No doubt they have their habnds full right now though, so hang in there. Glad you made it back and the name is so close....reminds me of beerfest! they had landfill and landfill II
I knew it! Hell, I think it was actually working better there for a sec.

It changes the color for sure, as for flavor I think it has more to do with the speed you dry it. fast dried buds always seem harsh and crispy. With a nice slow 5 -7 day slow dry followed by a 20 day cure in glass makes me a happy camper. I don't think the light degrades the THC much until all the water has been removed from the plant. Then the light and heat can definitely degrade the herb faster than if it were stored in a cool dark place. I smoke it before there is ever a chance of degradation to combat the problem :-)

Puff Puff Pass......
This is my thought on it, too. . . I think drying in the sun just speeds up the process producing icky buds... where as when you put it someplace dark, it's typically easier to control. I dunno-- I'm high! Puff puff pass. . .

Hey everyone. A little late but welcome back dst!
Pron is off the chain as usual!
Hope all is well with you 6-OO peeps!
Whodizzy! Good ta see you ;)

cheers 600! i thought as much.
Donald, cheers back! With a big phat spliffy, that is.

I will catch up in a bit but wanted to share my excitement with y'all. I got just over 1lb of BBK (3 plants) and just shy of 100gm of DK (1 plant). :)
Dude, really??? Insanity. All Hail Dez! You are my hero.

DST, btw, I agree with you about Morocco, but don't they dry the hash in the sun, not the whole plant? Keep in mind, I have no clue what the fuk I'm talking about when it comes to this subject. I try not to worry about it too much.


Well-Known Member
Nice pron yall.

Just saw 21 Jump Street movie... was really funny. Kinda made me wish I lived fast again... then I got home to the cats and decided I like the slow, 'boring' life I lead now, ha.

As for how close to keep the light... I would say keep it as close as you can without bleaching it. I've had some as close as 6" from my 1000w without bleaching, but others bleached at 8" away. I think it's strain dependent, so whatever you can get away with.

Hey Dez... is the Devastator Kush a sativa type high? The leaves look so sativa-ish. Can't wait to try some. I hope I'm smoking soon. :(

Bobo... really sorry about the account bro. That is just gutting.

An update on my beans... all 5 of the ?purp X Space Bomb have popped up. And 9 out of 10 Candy Drop X NY purp D have popped so far. I'm sure the other one will come up too... maybe alread has, I should check.

And lastly, I put the tea I was 'brewing' into the trash can full of super soil and mixed it up real well. I'm super excited!!!

Ok... now reallly lastly. Made me fucking laugh today. Was helping my new neighbor shovel snow, and she told me a funny story. I guess 2 weeks after they moved in, her friends were up and they went to the bar. Where I live I guess everyone and their mom grows weed, and while they were at the bar pretty much everyone in the bar offered them some herb. The lady turned it all down (even though she wanted some) because she didn't want me and my wife to find out that she was smoking, LOL. If she only knew. She said she was worried I would tell the owners... you know... the one's who smoked me out and whose grandson grows and hooks them up. Hahahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Nice haul Dez, very nice indeed my 600 bru!!! showing them how it's done.

Bobo, Brobo, you is high, you is talking much of the gobbly-d-goop, lol. And the Nepolese dry there charras in the sun, so yeh, they do cure hash in the sun!

I like your neighbour story, Jig you are quite a sick puppy, lol. And your neighbour must be dense. I tend to be a bit more open about my smoking habits, lol. If she couldn't tell you smoked a few then she must be a bit of a spanner! I was at the Brewery yesterday with my friend. We were chatting and some mad women pitched up and asked if she could sit at our table. Of course we replied. She then promptly giggled to herself and made little tunes and muttered a wee bit....eventually she moved off somewhere and an American couple sat next to us. They saw we had peanuts with our beers and they offered us some of the salami they had bought because they didn't like it. My mate is talking to me about this new place he is DJing at. Next thing the American guy is asking my mate what sort of DJ'ing he does. Straight off the bat he retorts, "Christian Rock". I couldn't help giving out a little splutter of laughter and the couple smiled slightly. "Seriously, I DJ with old school hip hop, funk, electronica" the conversation ensued. Turns out this guy is a Prof of Christian studies at Univeristy of California, lol. My mate is a bit of a loon, he had an interview with two lawyers the other week and pretended he had Tourettes through the whole interview, lmao.

Oh the sun is out today and the ladies need watered.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Christian Rock, lol.

Yeah, her not knowing I'm a pot friendly one is a bit dense. She is something to behold, lol. 45 and acts about 15.

Don't know if I already told this story, but at a concert a couple weeks back, this lady walked up to my wife and started chatting her up. Asked if wife smoke pot at all, wife said "no it just makes me sleepy". Lady said, "that's funny... it makes me horny". Wife thought it was a bit odd, then she asked wife if I was with her. She said yes... then the lady asked if we had any pot, lol. She knew exactly who to go to... only problem, I didn't have any with me. A shame too... lady lived a block away. Who knows where that would have gone, haha.

Off to bed. And to confirm... all beans have popped. 10/10 on the CD X NYPD, 5/5 on the ?P X SB. Only problem is I only have 14 spots in my little DWC thingy. The fastest growing one is probably a male yeah?

Night night.


Well-Known Member
im a late starter on here srry if it has been asked a bunch before but what is the highest yield seen off 1 600w 'er in here?


Well-Known Member
im a late starter on here srry if it has been asked a bunch before but what is the highest yield seen off 1 600w 'er in here?
My personal best was close to .70 grams per watt, shooting for 1 gram per watt.(1200 watts total) I think I was close on my last run but got too high and forgot to weigh it.bongsmilie Someone has done much better than that I am sure.


Well-Known Member
day 8 or 9 idk im fucked up heres a vid i made enjoy [video=youtube;Q7DhjF6JGRs] DvjVQa1PpcFO4wqrFT8-oT7XDGvkyhoSz3X5rr19axLk%3D[/video]


Well-Known Member
bru, this guy is unreal. there is drama everywhere he goes. He's kind of like my Bassman in real life (hehehe, sorry Bassman, I do love ya mate!)

he was speaking to these two trainee lawyers about money he is due to the Government. He said when he left he stopped at the receptionist and said to her, "those two lawyers in there, FUUUUUUCK, they know their business!" And promptly walked off with everyone in the place looking at him like he's just landed from Mars, lol.

lol pretended he had Tourettes through the whole interview. thats unreal! wonder what the circumstances were.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends if you are growing high intensity weed, or commercial yielders. I think I am around Worms 0.7. But I grow mainly kush based weeds, and have not weighed a harvest in many a moon.
I'll let you know in 2 months I guess as I am doing a semi full run.
im a late starter on here srry if it has been asked a bunch before but what is the highest yield seen off 1 600w 'er in here?


Well-Known Member
cool man thanks for the info i look forward to see how things go for ya , im really excited to see what i pull off 600w of led :D


Well-Known Member
I was always compared to this guy:


still look like Jason Segal too.