Club 600


Well-Known Member
One of my all time favorites.
When the wife & I went to SLC during Sundance a number of years ago we ended up at a few of the places where it was filmed.
Can't really help it, since it's a relatively small-ish city, but was cool.
Whenever we'd be at a place we'd recognize I act out the scene while she rolled her eyes and begged me to stop it.
Like in the mall.
Heh, heh.

We didn't make it to Park City, as it's way too expensive, and I'm not good in crowds anymore, even less so in high-fallutin' crowds, so we went around to the local theaters who were hosting the same movies being shown in Park City.
Lots of SLC punks all over.
Love it!
Hate the oppressive, Mormon atmosphere of the place though.
Like a blanket of conformity smothering out all individuality.
But the punkers & alternative crowd made up for it!


Well-Known Member
FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Playing through!

Howdy 600'ers. I'm late for a tee time but I've got a monster harvest pic to throw up later.



Well-Known Member
Christian Rock, lol.

Yeah, her not knowing I'm a pot friendly one is a bit dense. She is something to behold, lol. 45 and acts about 15.

Don't know if I already told this story, but at a concert a couple weeks back, this lady walked up to my wife and started chatting her up. Asked if wife smoke pot at all, wife said "no it just makes me sleepy". Lady said, "that's funny... it makes me horny". Wife thought it was a bit odd, then she asked wife if I was with her. She said yes... then the lady asked if we had any pot, lol. She knew exactly who to go to... only problem, I didn't have any with me. A shame too... lady lived a block away. Who knows where that would have gone, haha.

Off to bed. And to confirm... all beans have popped. 10/10 on the CD X NYPD, 5/5 on the ?P X SB. Only problem is I only have 14 spots in my little DWC thingy. The fastest growing one is probably a male yeah?

Night night.
I think she likes yer

My personal best was close to .70 grams per watt, shooting for 1 gram per watt.(1200 watts total) I think I was close on my last run but got too high and forgot to weigh it.bongsmilie Someone has done much better than that I am sure.
I need to see what I pull, prolly .4-.5 gpw....
bru, this guy is unreal. there is drama everywhere he goes. He's kind of like my Bassman in real life (hehehe, sorry Bassman, I do love ya mate!)

he was speaking to these two trainee lawyers about money he is due to the Government. He said when he left he stopped at the receptionist and said to her, "those two lawyers in there, FUUUUUUCK, they know their business!" And promptly walked off with everyone in the place looking at him like he's just landed from Mars, lol.
I have been told by several that I am accident prone and have the worst luck etc....I have been here long enough for you guys to really know me
is that uma thurman?
I always didnt like her till I saw that tit!


Well-Known Member
We reveal a lot more of ourselves than we probably think with our ramblings, Bassman lol.

Been a lovely day over here in the Dam, funny thing, I was saying on the UK growers thread about paranoia today. Then, I got a bout of para when a cop car turned up outside our building (we live in a no car zone as well:shock:), but luckily they walked off after checking to see the numbers on our building and plodded (lol) around another building and were gone for a bit (nobody can understand the numbering around here, residents included I think). Isn't it funny how life tests up.

I was on a business call which made it all the more exciting, haha. So just back from the stinky room and all is going swimmingly so far. DOGS are getting their coats on, and everyday I am convinced my fave DOGx is a Male. Everything is showing except that one.

Which got me thinking. Whenever I have a male and there are no females around, it seems they are more reluctant to open up and give the place a jizzorama (their pollen sac opens up to those who prefer straight talk). Anygrow, it made me think that perhaps the male plant actually needs a female plant close by for it to start releasing it's pollen. Whenever I have had a male outside int he greenhouse, then brought it inside to the flower room, the sacs almost immediately start coming open. It makes me think, are there receptors on the male that get a chemical message from female plants saying that they are ready for pollen?

That's my intellectual chit chat over for the day.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they give off some way of alerting the males that they are around. Life is smart like that.

And yeah bassman... I do think she liked my wife.

RobotBoy... your pic isn't showing up.


Well-Known Member
I think it's because the pic is hosted at trichome central and you are probably logged in over there. We aren't, and it says we aren't allowed to view that image. Maybe there is a setting over there to make pictures public... maybe not. You could always host them on RIU so we can see.

EDIT: Did you get recruited to join that site or just find it on your own?