Should i leech asap!


So One of my girls is looking VERRYYY UNHEALTHY! Croc leaf, mg def, nitrogen def, root rot, Just NOT DOING GOOD! Def has nute burn, I need to fix this..WHAT SHOULD I DO??

Should I throw her in the tub n leech the soil? It has root rot, I dont want to add more water, i feel like im fucked


Well-Known Member
Wow...sounds like you're fucked but that doesn't mean you are. I'd let the soil dry out and then leach with pH adjusted water(6.5) with a little dose of H2O2. U can also foliar feed if you don't wanna water the root ball just yet. The question I'd be asking if all other ladies are healthy and this one is the only one experiencing all these she worth keeping?


Active Member
So One of my girls is looking VERRYYY UNHEALTHY! Croc leaf, mg def, nitrogen def, root rot, Just NOT DOING GOOD! Def has nute burn, I need to fix this..WHAT SHOULD I DO??

Should I throw her in the tub n leech the soil? It has root rot, I dont want to add more water, i feel like im fucked
I dont know if this would work or not but since you seem fucked all ready why not right. Have you heard of ozonated water? it supposedly kills off algea and shit like that and wont harm your roots for all i know. I flushed my plant with it the other day it seems to be doing all right so far:weed: Its Drinking Water Microfiltered Ozonated, thats the kind i got. I would try it since you got nothing to lose, imo.


Active Member
Might even get rid of your root rot but thats a long shot.. if you decide to use it then just flush the shit out of the soil and let all the excess water drain out then let the soil dry for a few days. Good Luck:joint:


So I got epsom salts and 35% peroxide, Yes one plant is having MG def. so i got the epsom salts, and other one has root rot and crocodile leaf, might add epsom to that to, Is it bad to add the peroxide to other plants?