Noob question


Active Member
I have been smoking for a little while now and I finally bought a grinder. I need to know if grinding your pot down makes it less potent? I have heard all diffrent answers so I thought I would ask.


Well-Known Member
no it does not. Hopefully you got a grinder with a kief catch so you can catch all the little stuff falling through. That makes a really nice addition to any bowl.


Active Member
Yes it has a catch. I am growing blueberry and I was wondering if blueberry is a good weed to grind up. I love getting the kief but it makes the bud look less attractive, if you know what i mean.


Active Member
i gring up before i smoke as it makes it easier for building aswell + every once in a while you can have a crystal joint


Active Member
Hi i joined this thing just so i can ask this question, i have a 500 watt work lamp and a 75 watt light bulb for plants its blue at the front of the bulb i want to grow at least 5 plants is that enough or what else do i need


Well-Known Member
I grind EVERYTHING i smoke..... all it does is build up keif (if you have a keif collecter)


Well-Known Member
keif is basically the thc that came off the bud after you ground it up. You usually just sprinkle some on your blunt of pipe if you have a keif catcher.


Active Member
I have ground up an bout an O of some widow and only got about enough to fill up a soda bottle cap, if that. I wish more came out because I love the taste and the high you get off keif. My buddy has a couple pill bottles full of keif from blueberry and some bubblegum, I am definetly jealous.