Big Buddha - Buddha Tahoe


Well-Known Member
Like I said he is just showing his true colors.
and what kind of colors are you showing with all of the shit talking, lies, and falsely accusing people? just give it a rest already you whiny little douche. you accused me so I went and did it. you got what you apparently wanted so quit being a little bitch.
and what kind of colors are you showing with all of the shit talking, lies, and falsely accusing people? just give it a rest already you whiny little douche. you accused me so I went and did it. you got what you apparently wanted so quit being a little bitch.
Shit talkin lies falsely accusing really lmfao!

So let me guess I edited your post too right.. U even snitched on yourself.. You illiterate clown.. You don't even see the shit u posting ,have fun posting lies to yourself


Let me say this first I have smoked and grown the real Tahoe OGK clone only! It's DANK! Best Meds I've ever puffed on and that batch came from what swerve took to the cup a few years back! No i've never met Swerve but we have more than one mutual "friend", God I love So Cal! after we found out that he didn't win that year We were all calling BS on the cup!

bottom line Want real Tahoe? move to Cali! or get Cali Connect beans not some euro wanna be ohgee! OGK has been round for a while in Cali, and Cali Connect been working with REAL OGK longer than DF, BB, GHS
LMMFAO @ " euro wanna be ohgee!"


first off it's not your Godfather theme it's Mario Puzo & Francis Ford Coppola so who's ridding who's theme i guess you were not creative enough to create your own!
Bro stfu please cause all 12 of the seeds i have popped in 28 hours time. 6 i bought, and 6 were fuggin free so i have 0 complaint.


Well-Known Member
Hey Swerve,

Basically, I'm being accused of contacting you and telling you some things and, while there is no proof I did it, everyone has decided I have actually done this and chosen to jump all over me for it. Well I'm sick of it so I've decided screw it I might as well actually do it.

So here you go Swerve...check out The Seed Collectors Thread. It's a big thread so this is probably a good place to start. Or maybe here. Anyway wyteberrywidow is talking shit behind your back all up in that thread and accusing me of running and snitching to you about it. So there, now I actually did run and snitch to you about it.

there you go wbw, now you can actually say I ran and snitched.
Dude you're a straight up bitch. Everyone who has had a problem here has said it to his face. Sometimes he answers sometimes he changes the subject. I've asked him politely and rudely as to how BB got his cuts and he's changed his story a few times. Most of it disappeared when the site got haxored.

The point of this whole argument is that swerve has had issues with some of his product and hasn't come clean with some of his customers AND PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS. Just because were potheads doesn't make our decisions or money any less valuable and running a business like that makes us look bad. He has never come clean and jerkoffs like you defending him doesn't help his image either. If this happened in any other business restitution would have been given a long time ago and this situation and his rep would have remained good. A receipt should be enough instead of picture proof. Instead of sending all those freebies to attitude you should have flooded your unhappy customers with them.
Its not that hard to keep customers happy and loyalI if you run your business


Well-Known Member
what have i not come clean about since ur in the know???Bundee

my customers def get free gear and people with prob just goit to show me proof u got our gear not ur homies order..feel me i have honored reciepts


Well-Known Member
yeah trace the cut n tell me its real.. mine comes from chemdog so ....ask bodhi where his cut came from go ahead ask em all do the connectin of the dots urself and c.....kinda like apothecaries chem 91 aka sour d hybrid .......


Active Member
#3 baby the best one.. hehehehe
Don't you think you should mention that it is Bruce Banner #3 that you are using since there are 3 distinct phones of Bruce Banner? Ya know, to let people know which one it is that you are using.


Well-Known Member
i guess i should put the #3/// but its bruce banner #3 the best cut of the group... ahh maphisto needs a hobbie as well. might i suggest crochet for you ladies.. since you 4 seem to need panties... i figure you guys can make your own uncomfortable panties for each other.


Well-Known Member
i guess i should put the #3/// but its bruce banner #3 the best cut of the group... ahh maphisto needs a hobbie as well. might i suggest crochet for you ladies.. since you 4 seem to need panties... i figure you guys can make your own uncomfortable panties for each other.
Why cant you be professional and just answer without bitching.
You run to the mods but you cause half the banter yourself with this unprofessional shitty humour.
Were calling you out as a hermie hacker. You dont professionaly argue you just verbaly attack.
This is why I guess you cant answer
Swerve "I realy am a closset hacker that charges silly prices for nirvana like untested stuff, that a true breeder would bin or give away"


New Member
Why cant you be professional and just answer without bitching.
You run to the mods but you cause half the banter yourself with this unprofessional shitty humour.
Were calling you out as a hermie hacker. You dont professionaly argue you just verbaly attack.
This is why I guess you cant answer
Hahahah I find it funny how all the threads about swerve and his shitty gear get deleted. Not sure why they deleted my thread showing people what a grower he is. Hes the one who posed for hightimes sniffing a moldy bud. Keep crying and maybe they will delete these two. Swerve you reply to every post on here so its not like we are harassing you, simply calling you out on your lies and bullshit. Sorry if you don't like people who call balls and strikes, nothing more. Can you post a thread of your genetics other than your website that has positive results??