Club 600


Well-Known Member
nice one dro!

and don't forget, no spaces between bracket....and try not to break anything! lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Smoking some Cesspool, Thank You Fairy!!! tis very nice indeed. Kind of like a mellow kush, but with a full flavour. I oiled one of the plants and that's mind blasting! Muchas gracias por favor, el Fairio, lol.


Active Member
moved... last tuesday... have internet as of five minutes ago (first stop... lol... fuck facebook)... basement is not as grow worthy as i thought... i powerwashed the fuqer today... still in clean up mode... a bit of work to do... gonna lurk a bit... and then... back to the cleanup.

Where the hell is the like link?


Well-Known Member
Here's the instructions I made some time ago; when I was obviously stoned with nothing else to do, lol.


Well-Known Member
hehe, it's because its html code droman. when you have those brackets like that your post will always disappear. Thats why I done the instructions and then imported them as a pic, I said, I was bored.


Active Member
ok, when I have more time I will lurk... definately wanna say hello to my old friends... DST, afraw, bc99, bassman... just to name the few that are on this first page... cant wait to get back in the fold...

bout to vapo some of the PK that the original grower harvested last week... i'll tell ya... I'm glad I still have access to this strain... it is sooo yummy... I wanna cross it with Durban Poison... make a PK Poison... ugh... vapo temp is up... time to fly...

much love to my 600 pham... give me 2 weeks and I have some picture love...
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Active Member
Lol... figured I would vapo out my ball python and the feeder rat that he refuses to eat... maybe he'll get the munchies, and i can put the completely stoned, and totally chill rat into the tank with him, and he'll eat... we'll see... it definately got a response out of him, he went from hiding under his rock, to chillin at his water bowl... lol...


Active Member
WB camp!!

That looks like a menacing bowl there Worm
Thanks Bassman... its great to be back... now i really really am gonna go and start cleaning... i browsed a bit... and its just making me want to get growing... so much to do to be ready tho.

Quick shoutout to anyone growing in a basement...

Can you get back at me with hints / tips about moisture / mold / and pest maintanence? Basically... I had some fuzzy white mold, and a bit of black mold... with some fungusy yelllowish looking bubbled out growth on the brick add on... I have two crawl spaces in the basement... front and back, that will NOT be used. I have water seepage through the brick add on part of the basement, which is where I am planning on growing...

I have a dehumidifier and my ozone generator down there at the moment... I bleach sprayed and then power washed the walls and am working on the cleanup now. lots of piles of shit.

I assume after all this power washing and scraping I will have to re-seal the basement (looking for the cheapest brand sealer out there if you know of any...)

I'll get some pics up later tonight so you guys can see what I am dealing with, and toss out some idea's...


Well-Known Member
I grow in a hideous, horrible cellar. Right now, with the rapid spring we are having, my basement is out of control with moisture coming up through the floor (dirt, with 1/2 inch of deteriorated mortar on top) and the walls (4 foot thick concrete; why? I don't know) are drooling with moisture. I can run a dehumidifier all day and all night and it will have no impact. Once things even out again in a few weeks, I'll be running two portable air conditioners down there. They pull a lot of moisture out of the air and they push hot, humid air down a 4 inch cleanout into the city sewer system. This works very well, but, of course, is not free.

Since you have identified a portion of the basement that you want to use, you should wall it off, so you can concentrate your climate control efforts on that part.


Well-Known Member
Just mixed up 4 trash cans worth of Super Soil. Should be set for the summer.

Time to smoke a bowl and get BENT!


Well-Known Member
Think I am set for my night time jernt and bowl. Catch you guys and gals on the flip flop.
Peace DST