Twisted/Corkscrew leaves.


This plant is in the veg room. Can anyone tell me why the leaves are corkscrewed? They have been that way the entire life of the plant. Grown from seed.



Well-Known Member
I would agree that the plant as a whole looks healthy ,
There is no actual damage or mutation that i can see just twisting ,
I have seen it before with my G-Bomb clones and i put it down to genetics as not all the clones in the same area and mediums did this,
The outcome of the plants performance was not affected at all
You may be lucky :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah...usually a twist happens when there is something stressing out the roots, be it root bound, or too much water, or too little water, fungus gnats or root aphids, but this plant looks really good and just curly, so I say don't worry about it.


Active Member
this type of twisted growth is clear a P def check ph double check20% run off ph if in proper range if so add 20%flowering nutes minus 10N if ur going bud soon as lowerN =explosive bud set after 2nd week as long no crazy Ndef going on before (if so u went slightly to low)add 50 ppm N back in mix or u will yellow in week 4-5 roughly also u could folair feed with 50 ppm flowering nutes drop wettn agent for faster results ph spray 6.0 safe for both hydro/soil plants