Well-Known Member
So yesterday my buddy says he can get a ten strip for 50, so I buy it. Now I've eaten these blotters before, I knew for a fact they weren't LSD. But I ate them anyways because why not? They were pretty cool last time. Last time I ate one and had a good time, this time I ate 2, then one more later. Now when I put that last one on my tongue, it was completely unintelligent. I could barely see my hand in front of my face already, why take more? Well then, my friend had some synthetic weed. And remembering all the alst times smoking synthetic tripping(its normally beautiful) I just domed two one hitters of it and died.
Id never had a seizure before, I was terrified! I literally thought there was a piece of plastic lodged in my brain or something that was going to kill me. I felt like my brain was caving in on itself. Had I been thinking logically I wouldv'e known what it was due to process of elimination and calmed down a little bit. I told all my friends that I was around that I was going to die and that I was sorry that they had to witness such a terrible thing. I freaked them out very bad
I didn't mean too it was terrible.
Anyways I learned my lesson about synthetic weed finally. Aint smokin that shit anymore. EVERY single obnoxiously bad thing that has happened over the past couple years with anybody I know can be directly linked to the consumption of synthetic weed. Car wrecks.. "I think I'm going to die' sessions, actual DEATHS.
That shits just very terrible, and when smoking a lot of it on a research chemical.. Jesus Christ. I feel so stupid.
Anyways Ive been reading up on seizures, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, should I tell him about it? Why it happened? I feel like I shouldn't, but will it be beneficial if I do? He's an understanding person... I just hope something like that doesnt ever come back, Ive never been scared to my life to that extent.
Id never had a seizure before, I was terrified! I literally thought there was a piece of plastic lodged in my brain or something that was going to kill me. I felt like my brain was caving in on itself. Had I been thinking logically I wouldv'e known what it was due to process of elimination and calmed down a little bit. I told all my friends that I was around that I was going to die and that I was sorry that they had to witness such a terrible thing. I freaked them out very bad

Anyways I learned my lesson about synthetic weed finally. Aint smokin that shit anymore. EVERY single obnoxiously bad thing that has happened over the past couple years with anybody I know can be directly linked to the consumption of synthetic weed. Car wrecks.. "I think I'm going to die' sessions, actual DEATHS.
That shits just very terrible, and when smoking a lot of it on a research chemical.. Jesus Christ. I feel so stupid.
Anyways Ive been reading up on seizures, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, should I tell him about it? Why it happened? I feel like I shouldn't, but will it be beneficial if I do? He's an understanding person... I just hope something like that doesnt ever come back, Ive never been scared to my life to that extent.