anyone use human compost


Well-Known Member
you can use it. if its cooked out. id say the only benefit would be the minerals left. minerals from any animals that eat something are ready available to the plant. you dont have to wait tell it breaks down. humans eat more shit then any other animal and other animals i bet where full of mineralss.


Well-Known Member
ever heard of Milorganite? Processed sludge from the Minneapolis/St.Paul sewage sys. May contain some heavy metals.
However if you know industrial waste isn't in it, I would say it's safe....enough. I use dog, bat chicken, horse, goat...manures. Use what you have. If you're a fisherman, I couple of carcasses at the bottom of your hole is good. Just like the indigenous people taught the Pilgrims...


Active Member
Cow shit leaves a cow shit taste in your weed so I'm guessin human shit weed tastes like the bathroom when your done. Whoever said cows don't digest
their food well is way off, cows have four stomachs, why do you think their shit pile is called cow patties? I use horse apples, they don't leave a shitty taste in your weed.


Well-Known Member
I guess a human saying human waste is disgusting and cow shit isnt, is like the cow saying cow shit is disgusting and human shit isnt. lmao Fecal matter is all the same no matter how you look at it.
Its not the same stuff.

Cows eat grass. Their poo is mostly broken down cellulose and other plant products.

Humans eat meat with high protein content, tons of fat, plus some vegetable material. Humans can't even digest cellulose, so it comes right out molecularly the same way it came in.

The point is, cow poo is a FAR better fertilizer than human poo.

*CAN* you use human poo as fertilizer? Of course you can. People do, and have been doing so for all of human history. If that's all you've got, its going to work a lot better than nothing. Its just a question of which is the BEST fertilizer.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Yo Jogro, what world are you living in? Cows are fed grain. They should be eating grass though. Humans do eat meat, but an observation and comparison of their digestive systems show that a heavy plant based diet is more beneficial. It's the reason behind why the top nutritionists (well, that is a lie - all nutritionists) will say eat food, mostly plants, not too much.

Humanure is used the world over.

Have a look at these links.

Composting Toilet

Humanure Handbook

I'm vegan I don't have to worry about the shit that other people eat that goes into their faeces.


It is common in other countries to fertilize with human waste.... In Japan it is called "Midnight Soil"
lol thats a bunch of BS!!!!

using human waste as a compost is a discusting practice and usually only done by these modern day hippies. I saw a documentary on this and found out its a great way to spread and contact salmonella and all sorts of hepatitis especially if its an edible product like fruits and veg.



Well-Known Member
Cow shit leaves a cow shit taste in your weed so I'm guessin human shit weed tastes like the bathroom when your done. Whoever said cows don't digest
their food well is way off, cows have four stomachs, why do you think their shit pile is called cow patties? I use horse apples, they don't leave a shitty taste in your weed.
Manures don't make your weed taste like manure, that's the dumbest post Iv ever read, I award you zero points and may the lord have mercy on your soul.


Well-Known Member
lol thats a bunch of BS!!!!

using human waste as a compost is a discusting practice and usually only done by these modern day hippies.
"Disgusting" is subjective, but you're dead wrong that human waste is only used by "hippies":

Human Waste Used by 200 Million Farmers, Study Says

Tasha Eichenseher in Stockholm, Sweden
for National Geographic News
August 21, 2008
Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres (20 million hectares) of cropland, according to a new report—and it may not be a bad thing.
While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangers are eclipsed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food, the study authors say.

Nearly 200 million farmers in China, India, Vietnam, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America harvest grains and vegetables from fields that use untreated human waste.

Ten percent of the world's population relies on such foods, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
"There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers," said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study published by the Sri Lanka-based International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and released this week at the World Water Week conference in Stockholm, Sweden.


Well-Known Member
Yo Jogro, what world are you living in? Cows are fed grain. They should be eating grass though. Humans do eat meat, but an observation and comparison of their digestive systems show that a heavy plant based diet is more beneficial. It's the reason behind why the top nutritionists (well, that is a lie - all nutritionists) will say eat food, mostly plants, not too much.
I'm living "in the world" where all grains (ie cereals) are grasses.

I don't know about your world, but in "my world" wheat, corn, oats, rye, barely, and other plants you're probably going to feed your cow are all classified as grasses.

Also in "my world", the bulk of the feed given to cows (dairy and beef) consists of "forage" (which includes hay) and "silage", both of which are made primarily or entirely of the stems of grasses (not the seeds). In "my world" cows are, in fact, mostly subsisting on parts of these grasses that human beings cannot eat. In "my world" some grains may be given to cows as supplementation, but only a relatively small number of cows are actually getting all seeds/grains as the majority of their diets.

I've already indicated that human manure has been widely used as fertilizer for centuries.

Just because human waste poses increased infectious disease risk over other forms of fertiilzer doesn't mean that it can't be used safely or that it has no value whatsoever.

I'm vegan I don't have to worry about the shit that other people eat that goes into their faeces.
You only have to worry about the "shit" that goes into fertilizing the crops you eat!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by donutpunched
It is common in other countries to fertilize with human waste.... In Japan it is called "Midnight Soil"

lol thats a bunch of BS!!!!
Its not "BS" its "HS"!

Anyway to answer the ORIGINAL question, no, I've never used human waste in my garden.

If I were dirt poor, or had no access to other fertilizers, then it might make sense to deal with smell, infection risk, etc, and use unprocessed human waste as fertilizer. But fortunately, I'm not in that situation.

Now, if I were interested in growing organically, AND I had what amounted to a free source of appropriately treated/processed human manure, as referred to in the original post, then I would definitely consider it. But again, that doesn't apply to me.

And just to be clear here, obviously, growing in manure doesn't make your plants smell/taste like manure. Plenty of gardeners use horse manure, cow manure, guanos, etc, as fertilizers in their organic gardens and their plants turn out great.


Well-Known Member
fecal matter is not fecal matter. it is dependant on what the shitter eats, humans consume meat so our shit is riddled with bacteria and other things that will make you sick. cow shit is composed of plant matter. there is a huge difference.
I made this point earlier (that cows eat grass and humans eat all kinds of things), therefore the respective wastes contain different things.

But just to be clear here, cow poo isn't exactly sterile. Not only is it chock full of bacteria too, it can contain all kinds of organisms that are potentially harmful to humans, including enterohemorrhagic E. Coli, Listeria, Salmonella, mycobacteria, and various parasites.

Here is a nice quick overview: