When I had the closet set-up I used a 250 watt MH. The heat was controllable but high.
you used a MH the whole way through? How did that turn out? I have read that using a MH the whole way through gives you light fluffy buds. If you switch to a hps for flowering it would be better and give you more dense buds (just from what i read)
Here is my plan- i am going to grow 3 plants in a 5x5 area. I will buy a cheap door and put the other one(landlords) under my bed for the time being. I will cut an intake hole at the bottom of the door and a exhaust at the top. I guess from what i understand from your knowledge is that the fans will be inside of the closet so when viewed from outside(in bedroom) it looks like a couple of fans inside the closet connected to holes haha. I am not quite sure what you mean by covering the holes up. If i covered the holes up for a more stealthier grow wouldn't that get in the way of the jobs of the exhaust and intake? Oh wait wait i think i get what you mean. The Ducting will be inside of the closet connected to the fans so the only thing one would see when looking into the closet holes would be the inside of ducting. I probably wont need an intake fan though, just an exhaust.
Dude thanks a lot your awesome. Thanks to everyone, i cannot wait to get experience under my belt to help others.