Too hot?


Well-Known Member
Hey im thinkin my greenhouse gets way too hot for plants in the summer, im not even exagerating when i say it gets 120 degrees easy in the summer, should i put a fan in it or what?


Well-Known Member
ya man put a fan in forsure get some air flow in that bitch wanna keep it below 90 degrees..


Well-Known Member
my greenhouse also gets very hot. not hot enough for long enough to hurt my plants...YET. i am very interested in any info lent on the subject of greenhouse ventilation.


Well-Known Member
crickey i get days hotter than that in summer,yep it gets to 50 - 54 celsius (hottest day this year).
and i grow outside..:hump:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For someone with a greenhouse, you haven't done you homework. Without proper vetilation, it's a rott house... I'd first decide the general direction the wind blows in the summer. Here, it's from the south. I'd put one inflow fan fairly low on the south side (to get the coolest breeze, and high exhaust fan on the North side. Place pea gravel on the floor, & water down with cool water to decrease temp. An auto timer that kicks in at aboutt 88 degrees would be nice. The plants has to have a breeze on them, also. An ocolationg fan is a must, also. Black mesh over the top allows enough sunlite, but helps the temp problem.