Hydo problem, any help?


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Ok so my plants vegged to long. My NFT Tube was never meant to support a 6' plant that is about that size around too. Today my biggest girl fell into the tube. She is right now sitting on top of her upstream sister's roots! These plants are 8 weeks in flower come Monday. You can see her neighbors. So do I chop her down? She broke a lot of everyone elses branches etc.......


Here is a picture of one of her colas she has about 5 others that are almost identical to this.. The trichomes are mostly cloudy but no amber so cutting her now will it make it a total loss? Question if I take her down do I take ALL of them down or just her? I have clones waiting for the light so should I just cut my loss because these got to big and move the light to the smaller clones or do I cut her down and try to take the others to finish?


I'm so depressed over this. Thanks in advance for any help.


Well-Known Member
well that plant is fucking gorgeous for one, maby just do a semi-harvest? trim the lower third of the plant (no more than 50% of the plant), might help to reduce the pressure on the roots.
if you cannot move it all then id just cut it down, because in the nft type system the roots are long and intertwined. not going to be able to pull 1 plant away without effecting the others that share its nutrient film.


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Staff member
Well thank you. She certainly was gorgeous, her name was Rodan. Oh I could cry. There's no really trimming her I don't think because the net pot she was in disintegrated when I tried to pull it back up. So she either all stays or all goes. She can't sit there on her sister's roots She has three more sisters in the tube who I'd like to get 2 more weeks out of :( I would LOVE to have gotten 2 more out of her but she's done now. So it's either remove just her or remove all of them. I don't see anyway around it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'm not understanding why you'd cut it down? What's the perceived risk of letting it run a while longer?


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Her net pot fell into the tube. So now I have her entire weight sitting on her upstream sister's roots. Plus she's no longer standing up she's laying on her upstream sister and when I found her this morning she was laying on the plant downstream. So besides her negative impact on her neighbors roots she's also stealing their light and she's broken a lot of her branches, and her neighbors branches. Oh and with her weight on them she could drive her neighbors into the tube finishing them too. I just thought about that! So I don't think I have a choice, there's no way to hold her up.

I think the least damage is to chop her and try to take the other girls the rest of the way. But if I try and take her longer I think I may cost the entire grow.


Active Member
anyway to tie some string to her and nail it to the wall to hold her up inplace and upright? I would think you could find a nice branch wrap string around it and the stock and tie it up aginest a all or somthing. For a couple weeks Id think it could work.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
anyway to tie some string to her and nail it to the wall to hold her up inplace and upright? I would think you could find a nice branch wrap string around it and the stock and tie it up aginest a all or somthing. For a couple weeks Id think it could work.
She's right under the reflector. I have a gigantic XXXL8 reflector. I wonder if I could somehow tie her to the reflector. Problem is I am short and my arms and legs don't move well from neural injury so I'm not sure I'm capable of it, but maybe. Thank you, now to think.

Hey Cannabineer is that chop Rodan or chop everyone?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Her net pot fell into the tube. So now I have her entire weight sitting on her upstream sister's roots. Plus she's no longer standing up she's laying on her upstream sister and when I found her this morning she was laying on the plant downstream. So besides her negative impact on her neighbors roots she's also stealing their light and she's broken a lot of her branches, and her neighbors branches. Oh and with her weight on them she could drive her neighbors into the tube finishing them too. I just thought about that! So I don't think I have a choice, there's no way to hold her up.

I think the least damage is to chop her and try to take the other girls the rest of the way. But if I try and take her longer I think I may cost the entire grow.
If there is no apparent damage to the buds I would suggest finding a way to prop the plant up and let it go as long as you can. You're not going to wake up tomorrow and have all the buds ruined. But if you chop it you definitely do that. It's almost finished, but it's clearly not there yet. Any more time you can get to let the buds ripen a little bit more will do wonders for the quality of the bud and your yield.

IMO - Try to prop it up and let it ride a while longer unless you notice damage to the buds. I don't see an advantage of chopping it yet. I just see that as ruining what will be a lot of very good bud if you chop it in a week or two.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
anyway to tie some string to her and nail it to the wall to hold her up inplace and upright? I would think you could find a nice branch wrap string around it and the stock and tie it up aginest a all or somthing. For a couple weeks Id think it could work.
I 100% agree.


Well-Known Member
Build a sturdy pvc pipe frame around the stalk of the fallen plant. Make the frame very sturdy. Then get lots and lots of cotton string and wind it around that trunk (it's a big woody trunk that can take handling)-- rig multiple cotton ties to the main stalk and tie them to the sturdy pvc frame you just built. That might support it just enough. That's what I would try if I took a plant that long.

Use weights, phone books, anything heavy to anchor the base of the pvc frame to the floor and tie, tie, tie. Harvest early only the broken branches that will not continue to grow. You can do it!


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Build a sturdy pvc pipe frame around the stalk of the fallen plant. Make the frame very sturdy. Then get lots and lots of cotton string and wind it around that trunk (it's a big woody trunk that can take handling)-- rig multiple cotton ties to the main stalk and tie them to the sturdy pvc frame you just built. That might support it just enough. That's what I would try if I took a plant that long.

Use weights, phone books, anything heavy to anchor the base of the pvc frame to the floor and tie, tie, tie. Harvest early only the broken branches that will not continue to grow. You can do it!
YES that would do it I can build a PVC cage and tie her. I was thinking I'd rather sacrifice her than her 3 sisters but putting that PVC cage around her then tying her to that just might work~


Well-Known Member
YES that would do it I can build a PVC cage and tie her. I was thinking I'd rather sacrifice her than her 3 sisters but putting that PVC cage around her then tying her to that just might work~
It's simple logic, really. You went through all that trouble and took your grow this far, what's a little more effort? Yeah, a full-blown pvc cage would be even better than a simple square frame. Now you're thinking... A more elaborate cage might even help with the other plants as well.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
YES that would do it I can build a PVC cage and tie her. I was thinking I'd rather sacrifice her than her 3 sisters but putting that PVC cage around her then tying her to that just might work~
I'd definitely wait for evidence of damage to any buds before I chopped anything down. I'm not convinced that it's going to hurt your other plants if you can attempt to fix the problem a little. As long as the rest of your plants are that close to finishing as well, I'd call it low risk to try and fix the problem before taking drastic actions.

Even if you do chop that plant and try to pull it out, you still risk damaging the roots of the other plants. I don't think you'll gain anything by pulling it now. If this was one week into flowering, I'd say pull it, but now, I'd say make the best of it.


Ursus marijanus
She's right under the reflector. I have a gigantic XXXL8 reflector. I wonder if I could somehow tie her to the reflector. Problem is I am short and my arms and legs don't move well from neural injury so I'm not sure I'm capable of it, but maybe. Thank you, now to think.

Hey Cannabineer is that chop Rodan or chop everyone?
Just Rodan. Let Gojira, Mothra and Anguirus live ... cn


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Staff member
Ok I built a cage for Rodan. Next comes the sling to lower cows in to feed her. I put a collar on her and along with her lower branches and nubs it holds her up. 1" PVC built a tight cage for her. I'm going to lose some of her buds but NOT all of them. I'll still get all her top colas. I then put another cage in the bathtub for the lateral branches to rest on. Some broke but they didn't snap off they are just floppy. I'm thinking they may die but I can remove them later if they do. I then tied everybody else up to Rodan's cage and to the light! Here's the images:


I think this will probably get me through the next 2 weeks but we'll see. But every day they go longer is better. Sheesh here I thought I was in the home stretch and nothing else could go wrong. Wow what did I know.

Thank you guys for the cage idea, bigz2277, kjac, lordjin, Dan, bear, bless you guys for helping me.


Well-Known Member
Ok I built a cage for Rodan. Next comes the sling to lower cows in to feed her. I put a collar on her and along with her lower branches and nubs it holds her up. 1" PVC built a tight cage for her. I'm going to lose some of her buds but NOT all of them. I'll still get all her top colas. I then put another cage in the bathtub for the lateral branches to rest on. Some broke but they didn't snap off they are just floppy. I'm thinking they may die but I can remove them later if they do. I then tied everybody else up to Rodan's cage and to the light! Here's the images:

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I think this will probably get me through the next 2 weeks but we'll see. But every day they go longer is better. Sheesh here I thought I was in the home stretch and nothing else could go wrong. Wow what did I know.

Thank you guys for the cage idea.
You guys? It was my idea! Lol. :D

And thanks for doing it! It's exactly how I pictured it when I described it to you. Well done!


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Staff member
Thanks lordjin yes you said cage LOL Dan concurred and said prop her up and kjac said to somehow prop her up. So the consensus was to keep going instead of chopping I keep wondering if bear had ulterior motives (concentrate) LOL :) but nah cause Bigz2277 was thinking trim her too. Probably should have taken off more branches she's pretty tight in that cage but I imagine I'll have to prune some branches out of that. Better wait to see if the branches that got bend die. It would be terrible if I trimmed branches then other ones I didn't trim off died. So I'll wait. Plus building that cage, crawling all around those plants and tied everyone up was a LOT of work!

I'm probably looking at chopping off some bits and pieces as we go but to get all those colas to maturity is the goal and I think you guys helped me over this hurdle, hoo ray!


Well-Known Member
Thanks lordjin yes you said cage LOL Dan concurred and said prop her up and kjac said to somehow prop her up. So the consensus was to keep going instead of chopping I keep wondering if bear had ulterior motives (concentrate) LOL :) but nah cause Bigz2277 was thinking trim her too. Probably should have taken off more branches she's pretty tight in that cage but I imagine I'll have to prune some branches out of that. Better wait to see if the branches that got bend die. It would be terrible if I trimmed branches then other ones I didn't trim off died. So I'll wait. Plus building that cage, crawling all around those plants and tied everyone up was a LOT of work!

I'm probably looking at chopping off some bits and pieces as we go but to get all those colas to maturity is the goal and I think you guys helped me over this hurdle, hoo ray!
If it's just bent and not broken, tie it up... it'll keep growing and it'll get even bigger than before it got bent.


Ursus marijanus
Thanks lordjin yes you said cage LOL Dan concurred and said prop her up and kjac said to somehow prop her up. So the consensus was to keep going instead of chopping I keep wondering if bear had ulterior motives (concentrate) LOL :) but nah cause Bigz2277 was thinking trim her too. Probably should have taken off more branches she's pretty tight in that cage but I imagine I'll have to prune some branches out of that. Better wait to see if the branches that got bend die. It would be terrible if I trimmed branches then other ones I didn't trim off died. So I'll wait. Plus building that cage, crawling all around those plants and tied everyone up was a LOT of work!

I'm probably looking at chopping off some bits and pieces as we go but to get all those colas to maturity is the goal and I think you guys helped me over this hurdle, hoo ray!
I tried to read this post but had trouble concentrating. ~grin~

obtw Nice save!! ^Like.^ cn