Fuck Me


Active Member
Ok... so after reading all of this, I am still as confused as I was at the beginning.

You're telling me there are no witnesses, or video of the guy rushing you... and you've been charged by the police for self-defense, against a probably known gang banger?

Something really doesn't make sense.

I would guess the charge isn't for the self defense it is prolly gunna be something like self-defense with excessive force or self-defense with deadly force and possibly an amendment to the charges of attempted manslaughter. Have had several buddies get both of these charges for fights with civilians in the past year


Active Member
still either way have an uncle that is a master and I be damned if I would fuck with that old ass devil dog they like to bite without a whole lot of growling


Global Moderator
Staff member
Damn BB, at 53 your' supposed to be livin the good life, not scrapping like a teenager.
Give Red a pat on the ass, split a beer with the pooches & don't forget to breath.

Here's mine.


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
He approached the wrong car clearly. I tend to be more prone to shooting people that rip my door open and come at me and my lady. Fighting is a waste of time and some people make bad choices. Just don't make me that choice. I stick to my own business. So stick to yours. Plus most people where I'm from like to fight individuals with groups. And often have a blunt object of sorts. Tap one and then that .45 let's out another bark or 2 and people tend to think twice. Knowing my luck...I'd end up shot by the cops. They shoot more people here then anyone else...its fucking pathetic.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
where the hell did this occur with no security footage? doesn't the market know what year it is? i am so fucking glad tweaks are minorities here. if i could offer a tip for the future, keeping a sports/boating air horn in your car really works wonders. tooted at close range it will stun the fuck out of anyone long enough to get a shot in or make an escape. and if the cops find it they won't do shit.


Well-Known Member
Yup, right in the pooch.

Then Fuck me again.

God damn tweaking gangbangers. Mothafuckas.

I cannot believe the audacity and the stupidity of some of the people we let wander the streets. Just spent the last couple of hours with LEO's up here. Over some dumbass that took a run at me and the redheaded wonder while we were parked at the general store. This asshat comes charging into the parking lot in a fricking pickup weaving and screeching his tires and stops about 6 inches from the passenger door of the benz. With his brights on. Gets out and starts to give me a mouthful of crap then comes and yanks my freaking door open. What in the fuckity fuck fuck world is going on? We just bought groceries! I have no clue who he is and he's got the banger tat's and tude.

Jaysus P Mahoney!

Now this ass is on the ground and bleeding like a stuck pig and CRYING. People come pouring out
wanting to know what the hell happened. I asked for someone to dial up security and the po-po.

Leo's roll up, ambulance pulls in and starts working on the douchebag.

Johnny Law 1 pulls me over to the side and the questions start coming. Told him when my door got yanked open I came out and tapped douchebag twice. End of story. Johnny Law 2 starts to go into my car. I object. Loudly. Johnny 1 decides I'm a threat and cuffs me up. Red tells #2 no consent, call our attorney, not going in the vehicle. Red gets cuffed. Fuckity.

After a couple hours of fuckity fuck they come in and tell me this schmuck was life flighted out. My attorney still has not shown up and they want answers. What the fuck ya gonna do? I'm soiling my best sunday shorts. They got me by the short ones. (yeah, I did it.) And just when they start to put some heat on about Red, and I'd better let them yada yada, in walks Golden Boy.

Find a God damned good attorney. Give him a nice fat, and I mean a FAT retainer. The kind of retainer that he'll break away from family on Mothers day and drive 180 miles round trip to save my-your ass.

This rodeo started about 1 pm. Got home at 9.

Fuckity FUCK FUCK. I moved to the mountains to avoid this kind of shite! FUCK!

Fuck me running sideways through a doughnut hole. Twice.

I'm gonna get stoned.



Boomer! What a bunch of shit dude. Why the hell are you getting cuffed for somebody threatening you and defending yourself? I hope this is working out for you man.


Well-Known Member
Christ, I always have something incriminating. Stupid laws. No stash though.

And fer chrissakes I'm an old guy, 53. Clan of the Jar-Jars but crap, 53.

Closed his throat on the first. I fucked up and palmed his nose up on the second. That's causing trouble.

like I said, no clue to who the clown was. Came right outta left field. I had just put bags of groceries in the trunk and got in the damn car.

Red's pissed cause I got some wine colored stains on a new shirt and ruined it. And after all the bullshit she sat through she says I should have

Well, that's a Redheads thinking, not mine.

Got to be some real bad drugs or booze floating around for this kind of shit to happen.

Leo's on the scene believed I used some kind of weapon. I was not carrying, nor did I use any weapons.

30 seconds earlier while in the trunk? Let's just say a new windshield would have been the very least of his problems.

I had a couple of Digital SLR's and Point and shoots in the car, Red's got that damn ring on her finger.

I thought I was getting jacked, or at least robbed.

No, I'm not a boxer. Was just yer good ol' fashioned 03 fer 30. A Grunt. Three Up. Four Down. Lil' Diamond in the middle.

This whole dealio got my bp up to 170 over 80. I need to relax and bake.

I'm working on being a nice guy, really, I am. That counting to ten thingy is supposed to help but it ain't. I cheat and count by 5's.

Fuck me.
you took it easy on that guy first sargent.
the cops should realise this, say thanks for your service and carry the fuck on.

by the way, i almost called you sgt major till i remembered about the diamond.


Well-Known Member
I just saw how old this thread was.....the OP's writings were less understandable than a conversation with a tweeker. I wanted to reply but was at a loss for words.....Sure hope he didn't kill the guy. Never fuck with a guy who is trained to kill you with his bare hands and have no remorse. This is why I carry a gun everywhere.

What a fucked up day!


Active Member
Are they trying to file any specific charges against you? Or is that all still being determined?

I would argue that you had every right to believe you were going to be the victim of a car jacking/robbery.
wow, old thread... But I wouldn't be surprised if that gangbanger took control and had time to think, OP would be in the trunk murdered and Red would later be raped & murdered. Guy drops like that, you better bug out fast. Better never having to deal with the police, even when in the right.