Best Bucket to use..


I guess ill give a little backround first; Ill be growing indoors, i have a room dedicated to vegging and one for flowering there both about 10x10, I know the more transplanting the more you could shock or hurt your plants so im figuring after the clones are big enough for the veg lighting im gonna put them in there final resting spot. My question is what type of bucket should it be; size, color etc...I obviously want the most I could fit in the space but i want healthy plants that arnt root bound. You think 3 gal is big enough or should they be 5 gallons, should they be black on the outside or white, what about the inside(does it matter). Specific name brands would be great.. Links to cheap perfect buckets would be even better.. thanks:joint:


Well-Known Member
all honestly bro id say 5 gal, im regretting it now because i have mine in 3 gal and thinking maybe root bound! and im in 2 weeks of flower and dont know if i can transplant!?!


Well-Known Member
Mmm, I've never seen a name-brand bucket. My local shop sells 3 5 and 8 gallon buckets in black with lids. You definitely want black to prevent algae growth in your buckets. Any 5 gallon dark colored bucket will work great.


Well-Known Member
Mmm, I've never seen a name-brand bucket. My local shop sells 3 5 and 8 gallon buckets in black with lids. You definitely want black to prevent algae growth in your buckets. Any 5 gallon dark colored bucket will work great.
At least don't get something clear. I do have a few white 3 gal I use for small plants and they still work good. the key is light kills roots


Global Moderator
Staff member
I like the looks of that one Grandpa - I use 4 gallon laundry detergent buckets - rectangular so they nest nicely in their tupperware tubs.
Oh, and I've used these for years with never an algea problem.
I often even double up on plants for more fun.

B 24 Mar (8).jpg

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
They are 6.4 gallons. It's great. Lots of room for extra soil for extra growth up wards! I got mine on Amazon.