trayvan martin

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I brought this point up several times in this thread and just gets ignored. Zimmerman had no affiliation with any neighborhood watch nor was he trained in the neighborhood watch program. If he had been trained he wouldn't have had a gun and wouldn't have pursued him. Travyon would still be alive. Zimmerman acted on his own as a vigilante. There is absolutely no basis for self-defense in this case. The Sanford Police fucked up like they usually do and it blew up in their faces. Zimmerman should have been arrested. He should have had a background check and there should have been evidence gathered. None of that happened. Instead they drug tested and did a background check on the child he killed. Both of which came up clean. Zimmerman, on the other hand, has a history of violence including assaulting an officer as well as a history 911 calls (over 50) with most of them being about suspicious black males. This was not self-defense.
OK. I will respond. Where do you get the info that Zimmer was not part of the local neighborhood watch? It is reported in news accounts that he was.

You say Trayvon came up clean on the drug tests. The news is reporting today that he was suspended from school for having a bag of weed. If that is true, then it seems likely that Trayvon would test positive for cannabis. What are you basing your assertion on?

According to my reading of the SYG law, it sure looks like Zimmer is shielded from prosecution.


Active Member
Who made this guy the Captain of the Neighborhood Watch ??? What type of training did he receive to do this???? Who gave him the right to demand that anyone answer his questions???? Why did Zimmerman get out the car after he was told not to follow. Martin had just as much right to walk around as Zimmerman.
I brought this point up several times in this thread and just gets ignored. Zimmerman had no affiliation with any neighborhood watch nor was he trained in the neighborhood watch program. If he had been trained he wouldn't have had a gun and wouldn't have pursued him. Travyon would still be alive. Zimmerman acted on his own as a vigilante. There is absolutely no basis for self-defense in this case. The Sanford Police fucked up like they usually do and it blew up in their faces. Zimmerman should have been arrested. He should have had a background check and there should have been evidence gathered. None of that happened. Instead they drug tested and did a background check on the child he killed. Both of which came up clean. Zimmerman, on the other hand, has a history of violence including assaulting an officer as well as a history 911 calls (over 50) with most of them being about suspicious black males. This was not self-defense.
Actually if you would quit jumping to conclusions you would find out zimmerman complete neighborhood watch class.He wasn't a "self-proclaimed" watch captain he was voted in by the Home owners association.The Neighborhood watch did have affilaition with his local PD infact they had monthly meetings with police.Zimmerman does not have a criminal record.He has never been convicted of a crime.As far as him having a gun, he was not on patrol that night.He spotted skittles when he was on a personal errand.Also note that 1 of the 911 callers when asked if she heard or seen anything else suspicious she said "I heard some people talking outside and i thought thats weird why would anyone be outside its pouring rain." The same reason zimmerman said when asked about the suspicious activity.


Well-Known Member
There are 27 in the EU, I was wrong before, there are 44 sovereign states.

Edit: 50 if you're counting Kazakhstan, Monaco, the Vatican, and other "not really countries, or not really in Europe"
They don't count unless they join the Federal EU SuperState, but that's for a different time ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude, Trayvon was bigger than Zimmerman. This is a fact.
no, he wasn't.

taller? sure. bigger? nope.

like i said though, it doesn't matter. mr. no-limits-nigga brought this on himself, you convinced me. damn kid should not be thugging around. killing him was a necessary right, and doing it without getting a drop of blood on yourself is patently bad ass.

props to zimmerman for making the world a better place.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
wow, it got ugly in here overnight.

clearly, trayvon brought this one on himself by looking so damn thuggish. i mean, his twitter handle was "no limits nigga", and zimmerman had to have known that!

zimmerman was a saint, doing what was right by mowing down this kid for having the audacity to be so gangster-y in his nice, quiet little neighborhood. it was a necessary right, as some have said.

and no, race had nothing to do with all this. clearly zimmerman was cursing a series of brooms, or spoons.

we need more zimmermans in this world to take out the scum.

trayvon had no right to feel threatened by a man nearly twice his size following him by vehicle and then on foot. that is no reason to defend yourself.

i really like how zimmerman was so close to trayvon and had no possible way to escape this nigger thug, yet was able to shoot him without getting a single drop of blood on himself. nifty!

i have been "healed" by the mini-zimmermans on this thread. clearly i was not seeing this right at all.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery ;-).


Well-Known Member
True story, martin was a brute man.
yep, he was just asking to be killed.

zimmerman, by provoking the situation and then killing him, was doing a necessary right.

after all, imagine how bad a world this place would be if martin simply went home and ate his skittles.

that thought disgusts me. i'm so glad zimmerman took out this brute thug.


Well-Known Member
no, he wasn't.

taller? sure. bigger? nope.

like i said though, it doesn't matter. mr. no-limits-nigga brought this on himself, you convinced me. damn kid should not be thugging around. killing him was a necessary right, and doing it without getting a drop of blood on yourself is patently bad ass.

props to zimmerman for making the world a better place.
Stop being such a drama-queen, nobody is saying he deserved to die or that the right decisions were made, we're trying to logically and unbiasedly make educated guesses as to what occurred that night.

Stop getting so butt-hurt, you're acting like a noob, what have you got against Hispanic people anyways?


Well-Known Member
yep, he was just asking to be killed.

zimmerman, by provoking the situation and then killing him, was doing a necessary right.

after all, imagine how bad a world this place would be if martin simply went home and ate his skittles.

that thought disgusts me. i'm so glad zimmerman took out this brute thug.
I know especially when pounding in zimm for his No Limitz Nigga attitude, and was beating a bus driver up weeks earlier. Thug Life!
Zimm simply approached and then got violently beaten, martin was shot so zimm could protect his own demise.


Well-Known Member
If having a bag of weed makes you a hardcore criminal gangster..then damn I'm gangster as fuck and need to be locked away


Well-Known Member
I know especially when pounding in zimm for his No Limitz Nigga attitude, and was beating a bus driver up weeks earlier. Thug Life!
Zimm simply approached and then got violently beaten, martin was shot so zimm could protect his own demise.
after he was told not to approach and not to follow..thats whats going to get Mr.Zimmerman in jail


Well-Known Member
With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel.
That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.
Zimmerman has not spoken publicly about what happened, but that night, Feb. 26, and in later meetings he described and re-enacted for police what he says happened.
In his version of events, he had turned around and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from behind, the two exchanged words then Trayvon punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground, and began beating him.
Zimmerman told police he shot the teenager in self-defense.


Well-Known Member
After repeated claims that I and NLSX are racists and that "we started all the talk of race" in this thread I decided to tediously go back and scan the thread from the beginning to see where it really started.

First real reference to "race" as an issue in this thread, posted on page 11 of the thread. The honors go to LondonFog.
asking if he said a racial epithet is clarifying the facts of the case, not bringing race into this in an ugly way.

By page 13, Unclebuck has picked up on the coon meme. Still no reference to race by either of UB's usual suspects, desert dude and NLSX
again, just stating a fact of the case. not bringing race into this in an ugly way

UB again with the race angle on page 13 by UB. desert dude and NLSX have still not taken that bait.
again, mentioning the fact that zimemrman said "fucking coons" is not race baiting, it is simply stating a fact of the case.

Judgment call on my part, but Mixedmelody seems to be bringing the racial angle into question on page 14. Still no reference to the noted racists, desert dude and NLSX...
how dare mixedmelody mention that the officers identified everyone by race. so ugly. not really, you're just grasping at straws.

Page 14... Unclebuck is working up his racial animosity...

Still no reference to race by desert dude or NLSX...
all i did was state that we know he said fucking coons, which would make this a hate crime. no race baiting, just reporting of the facts.

Page 17... Canna Sylvan getting obviously annoyed at the suggestions of a racial angle.

Still no racist comments from the obvious racists, desert dude and NXSL... Maybe it is time to revoke their KKK cards?
canna is correcting mixedmelody on the race of zimmerman, no baiting, just clarification of facts.

Page 17...

NLXS finally takes the bait...
NLXSK did not take any bait, none existed.

he does a race bait by stating that "because the victim is black, it must be a hate crime now, and it's dubya's fault"

up until that point we were engaged in mundane discussion of the facts of the case. NLXSK comes in there and introduces races in an ugly way.

you don't seem to get the difference between discussing the facts and taunting.


Well-Known Member
after he was told not to approach and not to follow..thats whats going to get Mr.Zimmerman in jail
He wasnt TOLD not to, the Cop said "we don't need you to do that". He's still a free citizen, he can approach whom-ever the fuck he wants.