Why is all the acid gone?!


Well-Known Member
That was a pretty rambling presentation by that woman, but I think she's essentially correct.

In a nutshell, the reason why LSD is scarce (though not entirely gone) now is because there have never been very many people making it for commercial sale, and the biggest single manufacturer, the one who had been for many years making the bulk of the world's supply, got busted about ten years ago and has never been replaced. Few people are making it, and therefore supplies are limited.

To expand on this a bit more, LSD contrary to popular belief, is quite a technically demanding chemical to synthesize, and on top of it, the raw ergot-derived ingredients that serve as the precursor base for synthesis aren't all that easy to come by, requiring smuggling from foreign countries and a bunch of "creative paperwork".

Though there are any number of chemists in the world that possess the technical skill to do the synthesis (or at least to learn how to do it), the number of them *willing* to do it is pretty small, and the number willing to turn themselves into professional drug dealers to create a consistent commercial supply is vanishingly small.


Well-Known Member
Lucy just called me, said she's in town. :)

But yeah, I had my first hardcore boomer experience recently... Holy god. I feel like LSD is easier on me and not as hard of a body load. I got terrible cold sweats, then straight to a hot flash and back. Amazing time, but a little much for me.


Well-Known Member
LSD use started to decline in 95 according to the DEA's own data. The busted Pickard 6 years later, and admit he wasn't even cooking in '00. How is his bust responsible for that? '95 makes Jerry's death and the end of dead tour a better reason. Or a massive conversion of labs to making MDMA. Safrole is much easier to get than ergotamine. Or just that drug using trends had changed.


Well-Known Member
If I was still with my same ol' group of friends. Then I would really be into lucy. But since i'm usually alone. Shrooms are the main.


Well-Known Member
Lucy just called me, said she's in town. :)

But yeah, I had my first hardcore boomer experience recently... Holy god. I feel like LSD is easier on me and not as hard of a body load. I got terrible cold sweats, then straight to a hot flash and back. Amazing time, but a little much for me.
I haven't seen her anywhere. I've been looking for her as well.


Active Member
Last I seen it lsd was 99 and the quality was shit besides the fact it was 20 a hit. With the green movement gathering up steam shrooms should get easier to find. Me myself would rather grow them so I have my own supply and no worries about tracking them down or the po po. I have not done shrooms but just started my first grow of penis envy so soon I will fall off the face of the earth for a few hours and explore the realm again.


Well-Known Member
Even where I'm located it could be tough to find shrooms. They are few and far between.
That's why you gotta grow your own man. I can count on one hand the amount of times mushrooms were around in my hometown when I was a teenager/early 20's. They were always crap anyway. Now I got the opposite problem.


Well-Known Member
Pickard was not the only guy making acid. Do you all really think the DEA could shut down the production of a popular drug? Even by accident? The legal RC market has pulled a lot of talent from the production side.


Active Member
Pickard was not the only guy making acid. Do you all really think the DEA could shut down the production of a popular drug? Even by accident? The legal RC market has pulled a lot of talent from the production side.
MrEDuck has a point.

Hmmm... Should I go with the logistical nightmare of manufacturing and distributing the blatantly illegal LSD or go with a substance that is simpler to synthesize, has obscure precursors, is more stable (LSD has a crap shelf-life,) and is perfectly legal as long as you don't advertise it as "for human consumption?"


Well-Known Member
Pickard wasn't making it,the professor was,pickard got picked up in a uhaul leaving the silo with 14lbs of the precurser to make lsd, then snitched the prof. Out,then after fleeing drugged his ex and friend and tourtured them..THAT'S why he's in prison..there's a lot of L around,you need to know some family or run across them on a tour..try going to a decent festival (not BUNKaroo) like the GOTV or allgood..know this thread was started by a guy in alaska,but places like that or a rave (drumn n bass or jungle partys usually) will usually prov8ide you with an oportunity,and of course further shows,dead shows,phish etc. Are usually a good start..fuck mushrooms,who wants to yawn all night and not see the light!?! Be good family.peace.


Well-Known Member
Ok in my defense I'm dyslexic,pickard was busted but HE was snitched out by a fat bald sadist that I can't remember his name...but that guy was the tortureer..there's a post on a site that has a plaintiff plea from this assholes ex revealing all the bad stuff this guy did (besides snitchin) and if I can find it ill post the link..the whole case is a fuckin soap opera,especially with what happened after...even a poor dea agent supposedly got a hefty 10,000 hit dose by touching equipment (please let that happen to me)..there's tons of info about it in detail on the net just look..what it boils down to is over a third of the WORLDS supply was busted..and a lot of people have suffered for it...