
Well-Known Member
I seriously dont think the world is coming to an end like Timmahh and Joe Cain.

I told Joe a couple months ago that he is a fear monger that seeks attention. Nothing bad will pass the 3/4 vote, count on it.


Well-Known Member
Every law, when first voted in, is vague. Every law is then amended. Cannabis will be no different. Timmahh, you just want to fight for fighting's sake. I've read the bills, not just the titles. If you want to help shape the way the med law gets amended, and amended it will be, then pick battles that make sense.

To simply scream that no changes should be made, is a cry of ignorance. Any state rep would laugh at you and dismiss you as a zealot.

How can you argue with a picture on your ID?
So what if cannabis has to be transported in the trunk. Explain to me why you need it in the passenger cabin.
Sentencing guidelines are legitimate for any crime..and selling cannabis outside of the medical limitations is a crime.

That leaves "bonafide" Dr patient relationship. As you pointed out, the 3 Dr's you spoke to couldn't work with that restriction. OH That's right, they were CERTIFICATION Doctors...the same motel room Dr's I mentioned.
Yes, it would make it more difficult for patients to conform...it would also put the fly by night $200 certifies your hangnail as legitimate motel room Dr's, and considerably slow the issuance of cards to people with no real medical condition that qualifies.

Do you honestly believe the "will of the people" when this law was voted in was to have Profiteering Dr's signing off on anyone to get certified, even when no documented evidence exists that they have a qualifying condition?

For someone with a documented, legitimate qualifying condition, that would mean finding a Dr. with an established, independent practice and having an appointment for a physical, and medical documentation review, the going back again to discuss the cannabis certification. Since the Dr has an established practice (not a hotel room) the reasonable expectation of follow up is built in..you will go back next year to re cert won't you?

My point is that you do not help the cause by opposing every little thing..pick your battles. You just want to fight everything...and that comes across as not interested in making a law that works, but in making law that works for abusers. Not the intent of the people who voted this in.

You seem to have a mis conception of how this got 63% of the vote in the first place. The power of that vote came from an age group in their 40's to 60's..people who have seen loved ones suffer from cancer and other true debilitating diseases. Are you so naive as to think that young people flooded the polls?

If you think that, then don't worry. Cannabis will be legal next year. I'm sure all those people will sign the petition to get it on the ballot and turn out and vote again..so no worries. After all, thier will was to legalize cannabis in the first place.

Hey Bob - the bill for storage in the vehicle maybe makes sense if you have a trunk.

But what about bicyclists and canoers and walkers?

Point being is every other situation where one carries meds out of the home still going to be a 'grey area'?
Because if it is then this is just more bullshit without any real clarification.

Do I need a pocket sized "lockbox" to carry my meds outside a vehicle?


Well-Known Member
Hey Bob - the bill for storage in the vehicle maybe makes sense if you have a trunk.

But what about bicyclists and canoers and walkers?

Point being is every other situation where one carries meds out of the home still going to be a 'grey area'?
Because if it is then this is just more bullshit without any real clarification.

Do I need a pocket sized "lockbox" to carry my meds outside a vehicle?
It's not even a law yet? Everyone gets worked up about nothing, LOL!

LEO could say it's alright to drive around with a 1/2 lb. on my dash and I still wouldn't do it.

It is just common sense to go Old School when tranporting weed? Why Push it? Why advertise?


Well-Known Member
whatever bob. Russia Awaits you.

I am sorry to hear you have Park's, Its a nasty evil thing. GL and I hope you find great relief for it.
but bob. this has nothing to do with "THE MAN". im 46, educated, white, and have worked since i was 15. The man is and has always been my last worry, up until the last 12 yrs, and its a worry, not because i think im being oppressed by him, its because EVERY FUCKING AMERICAN is being oppressed by him.

Patriot Act
Border Patrol (How many people are aware with the P/A and NDAA, 75miles of Michigans Coast line on Canada is now Federal Territory?) Take 75 miles off Lake Huron and see how much state is Left..

bob bob bob bob bob. this isnt about some silly racist ideal you seem to think it is (yes your 'The Man" comment is most biggoted), and the sooner you drop your biggot glasses, and put on your US Citizen specs, you ll find your ass is wide open, and uncle sam/billybongschuette is sneaking up behind you with raging wood. Dont say I didnt warn you.
Bob - he's white - drop your biggot glasses and get on board the Peace train baby.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you miss the point?

My condition does not allow driving.

I walk, ride a bike, or ride in a vehicle with friends and family.

I am asking if this new law bob supports clarifies transportation for med card holders in non-vehicle scenarios.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
It's not even a law yet? Everyone gets worked up about nothing, LOL!

LEO could say it's alright to drive around with a 1/2 lb. on my dash and I still wouldn't do it.

It is just common sense to go Old School when tranporting weed? Why Push it? Why advertise?
Which is exactly my point...


Well-Known Member
and keep setting there with your head up your ass, waiting for nothing to change, it will be soon.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Utilize your rights yes..by take advantage I mean stretch your behavior beyond the rights that you have.
Do you know how ridiculous you sound. If we never stretched you wouldn't be self-medicating would you. If we didn't stretch women wouldn't be able to vote. Stretching is good and if your an American it's almost expected.


Well-Known Member
Vote in the Morning. as SOON as I know anything and can post i will. these are set to go out of Judiciary. So if they pass tomorrow AM's vote, then it off to the house floor, if it passes house floor vote, off to sentate it goes for vote, where they WILL Get the 75% and it ll go to the Governor to sign.
visa versa.

Jones Glaucoma bill has got out of Senate judiciary, its on the sentate floor for vote, if it passes senate floor, then it must come to the house and pass by 75% there before any of these bills can go to the Gov. IF anything makes the Govs desk, we can expect no reprieve. the list will be in Bill Schuette and the prosecution crews hands. and if you dont think Uncle Billy will send the jack boots your way, dont forget hes interviewing for Federal Attorney General Right now.


Active Member
I don't know if someone that has frequent and sudden seizures should be driving at all...but I do get your point. I have Parkinson's, and cannabis DOES improve my motor skills AND alertness. Has to be a good Sativa to work..otherwise It will just make the fatigue with Parkinson's worse.

However, The chances of a cop suspecting I'm using cannabis is zero...unless he smells it, which he won't, unless I were smoking it in the car. Hell, I'm 55, drive an "old man" car, have short hair and drive responsibly....why would I get pulled over? And if I did, say for a tail light or something, why would they suspect me? I'm cautious, but not paranoid.

I am also NOT the guy that would want to prosecute. That is, unless I were doing something really abusive to the law. They want to prosecute someone that can be made out to be abusing the law, not someone that could mount a legitimate medical defense. I doubt you'll see many MS, cancer, PD or or other heavily documented patients being "rail roaded".

Hell, so long as I'm clean on plant counts, dry amounts, and smoking IN the car...I'm the case that will make a defense lawyer drool at the chance to make a name for himself...You just know Jeff Fieger is waiting for the right case to defend...

you can smoke in your car.

just not while operating it.

smell alone is not warrant enough anymore in michigan if the cops followed the laws as they are written.

equal protection.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Do you know how ridiculous you sound. If we never stretched you wouldn't be self-medicating would you. If we didn't stretch women wouldn't be able to vote. Stretching is good and if your an American it's almost expected.
There is a difference between stretching and stretching beyond your rights..stretching is good..trying to grab everything all at once...


Active Member
About smell alone being not enough? I'd applaud that. There should be another reason. Now if the guy is driving a car with expired plates on his revoked license and no insurance...don't blame the pot for the arrest.
agreed. but it shouldn't warrant a search an add more charges either.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
agreed. but it shouldn't warrant a search an add more charges either.
Smell alone should never warrant a search. I applaud that. In a situation another offense...revoked Drivers license, expired plates and no insurance? I'd search that guy. I'd wonder why he would go through such extremes to be driving..I'd at least pat this guy down.

Cops have a right to protect themselves. And if there is something reasonably serious about the reason for the stop, or something reasonably serious comes up during the stop, yes, I think the cop has a right to search.

Charges aren't really the cops call..Prosecutor ultimately decides that. Cops can write up every little thing....The prosecutor is supposed to "fit the charges to the crime"..and can even dismiss.

Which, by the way happens more often than people get railroaded. But that would be no fun for timmahh to think about.....my god, that would imply the system IS working.


Well-Known Member
The house voted in favor of moving the bills forward. This is just the first step. These proposals have to be voted on by the house and senate yet. Just know, the senate has their own bill package. And from what i'm told from a rep here today, they are much worse than the ones the house sent thru. It wil take 81 "Yays" from the house to mobe these bills to law. Thats alot of "Yays". The time is now to get on the phones. Remind your rep that its an election year!! As far as my personal choice to leave Michigan, please know that right up until that day arrives, I will be fighting for the rights of Patients here!
get Ready people. These made it out of Judiciary. The shit being presented by Senate is worse. as I get more info i ll forward it.