Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!


They say there the best, bullshit...AN nutes killed my whiole crop, DONT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK! The instructions are made to kill your plants, Burn the roots to ashes!


Active Member
not so sure about that. many many pro growers and breeders will disagree with you. Although overpriced, the instructions and the product are right on the money.
Often we find it easi to fixate a blame on one or another factor, when in fact there are several factors involved in a successful crop.
I fyo ulist all of your parmeters n your garden, we may be able to find the problem, and still use your brand of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
PPM meter average cost is about 21.00 USD, that and knowing what clones, vegging, and flowering states can handle as far as how much PPM would have saved you all this trouble. The knowing part can be found all over this site. Sorry to hear this happened. Good thing is you can learn from it, it's not the end.


Well-Known Member
They say there the best, bullshit...AN nutes killed my whiole crop, DONT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK! The instructions are made to kill your plants, Burn the roots to ashes!
You are right, they do suck. did the same to me. ful AN, go get your money back!


bud bootlegger
i had pretty much thought that everyone knew that you don't follow the directions on the back of the bottles as most of the times they are way too hot...
nutrient co's are in the business of only selling you more nutes, and they tend to do this by telling you to use way too many nutes so that you use more faster, so you can run out and buy more..
i always recommend, no matter what co, to start out using about 1/4 of what the bottle says to use, and every week or so bump it up another 1/4 till you either get to full strength or you see signs of nute burn, w/e comes first.. if you get burn, simply back off and leave it at that..

i used an's stuff and have never fried my plants with them, but then again, i go by the 1/4 rule of thumb.. remember, less is always more when it comes to using nutes.. :)


Yeah ive been using 1/4 1/2 strength and still burns the plants.

I guess my plants dont like these nutes, I have one confidentail cheese going and loves the nutes, everything else is dieing.

PH 6.5
75-80 Temp
35% humidity

All the tips are brown BURNT! Prob Locking everything out, They are lacking tons of stuff, because everytime i add nutes they burn lockout and they never get what they need i feel....Im going organic next round


Next watering, Im throwing the the bad ones in the shower n flushing them out completely....Is this a BAD idea?


Well-Known Member
Thats why you never start with the recommended amount. If you would read up on nutes, start with 1/4 the recommended or maybe even less that.


Active Member
Never follow there recipes on the bottle. Always start out 1/4 strengh (or even 1/8 strength). You will definately get lots of people that use AN vs Non Users. Everyone opinions are there own. As I have never used AN, but have friends that do, and get very successful crops. Do I think it is overpriced? Yes, but I would have no problems using AN on my grows. Especially Sensi A+B, plus some bud candy/carboload

Edit- Are your growing Soil? or hydro? (What system)


Active Member
Anyone who hates on Advanced has either....

1) Fucked up somewhere.... (usually when mixing Nutes...)
2) Has not finished their grow
3) Has nothing to compare it to...

You mix the Nutes about 1/4-1/2 strength, and you use a Truncheon to check ppm's.... First 2 weeks PPM should be 1.2 or so, Weeks 3-6 PPM should be 1.4-1.6, Final 2 Weeks while giving Overdrive, you can push it to 1.8-2.0 PPM's... Im not sure what your doing wrong, but you need to go back and figure it out.... Im getting about 1 and a half lbs per One Thousand Watt Light...

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
General Organics, actually you can follow their bottle labels usually their light feeding suggestion is either on the money or just a tad low


yeah I use 1/4 strength and the tips burnt the next day...Now locking out everything, and now there turning pale green to yellow and all dieing off...Sucks


Well-Known Member
SHould i just use a couple drops of AN nutes per gallon?
Refer to my first post. Get a PPM meter, this way you'll know for sure how much your feeding your plants. Why take chances on guessing? Until you get it down pat buy a meter.