Here's my 2 cents... lots of this is from personal experience but lots of it is also reading long time growers like 3lb...
First off, the most abundant and cheapest product on the earth is animal poop, which also happens to be a very good fertilizer for plants. When we are talking about organics and MJ growing, generally you are talking about these poop based fertilizers (which should in turn be cheap right?) Basically, most of these companies are bottling poop, and selling it to you at a highly marked up price. Sorta sick when you think about it. Don't even get me started on fermented plant extracts, they are even easier and more sustainable to harvest, yet more expensive.
That being said, EJ is the cheapest on the market, and by most accounts the best for taste. Another poster mentioned Liquid Karma, which is a great product as well (But highly expensive) You can make your own if you put your brain to it.
A more expensive line isn't going to be the magic elixir, don't read too much into it and save your self a few bucks.
A good majority of people here would agree with you but 98% of those people arent going to go through the hassle of mixing up their own nutes, you know it and I know it, and as much as I hate these "is product A better than B, C, and D" threads it breeds discussion and leads people in new directions. I personally hate the idea of using guanos' etc... and have been trying to go down the vegan road but its not working out to a 100% vegan med but its vegan/organic and thats close enough.
I use the general organics line in fox farms soil with amendments, and I think any and all of you who choose to use a bottled line of organic nutes are going to find that in order to get quality AND yield, you're going to need to amend your soil. I use kelp meal, cotton seed meal, alfalfa meal, soft rock phosphate, lime, EWC, ancient forest humus, myco product, as well as a few other things I need to add to the mix like green sand and Epsom salt, and I'm still not yielding like the big boys yet and its gonna take some perfecting to get there. I also use compost teas as well, which in my opinion are necessary for this type of growing. A quick example, my last grow I grew 2 of the same cut of "the void" by TGA/subcool, 1 in a 3 gallon smart pot and the other in a 5 gallon. The bigger one got fed more bottled nutes, the smaller one was fed the same thing basically but ended up getting like 2 or 3 more applications compost teas in bloom than the larger one did. The main difference in the 2 was coloring, they were right next to each other so there wasnt a difference in environment. The smaller one was WAY more purple than the other and as far as yield I'd say if the smaller one was a little closer in size it would have out-yielded the bigger one as well but the coloring difference was amazing and definitely obvious, the only difference being those couple of compost teas, it wasnt something intentional but the way the waterings fell.
As I said, I'm trying to go all vegan but even with all that stuff I still use the bio-marine, grow/bloom, bio-bud, cal/mg, dyna grow protekt @ 1ml per gal and hygrozyme. I've cut out the diamond black, bio root, and bio weed for the time being as I'm trying to cut out the bottles one at a time but for now I cant. I can get them to a point but then my girls end up with small deficiencies here and there which are easy fixes most of the time with the bio-marine, which I am just going to make a part of my grow now, I was trying to go vegan but I'll say my style of growing is "vegan inspired", LOL......
If I wanted to add a higher N guano to the mix I could probably cut the bio-grow from the mix and use just the bio marine for veg but I'm not sure if I'm going to get that far into it because supersoil is calling my name big time. "Just add water" is getting more and more appealing to me.