Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!


That wouldn't be so much of a tease if I didn't know you IRL...

Can I take the pictures? Say... next Tuesday, dinner at my place?


Well-Known Member
Aw dude :( Just found out hydrorush temporarily suspended the free samples. The page says they will continue them soon though so I would just check back next week. Dang and I jsut got mine like a week ago!
Sorry guys. We got Spammed this weekend from some indiscriminate "Coupon Sites".


Active Member
it's OK, I'm always high when I'm on! Thanks for the link too btw :) I'm just starting week 3 today and I think I'm just starting my 4th node. They are still a little too wet to water so I was thinking wait until Friday....come home from work and cut their heads off :o then feed them their fish fert. So if all goes well.....I should start flowering when they recover from their topping, whenever they decide to do that. Hopefully I'll be flowering around the second week in April :)
so am i, usually smokin with my buddies lol


it's OK, I'm always high when I'm on! Thanks for the link too btw :) I'm just starting week 3 today and I think I'm just starting my 4th node. They are still a little too wet to water so I was thinking wait until Friday....come home from work and cut their heads off :o then feed them their fish fert. So if all goes well.....I should start flowering when they recover from their topping, whenever they decide to do that. Hopefully I'll be flowering around the second week in April :)
Hey catt does over watering slow growth? Just made 3 more DWC and I'm keeping the water level a bit higher than normal with a ton of microbe brew from fox farm along with general hydroponics base line. I'm trying to stimulate root growth as 2 started to curl upwards when the water wasn't high enough. I should lower it when roots are established right or just keep it at a constant height? New pics in my signature link.


Active Member
Have fun topping today, I wouldnt give it any nutes after topping just water, was told that it slows it down even more to recover.. Let me know how it goes tho ;)


Everyone here loves you Catt, so I'm sure your " babies " love you too;-)
^What strank said!
I got mad love for you catt ;]
Don't feed her ego, guys, she's cocky enough! ;)

This is the first message board catt's really posted on, so by being really nice you're all giving her a false impression of what internet message boards are like. When she meets her first troll she won't know what to do. Tough love, guys. Tough love! :p

Seriously, though, I'm glad catt's found her online home. *hug*


Well-Known Member
Hey catt does over watering slow growth? Just made 3 more DWC and I'm keeping the water level a bit higher than normal with a ton of microbe brew from fox farm along with general hydroponics base line. I'm trying to stimulate root growth as 2 started to curl upwards when the water wasn't high enough. I should lower it when roots are established right or just keep it at a constant height? New pics in my signature link.
From what I know about DWC (which isn't really much) the only time you can overwater is when your plant doesn't have enough oxygen. After the roots establish themselves keep your water an inch or 2 below the bottom of the net pot and make sure they always have those oxygen bubbles and you should be OK. But again, I'm just going from what I read and not what I've done so check first before listening to :)

Have fun topping today, I wouldnt give it any nutes after topping just water, was told that it slows it down even more to recover.. Let me know how it goes tho ;)
Thanks Sour....oh man....not even a little organic fish juice? I'll have to read up on that a bit more....good lookin out ;)

Don't feed her ego, guys, she's cocky enough! ;)

This is the first message board catt's really posted on, so by being really nice you're all giving her a false impression of what internet message boards are like. When she meets her first troll she won't know what to do. Tough love, guys. Tough love! :p

Seriously, though, I'm glad catt's found her online home. *hug*
Thanks Fed ;) I don't think I could fall into a trollers trap....although I've only "seen" them and what they can do to a thread and how angry they can make you. I've never actually had an experience with one yet. I just hope one doesn't catch me on a bad! I'd feel sorry for the sucka..ROFL! make me feel like I'm 16 again and on AOL!!! RIU is totally my new internet home....I can't remember the last time I logged into my facebook account...LOL!
And it's a good home to have too Fed....see how much LOVE we share here? They love me....they really, really love me ;)
I did not find the hug amusing btw......well.....kinda sorta. HAHA! It's like huggin your tech after they fix your pc cuz you got a virus looking at Furry porn :o

I got mad love for you catt ;]
makes me think of Heavy D and the boys...LOL! Thanks carl....right back at cha :)

Aw dude :( Just found out hydrorush temporarily suspended the free samples. The page says they will continue them soon though so I would just check back next week. Dang and I jsut got mine like a week ago!
Nothing good lasts forever....but thanks for letting me know before I checked it out and was like wtf Log!! LOL!

That wouldn't be so much of a tease if I didn't know you IRL...

Can I take the pictures? Say... next Tuesday, dinner at my place?
Uh....NO! You see me bust my ass at the gym, and sweat it out in the hot spa....that should be good enough for a LIFETIME! hehe. I mean you can see when I missed a day shaving for Christ sakes...what more do you want from me?


I did not find the hug amusing btw......well.....kinda sorta. HAHA! It's like huggin your tech after they fix your pc cuz you got a virus looking at Furry porn :o
You get viruses looking at furry porn, too? :o

It's funny how you tensed up when I hugged you. I totally know how to irritate/tease you without pissing you off. I bet you wouldn't mind if chief hugged you! :p

Uh....NO! You see me bust my ass at the gym, and sweat it out in the hot spa....that should be good enough for a LIFETIME! hehe. I mean you can see when I missed a day shaving for Christ sakes...what more do you want from me?
I'm a guy, so there's always room to want more...

Seriously, though, you know when it comes to photography/illustration, I keep shit professional. :cool:


Well-Known Member
.Yahoo. My weed and I officially made it to new orleans. Now I have to dash to the hotel I'll wrap a couple bones. Final 4 basketball this weekend. It's gonna be a zoo But


Active Member
You get viruses looking at furry porn, too? :o

It's funny how you tensed up when I hugged you. I totally know how to irritate/tease you without pissing you off. I bet you wouldn't mind if chief hugged you! :p

I'm a guy, so there's always room to want more...

Seriously, though, you know when it comes to photography/illustration, I keep shit professional. :cool:
I can hug you to Fed if you would like LOL, but even people in the world outside of this place take a liking to me because they either accept the fact that im 100% with them, or they dont because they are insecure with themselves when I tell the truth, not to sound like a asshole but if you come to me for advise or questions I give the absolute truth to the situation, I rather my friend tell me to wipe my nose instead of being scared to say something about it you know, but I love Catt everyone does, and Im sure you love catt also (giggity);), but thats cool man you are into photography do you have any work up anywhere I would love to see some.


Active Member
Hello everyone!! I love this thread!!! I'm a newbie but trying out my first grow with some bag seed from a friend to see if i can make it work. So far so good! You guys are so wise and i've already learned alot just from reading ur post!!! Once i figure the site out i'll post some pics and I only HOPE my babies will be as beautiful as yours!! :weed: I love this site!!!:hug:


Active Member
One more thing. Is there a way for me to follow this thread without going to the forum page?? Sorry guys.. Again, I'm a newbbie :? but, trying to learn...


Welcome to the fold, Downinit! This community is pretty awesome. I only joined recently, and already I've met several cool cats. *cough*

Click on Thread Tools up at the top of the page where it says LinkBack / Thread Tools / Search Thread / Rate This Thread / Display in blue and select Subscribe to this Thread. Now it'll show up on your My Rollitup page (at the very top of the page on the green bar).


Active Member
Click on Thread Tools up at the top of the page where it says LinkBack / Thread Tools / Search Thread / Rate This Thread / Display in blue and select Subscribe to this Thread. Now it'll show up on your My Rollitup page (at the very top of the page on the green bar).
Fed I just relized your glasses are chaging colors that is sick man "LIKE"
, and +REP for the glasses.


I can hug you to Fed if you would like LOL, but even people in the world outside of this place take a liking to me because they either accept the fact that im 100% with them, or they dont because they are insecure with themselves when I tell the truth, not to sound like a asshole but if you come to me for advise or questions I give the absolute truth to the situation, I rather my friend tell me to wipe my nose instead of being scared to say something about it you know, but I love Catt everyone does, and Im sure you love catt also (giggity);), but thats cool man you are into photography do you have any work up anywhere I would love to see some.
That's why catt and I are such good friends; we don't mince words. We both speak what's on our minds, and both of us know how to take it with a grain of salt so we don't get offended with each other.

I did a little bit of photography work last winter in Franconia Notch (norhtern NH area) but nothing elaborate yet. I have a Canon Digital Rebel XS that I took out for a few days to shoot some pictures of the mountains, but I'd like to take some photos of a female model to help with my figure drawing skills. And no, don't bother asking. catt would never agree to pose for me. :p

I don't want to hijack catt's thread, so I'll just provide a link to one of my shots. I have it in every desktop resolution imaginable, too. It was fun to play with it in Photoshop. :)