Just another smelly journal


Well-Known Member
i think it was my timer. i put the HTg light aside and bought a 250 sunsystems. then i needed more light so i added the HTG. it seems to be working fine since i replaced my timer.

i too am at 4 weeks. 28 days tomorrow. :)

yea I upgraded my timer with them too, cost like 10 bucks. according to the timer it can go up to 15 amps, or some redicuoluse amount of wattage, before that I was manualy pluging in the second light, pretty hard to do on time I did it late most of the time :P

HOLLY SHIT MAN!!! I just looked at my weed timing calandar... I dont know what I was smoking the other day, it says Im at week 6 as of yesterday??? WTF MAN!!!!!! week 6 I thought it was 5 the latest, now I'm pissed I need to order a fan tomorow!


New Member
No you were right the first time.:sad:
I was really starting to feel dudish yesterday (taking down walls and all)
I almost looked down to see if I was growing..:shock:
you know:clap:
why thank you my good man. I mean dudete
were sledge hammers involved in the demolition??? they can be fun... and a good stress reliever


Well-Known Member
Nice buds! the camera work could use a lil brushing up but the green thumb is fine! Im sure youll have a great harvest. just watch out for the power meter ;-)



Well-Known Member
I'm a sad panda
I saw a few buds were getting too heavy and starting to fall, so me said I'll buy sticks and stake them up and tie them... so I took them all out... and thats when the real droopage happened, they were all leaning on eachother and helping eachother... until I camer in a fucked everything up.
heres what I mean

sorry for the blur, but thats what heppens when your a penis head like me

I had to chop down some buds that just wouldnt stay tied up

and heres the sad garden once everything was half assly tied



New Member
I love to see your new pics tck but the first ones haven't downloaded for me yet. :(
BTW you little .....I saw all those cheeky comments you left in my journal;)

I am just teasing ya tck. You know I don't mind at all.
Still not there. Oh well.

Later tcki,
have a good evening


Well-Known Member
hehe, there some sad pictures, but its looking much better now, my cameras dead, I could probably take a few pics, but I'm a lazy guy.
I'm going to have to chop them on friday anyway, so I will post pics after and maybe before the chop :) only 6 days I cant wait!


Well-Known Member
I just choped 3 plants, the other 4 I'm chopping on friday it looks like I got over 2 ounces per plant, I took three pictures than my camera died, and they're terrible pictures anyway :P looks like I'm going to go over my goal of a half pond :)
but here are the pics anyway :P



New Member
Sorry I missed your pm's tck.
My pm box was full.
Yes I closed my threads the other day because of something someone said to me.
I went into a panic attack
It happens sometimes
The joys of being a total basketcase:|
Thanks for asking tcki.
You are a sweet guy. :)


New Member
Hey tck. You are drying now also.
So am I
I have half of mine drying upstairs in my closet:)
Since I closed off my thread maybe I will open another one just to show you guys my harvest. i am most pleased with it all.
Its all very tasty.

Have you tried any of yours yet tck?
Come on. You must have. :)


Well-Known Member
you better open another one :P
I'm very happy with this harvest, I finished chopping them all today, it looks like I'm going to get twice my goal! looks like I may have just over a pound :)
its very tasty and etremly high making :P even without being dried or cured, cant wait for the dryed cured product its going to kick ass.
and with a pound I might actualy have enough herb to last untill my next harvest!!!
I just repoted mt clones and put them all in there, their just under a foot tall


New Member
Yeah tcki. I will open another thread just to show my drying buds being made into hash :D

WOW. A pound. Very good.

I am very pleased with my weed this crop also. 2 plants I wasn't too pleased with but out of 9; its not too bad.

I have one plant that literally tastes like smoking chunks of black hash.
Its wild.:eyesmoke:
I'm quite sure it is my kahuna. Gotta plant some more.
Oh yeah I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wa hooooooooooooooooo:hump:
you better open another one :P
I'm very happy with this harvest, I finished chopping them all today, it looks like I'm going to get twice my goal! looks like I may have just over a pound :)
its very tasty and etremly high making :P even without being dried or cured, cant wait for the dryed cured product its going to kick ass.
and with a pound I might actualy have enough herb to last untill my next harvest!!!
I just repoted mt clones and put them all in there, their just under a foot tall


Well-Known Member
your buds look great lacy, how did that crazy looking pea soup come out? :P
this bud has a nice hashy taste and the high is intense, I went to my cousins house this weekend and he had some bud from a few clones I gave him in the winter, it was only curing for a week but tasted damn good.
heres my buds minus an ounce or two that went to my lungs and relatives :P
