Anybody Here Ever Been Shot or Shot At?


Well-Known Member
I'd love to hear the story! We've got a fair amount of military people as well as degenerates here, should be interesting..

What was the situation? What did you get shot (at) with? Who was it? What did you do when it happened? How much did it hurt? How much blood was there? Where did it hit your body?

I've heard it described as someone swinging a red hot hammer and hitting you square, was that what it was like?

I've never been shot or shot at, but I was there when my dumbass friend shot himself in BOTH LEGS with ONE BULLET! Dude was walking kinda crouch like towards a tall crane like bird to go take a couple shots at it in the riverbed, took maybe 10 steps, stumbled on some rocks - POP! - turns around and just falls to the ground. Fucked up his leg for like 6 months after that. He had the pistol in his right hand, it was a .22 caliber, shot into the right side of his right calf, exited the left side of the right calf, then hit the right side of his left leg, I think it just grazed it, no penetration, still a bunch of blood.
I was robbed at gun point once and the perp fired off 3 shots on the way out of my store. One whizzed passed my head. The scariest thing about it was the asshole never got caught. He could have gotten away with killing me for $700.00. Not an experience I would care to repeat.


Well-Known Member
lol my friend shot himself a couple weeks ago,I know the bullet was a 9mm or .38.Went clean through his thigh and ricocheted off the floor and into the windowsill.He said it was like 3 inches from that main artery in his thigh.He got out the hospital 4 days ago,they dont stitch gunshots so they pack it with gauze or some shit.I bet it sucks lol,there feeding him mad oxy and fentanyl though.
Im glad I never been hit.I've had a couple people try and take me out but they never hit me lol.


Well-Known Member
Me and my friends went out shooting and my buddies girl came with. we all took turns shootig and after her turn shooting the gun( 5 times out of 6 in the gun) thinking she had emptied it pulled the hammer back and held it with her thumb and pointed at us joking around and made a bang motion when she turned to face us. if she had let the hammer down when doing so she almost certainly would of shot one of us. luckily it was a .22 though and the way everyone was standing i doubt it would of been fatal unless it just happened to hit a few arteries or something like that. the wworst part though was since i knew she didnt have much experience with guns i gave her a walkthrough on the basic safety rules and such quick and she still did it. she almost proved why those rules are so important to follow.


Well-Known Member
And everyone I know who got shot was alright for a little bit.They could still walk around and shit lol.It's not like the movies when you drop and die immediately lol,I guess cause your adrenalin's going.I seen a couple people get hit and they didn't even realize it until they felt blood leaking out of them.


Well-Known Member
My mom, my aunt, and my wife have each pulled out a gun on me at one time or another.

The women in my life don't joke around.:cool:


Well-Known Member
ive been held at gunpoint and have friends that have gotten shot at from theft to beef. it isnt a fun experience havin a gun pointed at you thats why i went and got a .40 cal yesterday so i can point somethin back


Well-Known Member
Me and my friends went out shooting and my buddies girl came with. we all took turns shootig and after her turn shooting the gun( 5 times out of 6 in the gun) thinking she had emptied it pulled the hammer back and held it with her thumb and pointed at us joking around and made a bang motion when she turned to face us. if she had let the hammer down when doing so she almost certainly would of shot one of us. luckily it was a .22 though and the way everyone was standing i doubt it would of been fatal unless it just happened to hit a few arteries or something like that. the wworst part though was since i knew she didnt have much experience with guns i gave her a walkthrough on the basic safety rules and such quick and she still did it. she almost proved why those rules are so important to follow.
What a goddamn IDIOT! I never raise my voice at people but that bitch would have gotten an ear full!

Tell the story assholes, I didn't ask "tell me the beginning of your getting shot at story!" or "imply what happened without actually saying it!".

You got hit with an RPG7 and you didn't think I would ask "well what happened?"??!!??!!?

the fuck??


Well-Known Member
me and my friend got shot at a few years back walking down the street from my house i dnt even know if the gun was real they were in a car and i had no idea they even tried to shoot us till i heard a few clicks and then they drove off waving the gun crazy cuz they couldve blasted me and i wouldnt even had seen it coming.

also a family friend got shot a few years back getting out of jail in Salinas ca waiting to get picked up. he was in the wrong neighborhood cuz he decided to go to a liquor store instead of waiting and they came up from behind and the first few shots didnt go off he heard the clicks and tried to run(hes a BIG dude) then they continued to fire and got em in the right arm and one went through his ass cheek haha but his arm is still fucked up till this day


Well-Known Member
i got shot at twice the first time my boy called me asked me to pick him up from some bitches house so when i pull up i see my boy runing to my truck he hopped in and some boi came out and let off 3shots i just got the fuck out there the 2nd timei left my house at like 1 am to get a dutch started walking down the block some boi yelled out my brothers name i guess he thought i was him i turned aroued he start shooting i didnt know what the fuck was going on i just ran as fast as i could boi could of killed me if he just walked up a little closer instead of yealling out my bros name god was on my side i guess lol shits crazy


Active Member
Ive never been shot at but someone did rob me at gun point and stick a gun in my face. I worked late night at a gas station.

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Me and my friends went out shooting and my buddies girl came with. we all took turns shootig and after her turn shooting the gun( 5 times out of 6 in the gun) thinking she had emptied it pulled the hammer back and held it with her thumb and pointed at us joking around and made a bang motion when she turned to face us. if she had let the hammer down when doing so she almost certainly would of shot one of us. luckily it was a .22 though and the way everyone was standing i doubt it would of been fatal unless it just happened to hit a few arteries or something like that. the wworst part though was since i knew she didnt have much experience with guns i gave her a walkthrough on the basic safety rules and such quick and she still did it. she almost proved why those rules are so important to follow.
If a .22 hits you it can richochet off your ribs multiple times fucking you up.


Well-Known Member
it could also hit your spine just right and paralyze you for life. or if your really unlucky it could hit a major artery and kill you. imo i think the odds overall would be on those things not happening.


Active Member
sounds like you guys got way too many guns where you live.
Only guns i own are for hunting, kinda big to carry around lol.
To own a handgun here its a pain in the ass. Not worth it, so many people dont own them.


Well-Known Member
My friend had beef with this guy. Lets just say the both are part of the underground market. Pulled up at house to serve someone and here is this rival chilling outside apparently lived in the house across the street. He see my friend stealing his clients and start talking shit. the argument ends with out any physical fight. My friend heads back to the car turns around and begins to drive out of the area when passing the rival he pulls out a gun and shoots at the side passenger. It went through the side window just missing my friends head by an inch or less. when in a safe palace my friend noticed a hole in the head rest. he got luck as hell.