hps in a closet, first grow

It's not looking well at all :( what should I do?

I transplanted it about 48 hours ago and then I think I overwatered it 36 hours ago, it was looking a bit better earlier today but now it looks worse, any difference that it's the dark hours now?



Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7185444 said:
It's not looking well at all :( what should I do?

I transplanted it about 48 hours ago and then I think I overwatered it 36 hours ago, it was looking a bit better earlier today but now it looks worse, any difference that it's the dark hours now?

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poke some holes in the top soil so your roots are getting air, transplants tend to leave them droopy but she should recover very soon. make sure your giving her enough light as well. do your pots have good drainage too?
It was my first time making a pot so I'm not sure, but I made three 1" diameter holes in the bottom and made holes in the bag and poked the bag through, not sure how well it would work. Poked some holes in the soil around the plant let's hope it has recovered tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7185546 said:
It was my first time making a pot so I'm not sure, but I made three 1" diameter holes in the bottom and made holes in the bag and poked the bag through, not sure how well it would work. Poked some holes in the soil around the plant let's hope it has recovered tomorrow!
you should be good to go, give her time
So here's a picture update and a question for you guys

Day 17 from seed





So this is how #2 and #1 looks close up from the side, my question is, should I maybe try to cut off these small branches that it's starting on between the big ones? Will it make the plant focus more on the bigger leaves and make the plant bigger? I have to bloom the plants early in april because I will move in June so I can't veg them for very long


Well-Known Member
No don't mess with the growth and you can switch to 12/12 now do they will flower as soon as possible
Are you sure? Those branches just doesn't seem to have that much potential =P

Yeah but won't I get a much better yield if I wait for another 2 weeks before switching? The Mangos are really tiny still


Why would you want to cut the small branches? Every part of the plant is important at this stage.
The longer you veg the more you yield, but switch to 12/12 if you have time restrictions
Good luck man


Well-Known Member
let these girls grow out and you could possibly take clones or trash the branches when flower starts so the plant can focus its energy on one bud spot. remember,

more fan leafs = more photosynthesis

more bud spots = smaller buds + time = more clipping, thus more bud spots does mean more clipping.

yay math.


Well-Known Member
Or you could just veg it out and make it a mother so when you move into your new place you have some clones to work with
Day 23 from seed

My sweaty t-shirt from floorball practice hanging behind the fan to raise the RH lol XD

#1. The bottom leaves have been hanging like this for a week, not sure why, it's still growing although not as fast as #3

#2. It has recovered from my overwatering

#3. This one has been doing really well


The Mangos are still really tiny and I managed to kill two of them by overwatering, they were growing so incredibly slow, me sad =(. I don't think they like it in there very much because of the fan blowing so hard maybe.

It's interesting to see how #2 isn't getting as beefy as the other two since it's not as close to the CFLs and only gets the 2700k light from the HPS, seems logical?


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7219964 said:
Day 23 from seed

View attachment 2097284View attachment 2097285
My sweaty t-shirt from floorball practice hanging behind the fan to raise the RH lol XD

#1. The bottom leaves have been hanging like this for a week, not sure why, it's still growing although not as fast as #3
View attachment 2097286View attachment 2097287

#2. It has recovered from my overwatering
View attachment 2097288View attachment 2097289

#3. This one has been doing really well
View attachment 2097290View attachment 2097291

View attachment 2097292

The Mangos are still really tiny and I managed to kill two of them by overwatering, they were growing so incredibly slow, me sad =(. I don't think they like it in there very much because of the fan blowing so hard maybe.

It's interesting to see how #2 isn't getting as beefy as the other two since it's not as close to the CFLs and only gets the 2700k light from the HPS, seems logical?
nice, vegging them under that spectrum can work out pretty well depending on strain, for some strains it doesnt cause the stretch people aim for. and if your overwatering too often, make more holes on the sides and bottom of your pot and poke holes in the soil with a pencil or pen so you can get the roots some air
yeah thanks for that advice it seems to help a lot to poke hole

i changed the setup again because im transplanting the mangos, i need to get another pot and more soil for the second one tomorrow though


i used some common electric wire to attempt to straighten up the stem of the big one, good idea?


Active Member
whats ur perlite/soil mix? probly need more perlite in tht soil to help the draining? do u have rocks or something on the bottom atleast? other than tht the light setup is killer. HAPPY GROWING :clap:

also are u looking into any taining on these? LST or topping a few? gives u a much heavier yield and multiple main colas


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7221913 said:
yeah thanks for that advice it seems to help a lot to poke hole

i changed the setup again because im transplanting the mangos, i need to get another pot and more soil for the second one tomorrow though

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i used some common electric wire to attempt to straighten up the stem of the big one, good idea?
should work out fine, if youve got a stable flow of air then they should fix themselves.
yeah they adjusted amazingly fast and they seem to like it as well!

whats ur perlite/soil mix? probly need more perlite in tht soil to help the draining? do u have rocks or something on the bottom atleast? other than tht the light setup is killer. HAPPY GROWING :clap:

also are u looking into any taining on these? LST or topping a few? gives u a much heavier yield and multiple main colas
thanks!! it's like 65% soil 20% perlite and 15% hydroton more or less, and a layer of hydroton on the bottom and top. i think i used too much hydroton but hopefully it'll be fine, i only have to water them like every fifth day. the two mangos are just in regular soil with hydroton

i was planning on lst:ing, but since i have to start flowering them next week i'm leaning more towards just letting them grow freely since it's indica-dominated strains anyway

all transplanted to their final pots now, let's hope the small ones will start growing!


Well-Known Member
oh wow you got more light and those babbies popped right up didnt they, looking good, wish we had a like button