trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
just shut up. This post has as much merit as the one im quoting above. If you consider your post above a serious post, just shut up.

How many innocent people have to be strung up or shot or burned alive or beaten for people to feel they deserve vengeance. I think when justice gets trampled so many time vengeance is the only thing that will satisfy.

You sure are funny. The oppressed are supposed to keep turning the other cheek because you think they should get over the way they are treated. Then people riot and "we never saw it coming".

He's got a right to a fair trial, as for jail well maybe a non violent drug offender will learn how to shank someone that day.
Both the Criminal (Travan) and the victim (Zimmerman) are minorities. Who is being oppressed here?

And Zimmerman is a democrat.


Well-Known Member

  • He's got a right to a fair trial, as for jail well maybe a non violent drug offender will learn how to shank someone that day.​

A fair lynching with a hoped for death sentence?

You are lower than pond scum...


Well-Known Member
Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, MLK and JFK can be shot in the head, but not this guy? Why aren't the lunatics dropping this asshole? Oh, right, Treyvon was of African descent. DAMN. USA, we're number 19! USA, we're number 19!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, MLK and JFK can be shot in the head, but not this guy? Why aren't the lunatics dropping this asshole? Oh, right, Treyvon was of African descent. DAMN. USA, we're number 19! USA, we're number 19!
Except, you have nothing to support your implication. In fact, if the news accounts of Zimmerman's family are correct, the exact opposite is implied.


Well-Known Member
Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, MLK and JFK can be shot in the head, but not this guy? Why aren't the lunatics dropping this asshole? Oh, right, Treyvon was of African descent. DAMN. USA, we're number 19! USA, we're number 19!
Yes, we are keeping the black man down!

Until we have one for president, life wont be fair!

Oh wait...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I heard Trayvon was throwing out gang signals and Zimmerman mistook it for Aztek death ritual dance. By instinct Zimmerman played his part, then he realized his mistake, which is why he said,"oh shit," afterwards.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I heard Trayvon was throwing out gang signals and Zimmerman mistook it for Aztek death ritual dance. By instinct Zimmerman played his part, then he realized his mistake, which is why he said,"oh shit," afterwards.
This is as good a speculative interpretation of the non-facts as any I have seen. Good job!


Well-Known Member
Both the Criminal (Travan) and the victim (Zimmerman) are minorities. Who is being oppressed here?

And Zimmerman is a democrat.
guy who follows, instigates a confrontation with, and eventually kills a teenager = victim.

i really don't even need to elaborate....

desert dude

Well-Known Member
guy who follows, instigates a confrontation with, and eventually kills a teenager = victim.

i really don't even need to elaborate....
Except for all those troublesome details: eye witness accounts, police reports, EMT reports, black letter law in Florida, you might actually have a legitimate point.


Well-Known Member
Except for all those troublesome details: eye witness accounts, police reports, EMT reports, black letter law in Florida, you might actually have a legitimate point.
oh, you mean the eye witness accounts which ALL place the scuffle in the grass, not the sidewalk?

not troubling at all for zimmerman.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
not morons just

just people, easily manipulated, as they plug them selves into events and situations to understand there affects and outcomes . . . . . .its about the stupidest way to rationalize life there is

if this happened to me then . . . . . .

bunch of pretentious American BS, go look at the stars if you want to reflect

dont plug your own personality into a situation and go oh ya now i understand

cracks me up the its good enough for me so its good enough for you mentality

fucking bunch of sheep looking for validation

taking a life without cuase or reason is wrong no matter what . . . . .no one argues that this man martin was simply walking through everyone argues the bueacratic BS state law that tells them thier irrational fear can be focused into a self perpetuating lie of pretection with a gun

wake america this is you

desert dude

Well-Known Member
oh, you mean the eye witness accounts which ALL place the scuffle in the grass, not the sidewalk?

not troubling at all for zimmerman.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct and the scuffle all took place in the grass... So what? How does change anything materially?


Ursus marijanus
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct and the scuffle all took place in the grass... So what? How does change anything materially?
It is difficult to slam a man's head into a lawn in a credibly life-threatening manner. Especially with Zimmerman's big neck. cn


Well-Known Member
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct and the scuffle all took place in the grass... So what? How does change anything materially?
it's direct proof that zimmerman's story is a complete fabrication, in case you were too dumb to have already noticed.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Most peope dont understand what the difference between a lie and the truth is . . . .they fabricate there own lives on facebook how is this any different

they call em white lies then they become truth after you repeat em three times