trayvan martin


Active Member
how does zimmerman following him and stalking him and martin noticing and asking him whats up instead of being a little rat sneaking around in the shadows, turn into martin approached and attacked little scared rat man

im not like you if i have a problem ill just ask you , im not a slave to fear and paranoi nor to i excuse those behaviors in others as they are irrational and delusinal

go take you r meds and peep through your blinds
And if you attack someone under these circumstances you might wind up dead.


Active Member
how can you spout hearsay and probable scenarios as facts

the only facts are what was recorded and what happened . . . . . .anything else is just a mad dash to try and excuse his behavior, where are the pictures of clothes and cuts?
His clothes are in evidence.His injuries were documented by the police and looked at by the SFD.Its not hearsay.


Well-Known Member
Either way, some of you people are going to look like a bunch of silly fucks when this shit gets decided on by a judge in a court of law.

My question now is, will you admit you were wrong?

Think about it.


Well-Known Member
The police report said that Zimmer was bleeding from the back of his head. That laceration could only have happened in one three ways:

1. Zimmer cut his head when he hit the grass after being punched by Trayvon;
2. Zimmer cut his head when hit the sidewalk after being punched by Trayvon;
3. Trayvon's first punch was to the back of Jorge's head.

None of those scenarios exonerates Trayvon. All of them are consistent with the known facts.
no, all of those are consistent with zimmerman's tall tale.

they are inconsistent with the testimony of martin's girlfriend.

you keep trying to present zimmerman's tall tale as fact. problem sticking to honesty, desert douche?

Come back if you ever get any REAL evidence that contradicts the known facts. I will be happy to change my mind on the whole matter.
says the guy who thinks you can lacerate your skull on grass.


Well-Known Member
His clothes are in evidence.
citation, please.

it has not been mentioned that his clothes were taken as evidence.

in fact, it is downright improbable, as he was at the police station a mere 34 minutes after the gunshot, and it takes 15 minutes at minimum to drive to the station from the scene of the crime.

that would mean that in less than 19 minutes, the police took zimmerman home to get changed AND treated by the SFD.


you know you're on shaky ground when you have to tell outright lies to help your case.


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
lets here it, where are these clothes of evidence that should have descriptions of stains and blood marks and all those other nice things you refer to when you say "his clothes are evidence " lets here it

im sure there is a detailed account of it when the police did there job, in you know what they do detect and police . . . . .


Well-Known Member
lets here it, where are these clothes of evidense that should have desriptions of stains and bllod marks and all those other nice things you rrefer to whenyou say "his clothes are evidence " lets here it

im sure there is a detailed account of it when the police did there job, in you know what they do detect and police . . . . .
leave cliffey alone, he's probably mortified about being caught in yet another lie.

or not. he is kind of dumb.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
yup pretty much

he had to shoot him is what most of the zimmerman is a hero crowd think

its like watching juggalos have sex, confusing, disturbing and then just regretted and known as wrong

desert dude

Well-Known Member
no, all of those are consistent with zimmerman's tall tale.

they are inconsistent with the testimony of martin's girlfriend.

you keep trying to present zimmerman's tall tale as fact. problem sticking to honesty, desert douche?

says the guy who thinks you can lacerate your skull on grass.
They are all consistent with the police report AND with all of the eye witnesses.

Trayvon's girl friend was not there, her testimony is about as useful as yours has been on this thread.

I have no problem with following the evidence to arrive at a rational conclusion. Show me some evidence that contradicts the facts as we know them.


Well-Known Member
What's the defense for Zimmerman? He was acting in self defense? Is that his claim?
he said he was walking back to his truck and martin came up from behind and punched him in the nose (yes, from behind). then he claims martin pinned his arms down with his knees and slammed his head into the sidewalk over and over.

the only problem with this is that all witnesses, no matter who they saw on top or on bottom or who they didn't even see, all said the scuffle happened in the grass, not the sidewalk. in fact, multiple witnesses say that zimmerman got up after shooting martin and walked to the sidewalk looking worried but uninjured.

further complicating this tall tale of zimmerman's is the fact that 34 minutes after the gunshot was fired, he was at the police station and surveillance tapes show him moving around fluidly and alertly, no signs of any injury, no grass stains or wetness on his back, no visible discomfort from his supposedly broken nose.

and the funeral director who prepared martin's body said they saw no signs of a physical altercation when looking at martin's hands. just like zimmerman on film, there were no cuts, no scratches, nothing. not a mark.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
What's the defense for Zimmerman? He was acting in self defense? Is that his claim?
Zimmer has not been charged with anything yet, so he doesn't yet have a defense nor any need for one. The speculation is that he was not charged because he is shielded by the SYG law.


Well-Known Member
They are all consistent with the police report AND with all of the eye witnesses.

Trayvon's girl friend was not there, her testimony is about as useful as yours has been on this thread.

I have no problem with following the evidence to arrive at a rational conclusion. Show me some evidence that contradicts the facts as we know them.
zimmerman on tape moving fluidly and alertly and not showing a single wince or sign of discomfort.

and lol @ believing the police report.

i'm sure you're the first to defend police reports when they say a pound of weed had $50,000 street value.

and this particular police report is a gem, has martin's name and DOB on there while martin was in the morgue as john doe. totally consistent!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
UB video evidence doesn't count . . . . its what i think . . . .that matters most . . . j/k for those who have ass burgers

real evidence of intention doesnt matter . . . it doesnt matter that he stalked and preyed on this innocent man who apparently was defending himself from a greasy rat stalker

but im glad to see cliffy and others in here on the other side, because that means that the Nascar is gonna have fans for a long time


Well-Known Member
UB video evidence doesn't count . . . . its what i think . . . .that matters most . . . j/k for those who have ass burgers

real evidence of intention doesnt matter . . . it doesnt matter that he stalked and preyed on this innocent man who apparently was defending himself from a greasy rat stalker
exactly, intent and motive is unimportant.

and Dog forbid we take into account zimmerman's long history of violence, aggression, losing his (hair trigger) temper, and "snapping".


Active Member
Sanford police failed to collect key evidence in the case: the clothing of George Zimmerman, the gunman who killed Trayvon.Not true, police said. They took his clothing as well as Trayvon's and packaged it for crime-lab analysis. A spokeswoman for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would not disclose Tuesday where the clothing is now, but she wrote in an email that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "is assisting with the processing of physical evidence."Typically, evidence from Seminole County crime scenes is analyzed at the FDLE lab in Orlando.