More plants + same light = the same yield?

I recently finished my first grow of 5 Northern Soul and managed to get 3.5oz from each plant and I'm now thinking of putting more plants into the same 1.2 sqm area with the same 600w light but am I less likely to get such a good yield as its the same amount of lumens for the area just shared with 9 plants instead of 5?

BTW the Northern Soul weed is really nice but I dont know if it tastes all that sweeter as I know what work went into it :)


Well-Known Member
From everything I have heard and read, you will only get a certain amount of MJ per wattage of bulb. For instance, a 600 watt setup will grow roughly the same 3/4 lb when lighting 6 plants as it would with 9. You really want to concentrate on giving the plants the proper space and if you end up with extra space after that, then you can go ahead and put a couple more plants in but there is a definitely a point of diminishing returns. Its all about wattage per square foot.

The Growery

Active Member
i've come to the conclusion that more smaller plants will yield more than 1-2 large plants relative to time. if you grow small plants and only veg for a couple weeks and harvest every 3 months from clone to harvest you would harvest more overall per year versus growing a large plant and letting it veg for 3 months and harvesting every 5 months.


Well-Known Member
If you let the plant get big for two months, then sex it, have to pull it, There is way too much crying going on. I could have two or three plants in the same area, sex them at 3 or 4 weeks. I don't top or anything but super crop. Instead of using my light to grow stem, I grow bud. It all in how you use your
I had planned to just add to the perimeter but I think I will lose something off the overall by introducing another 4 plants. Based on the whole lumens per gram theory I think I'll go with 7 and see what happens.

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
as long as you have good light penetration you should have no problem. maybe scrog would work out well.


Well-Known Member
i grow 12 Plants / 1000 Watts (80 Watts/Plant) and i grow the same 21 OZ's/ light / 2 Months as i was getting when i was growing 20 plants under the same light......there is a happy medium where plants/light ratio even out.

i have found that the best yield for efficiency in my 5x5 room is 12 plants in a perpetual harvest of 2 plants every 3 weeks (12 weeks sativa strain, 6 OZ's every 3 weeks) But when growing my NYCD i have to grow more plants because of the longer veg period.

Genetics and veg period play a HUGE part in this equation, and have to be taken into account.


Well-Known Member
With my situation, I have used 1,150 W of HPS and MH(three 250W HPS, and one 400W MH), and grew four plants, really big and bushy, and yielded about a qp off of each, and since my lumens per square foot is way over the recommended level, and also because my heat is very well controlled in my 4' X 2' X 8' space, I have also grown eight plants in the same space, same lights, and everything and more than doubled that yield, but each plant produced about the same... Approx a qp ea... So, I think it's partly how u utilize the power u have, and how u allow your canopy to be spread out under the lights u have(like super cropping by topping), as well as the amount of light u have only doing what it can do... So, sometimes, more plants under the same conditions will equal more yield in the end...


Well-Known Member
Thatz one bad-ass avatar there, Corbat420! I might haveta get my lady to strike a pose for me with summa my big ol' fan leaves! lol...


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more with the genetics and veg time statment more... I grow alot of longer flowering sativas, like Panama Red currently, and I like to top mine and make them big and knarley, and let them veg for two-three months before the three month flowering, and I only run two a year, but Lordy, Lordy, when harvest time comes, it's hand-crippling amounts of manicuring, and hash-making, not to mention the cannabutter... Lotsa work, but such a massive and satisfactory pay-off in the end... But, I also do grow shorter flowering indicas side by side with my sativas, and that does help to reduce the amount of harvest work a bit, so I can chop them at different times, as well as add some variety to my menu...
about the same.
when i do 16 pants per 4x4 i veg 1 month
when i do 25 per 4x4 i veg for about2-3 weeks.

so you save 2 weeks sometimes, unless you are use to vegging for 2-3 months then u save hella time.