Recurring dream anyone?


Active Member
Every so often (more so as I'm nearing harvest) I dream that someone turned my lights on and off in my tent and caused it to fuck my grow up.

Anyone else had shit dreams like this?


Well-Known Member
nothing like that but i've had one recurring dream for over year now....and it pisses me off


Well-Known Member
I used to have awful nightmares cause by some African carvings my grandfather left in the house when I was little. The same scenario where I was trying to crawl away...

And repeated dreams of exploring in my wolf body, balanced out by one where I keep getting shot and I feel every moment of dying again and again.

I don't dream as much smoking every day, but when I do, it's only the ones that actually 'count'.

Hey, I wish I had some sexy dreams...


Well-Known Member
I worked in a factory for 32 years. I still dream about it 7 years after I retired. Sometimes nightmares, sometimes just working, sometimes screwing off. It varies but I have them fairly often.


Ursus marijanus
I used to have awful nightmares cause by some African carvings my grandfather left in the house when I was little. The same scenario where I was trying to crawl away...

And repeated dreams of exploring in my wolf body, balanced out by one where I keep getting shot and I feel every moment of dying again and again.

I don't dream as much smoking every day, but when I do, it's only the ones that actually 'count'.

Hey, I wish I had some sexy dreams...
When I was three and four years old, I had recurring nightmares about the elliptical stop valve handles behind and under the sink. I would touch them (even though i remember my mom saying "Stop- dangerous"), and the handles would turn and grow until the house crumbled around them. cn.


Well-Known Member
When I was three and four years old, I had recurring nightmares about the elliptical stop valve handles behind and under the sink I would touch them (even though i remember my mom saying "Stop- dangerous", and the handles would turn and grow until the house crumbled around them. cn.
Scary for poor Neer-Neer...

When I was 3 I played with the valve in my grandmother's kitchen, which was in its own weird little cabinet instead of under the sink. I could not kept myself from sniffing around in there for the life of me.

I also kept having flashbacks of when I was in a nail bomb explosions, running alternative scenarios of the event..


Well-Known Member
when i have a re-occurring dream i always end up in the same environment/setting. whats happening and the people who are in it are always random though. Not sure what it means because i have never been to the place in my dreams but i know it like it was my childhood neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I've been having a recurring dream where i havent tended to my plants in a month or so and i go to my grow spot and they are all growing like vines trying to find light..


Well-Known Member
My dreamcatcher was made by a powerful shaman and helps me keep the clouds out of my eyes while dreaming ....


Well-Known Member
more or less music playing the same as song over and over and over again in my head all day. stopped listening to music for a week or more. still hasnt helped


Well-Known Member
When I had gotten my first iPhone I kept dreaming I'd go swimming and forgot about my iPhone in my pockets...
It ended up dying on a very important night, lost my friends and had to go home by foot -_-


Well-Known Member
just getting over a nasty cold with a fever,those dreams are crazy...fever dreams.They are crazy vivid.As far as reocurring dreams go i know that i get them all the time,but i usualy forget them because i dont like to remind myself what they were.I guess its a running away of sorts for me,maybe one day ill stop running,but 4 now not a chance in that.


Well-Known Member
just getting over a nasty cold with a fever,those dreams are crazy...fever dreams.They are crazy vivid.As far as reocurring dreams go i know that i get them all the time,but i usualy forget them because i dont like to remind myself what they were.I guess its a running away of sorts for me,maybe one day ill stop running,but 4 now not a chance in that.
yeah its gonna be a long couple days


Well-Known Member
i always have a dream that im walkin down the street blowing zombies heads off with all my guns. in my dream i look all strapped up like the dad in boondock saints two when he was young. lmao.

as for weed. i have this weird ass dream that bi moved into an apartment and started growing on my porch for some reason with a thousand on like the 3rd floor. well in my dream i wake up to my light missing. someone had climbed up to the 3rd floor from the balconies and jacked my shit. lmao.