Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Active Member
Yo Jin .. been a while college. Still run'n the jr. version of ur set up. Great to see the difference between Tahoe and Larry .. Tahoe hands down !
Just an FYI note .. one of the rez air stones got pulled off (by roots I think) and plant over it was MUCH smaller and production was 20-30% lower. While I think the airation from water falling and surface tension aggitation from sprayers are enough to grow .. the air stones have a direct effect on production... just IMO observation. Keep'n tabs on ya bro .. from the shadows of course .. lol ! Steph has a TWIN ! OMG ..


Well-Known Member
Yo Jin .. been a while college. Still run'n the jr. version of ur set up. Great to see the difference between Tahoe and Larry .. Tahoe hands down !
Just an FYI note .. one of the rez air stones got pulled off (by roots I think) and plant over it was MUCH smaller and production was 20-30% lower. While I think the airation from water falling and surface tension aggitation from sprayers are enough to grow .. the air stones have a direct effect on production... just IMO observation. Keep'n tabs on ya bro .. from the shadows of course .. lol ! Steph has a TWIN ! OMG ..
Believe it or not just the other day I thought, "I wonder whatever happened to that Robert4budz guy?" I shit you not.

Thank you for the airstone tidbit.... and thank the Lord for Tiffany.


Well-Known Member
I love that shit. I do believe "Taco-copter" is a similar sort of unit.

i didnt think itd come to this in america, but we've finally made a machine that delivers tacos. now all the other countries have another reason to call us spoiled fatasses :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, they would be awesome! man, soo intriguing! i got a heli :) not a quad, but its still fun :)



Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, they would be awesome! man, soo intriguing! i got a heli :) not a quad, but its still fun :)

Oh, man. Drool! Drool! It's cool how it's so light that it semi-glides at times.

I want one. I have a tiny hd camera I stole from my nephew's helicopter. The shots you can get are amazing.

i didnt think itd come to this in america, but we've finally made a machine that delivers tacos. now all the other countries have another reason to call us spoiled fatasses
Uh, but we are... spoiled fatasses, I mean. Lol. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh, man. Drool! Drool! It's cool how it's so light that it semi-glides at times.

I want one. I have a tiny hd camera I stole from my nephew's helicopter. The shots you can get are amazing.

Uh, but we are... spoiled fatasses, I mean. Lol. :D
a majority of us yes, im only spoiled though. hahaha


Well-Known Member
Oh, man. Drool! Drool! It's cool how it's so light that it semi-glides at times.

I want one. I have a tiny hd camera I stole from my nephew's helicopter. The shots you can get are amazing.

Uh, but we are... spoiled fatasses, I mean. Lol. :D
lol, it is very fun, and addictive, it took a long time to learn how to fly it! but worth it!


Active Member
Believe it or not just the other day I thought, "I wonder whatever happened to that Robert4budz guy?" I shit you not.

Thank you for the airstone tidbit.... and thank the Lord for Tiffany.
Psycic link between fellow herbalists ! I'm gonna try a submerged 'root grid' 1/2 way down rez to let roots build a mat above air stones .. see if they can regulate their own amount of O2 bubbles IN the solution/ rez. Using flo light 2 x 4 grid .. cut to spec. Tip ya how it goes soon !

Btw .. noticed the little brown spots .. nut burn from sprayers or mag lock out ? ... saw it on mine 1st run .. was high PH with sprayerz that caused it.


Well-Known Member
Psycic link between fellow herbalists ! I'm gonna try a submerged 'root grid' 1/2 way down rez to let roots build a mat above air stones .. see if they can regulate their own amount of O2 bubbles IN the solution/ rez. Using flo light 2 x 4 grid .. cut to spec. Tip ya how it goes soon !

Btw .. noticed the little brown spots .. nut burn from sprayers or mag lock out ? ... saw it on mine 1st run .. was high PH with sprayerz that caused it.
Nute burn. I controlled the burn to stop right before destroying the plants while maximizing size.

Sounds like you're getting pretty crafty there.


Well-Known Member

Larry, the smaller plant, took her burning much better. Tough little bitch.

They were drinking the ppm too fast, too hard, so I kissed them with 5ml of A and 6 ml of B. Currently at 460ppm.


Well-Known Member
shweeeeeeeeeeeeet!! even your trichs look like they are gonna explode! love the fury edges with the crystals, they are just magnificent!


Well-Known Member

Hi LJ - Today was busy and I was only able to get a quick shot with the lights on. I also got an email from Nick at Holy Smoke in reply to my questions about this Malawi - very cool huh!

Top view with LED and CFLs:


Edit: She looks mangled because the fan is blowing her into weird shapes!


Well-Known Member

Hi LJ - Today was busy and I was only able to get a quick shot with the lights on. I also got an email from Nick at Holy Smoke in reply to my questions about this Malawi - very cool huh!

Top view with LED and CFLs:


Edit: She looks mangled because the fan is blowing her into weird shapes!
Are you blowing a fan directly on her? If so, try backing off a bit. It's just a little wind stress.

Top growth sizing up nicely. So deceptively short right now. Don't let it fool you. It's a Sativa.


Well-Known Member
I know! I am waiting for her to go wild and I will Scrog her good! And I will let a clone go wild outside to see how big she can get!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. That look doesn't look half bad. Wow.
thanx man!
ooh it's brilliant, i'm really quite surprised a plant no higher than 12 inches can produce resin like this, i'll go 1 more week with her, these 2 little clones have been flowering for about 8-9 weeks now, long slow process with such small babies