Root Aphids

If you use imidacloprid you have to wait at least 50 days before harvest. That what bothers me. I have too many plants in flower, so that why I went with nematodes. The time to use it would be during veg.. I never tried azamax but heard good things about it. The insect killer I used was Safer Brand End All Insect Killer with neem oil and pyrethrins. The friend who gave me the infected clones has been spraying his clones roots and all with it and they have disappeared. I may be a glutton for punishment but I going to take 4 more clones from him. Also add extra root builder, like mycorrazae, and that will offset the damage. One sign you are getting upper hand is by how much new growth you get. Good
I can't remember if i already said this but something that helped me was I took a clean shop vac and then vacuumed off any loose soil on top of all of my pots. pretty much tried to vacuum off the roots. Take soil outside and discard and don't bring vacuum back in until sanitized. maybe never lol. thats where most of the eggs are at if you can take care of the eggs it will make it easier to knock out the fliers.
You left that part out before, and i really like the idea, i have more soil i could replace it with so i may very will do this once the soil drys up a bit.
yeah you just have to come at them from every possible angle you can. it cost me a few hundred dollars in products before I figured out what worked best. i'll be honest my yields were down to .3 gpw which is just terrible. an lb off of a 1400 watt setup will make you want to quit growing altogether lol.
I am concerned i may be even lower in production than that this round, my 2 furthest along are struggling, some of the youngers are doing much better atm, just afraid they are going to get worse.
Ill try to find youtube video where the guy explains how the plants act during infection, it is what really helped me diagnose them 100%. Just for anyone that may be questioning if their fungus gnats are may be something mores sinister. A good way to tell is if they try to and hide from you first and theeen fly away, instead of trying to fly away slightly oblivious to you like a fungus gnat would do.
Those are exactly what i had! They didn't go all into the roots, just the top of the hydro roots thanks to the dutch master zone. But those are def it, no question at all. I even know what they look like at all different points of life, including when they get big enough a lady bug couldn't do shit to them.
that sucks man I really need this harvest. found two altogether in my room and neither one was on my plants just crawling weakly on the floor. if you look at that icmag thread they are talking about a whole different phenotype of aphids. I guess there are over 100 types or something like that. it's like they morphed. i guess ants actually "farm" them, take care of them and in exchange they take some of the root aphid sap. my house is on a slab so the ants are tough to get rid of. terminix told my neighbor they couldn't do anything for him lol. ahh isn't nature a bitch.
That's the part you don't think about inside, Bugs. The ones that the ants farm are green and don't live in soil. They like roses and espom salt can get rid of those. Make sure you add extra root builder, maybe you can grow roots faster then they can eat
hah yeah big root systems seem to minimize the damage. I use botanicare ZHO it has an enzyme along with different beneficial fungus that seems to help make the roots crazy thick. i use hygrozyme with every watering to eat up any dead roots also. oh well even if i have a couple its better than the hundreds I had before I'll just keep at it. oh and thanks for correcting me about the ants farming only regular aphids, not root aphids.
Buchnera aphidicola is a bacteria with which the aphid has developed through evolution a obligate symbiosis. Without this bacteria present, the aphids can not feed, as they do not create their own Amino acids necessary to extract nutrients from the sap. Colloidal silver or any broad spectrum anti-bio will kill this bacteria. Without this bacteria, the aphid gets no nutrition from it's feedings, so it dies trying to gorge.
sorry this should be directed
  • I dont think you are supposed to smoke bud that has come into contact with colloidal silver

I am pretty sure he meant in the soil, regardless i see this as a sure fire way to pollenate my whole room, cause i know i would get at least a few bud sites with it while watering, i know i did with the azasol mix.
I am pretty sure he meant in the soil, regardless i see this as a sure fire way to pollenate my whole room, cause i know i would get at least a few bud sites with it while watering, i know i did with the azasol mix.

Funny you mention that about the colloidal silver. I am fairly confident that's how I seeded my entire JTR last round. I was trying to reverse one small bud near the bottom of the plant. I sprayed religiously for 6 weeks thinking it wasn't working. The CS must have been dripping into the pot or something because the entire plant got seeded. I first thought it was the Ketama that hermied but I now think the Ketama never actually released pollen. The JTR and the Afghan Kush were both downwind from the Ketama but the JTR is the only one that got seeded.
Yeah i am going to do an entirely different room for my breeding projects, i tend to over ventilate including circulation fans in the room, so i am confident i would pollinate everything in my room, probably suck enough into the carbon filter pre-filter i would be dealing with it for months.
So did you keep the seeds? Now that you know they are a little less likely to hermie are you going to try some? Can i have some? :lol:
Probably a good time to update
So far so good, didn't find any root aphids alive. Had to look very hard for dead bodies, but they were there.
Found one fungus gnat on a plant, seemed stoned or something, didn't really try to get away at all, just enough for me to know he was still alive.
AzaSol worked awesome on the plants, as a foliar spray, just as advertised. No residue on the leaves at all, pretty good for a neem oil product. May purchase some more of this soon to have on hand.
Still thinking i am going to find the shop vac tonight and vacuum up the top of the soil, seems worth a shot.
Going to monitor things closely from now on, and hopefully in a week or so i will be willing to put the next round into flower.