My pot movie

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Thats because zeke probably lives in his mothers basement collecting unemployment and has no ambition in life and he as no clue and cant cope with reality and spends his days talking shit on the internet. does that sum it up:twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen:

I agree:hump:

I need help..

should I

ban you ?
thank you ?
or ignore you?

Can somebody please decipher this post....

am I being torn a new one.. or complimented or both...?

how can you ban someone you love? I was just telling people to beware, and the reason god should damn you is cause im pretty sure you had something to do with the virus. So im tearing you a new one and telling people not to even try to down load your video free, which is more benificial to you then not i think.:mrgreen::evil::mrgreen::peace:
notons wont stop your issue limewire is direct close p2p source loads which means anyone can follow your download packets right to your computer as it uses your ip to break up into bits and then directly takes parts from a central source starting point the companys basically sit and fish you down load the simpsons and fox has a guy with a file with the movie you get a bit from him that has script coding that he can see right where your destination file is located and comes to your house. Things like bitcomet you have opensource where it comes from seeders to a mix pool that then take multiple routes to get to you no way to follow it
Graden side note am I right as I know you made dvds and book.Does it take alot of work and time? can you be in production and say thursday scene 5 will be ready without fail or does shit kinda go as good as it can with shit in the middle slowing you down? That cfls grow did you put the book out as the plant was growing or did you have to wait for the plant to grow, then add art,then edit,then print then approve,then press, then distribute? Apparently some think its all done in a few weeks

DVDs take at least 2 years to make money BACK... just the money invested... works out to less than minimum wage... true

Don't even think about doing it, unless it is your calling.... shit loads of effort.. but I really enjoy cruising around and checking peoples gardens and listening to people stories... and sometimes they even think I am an expert...

Really I just love the plants and have confidence... shit, I just got a 1984 red honda elite 80 scooter... and I ride it side by side with my bro.. he also has a red honda elite scooter .... we look like the "Broke Back Scooter CLUB" .... gotta have confidence to do that ... LOL

The book was a total accident... I just enjoy plants, pictures and I just pulled it all together... it took nearly 3 years from start to finish... still have not made my money back... LOL... I'm so cool :)

NOW the second book and the 4th DVD I am coming out with.. I am really excited about.. and I hope I make millions... please buy a copy... :)

its gonna be called
- Let's GROW a POUND -
in your closet

If my first book was not the greatest contribution ever made to the grow community.. then this book will surely BE...


rep please... thank you

zekke and with those differnt movies how many motnhs of filming was that to record or was it a day here a holiday here? When you edited it for dvd quality and sound what programs did you sue as to be retail it has to be at certain standards if its gonna be carried by a well known sponsor like Advance nutes like his dvd will be.What bandwidth will you post thos videos in and for what connection frames?Did you send your artwork out for approval and test press? On distribution how many companies did you deal with to meet deadlines and price in your budget? Now when your had a minute did you travel to promotion meetings and talk to the financers or what? Need some of that info to see if you made a 5 minute home movie or a detailed sponsored retail dvd with a marketing push and budget

dude, it's not a fuckin' golden globe. it's episode 11. :roll: jesus christ. :roll::roll::roll:
notons wont stop your issue limewire is direct close p2p source loads which means anyone can follow your download packets right to your computer as it uses your ip to break up into bits and then directly takes parts from a central source starting point the companys basically sit and fish you down load the simpsons and fox has a guy with a file with the movie you get a bit from him that has script coding that he can see right where your destination file is located and comes to your house. Things like bitcomet you have opensource where it comes from seeders to a mix pool that then take multiple routes to get to you no way to follow it

i wish you would not teach people that shit... you're banned!!!!

how can you ban someone you love? I was just telling people to beware, and the reason god should damn you is cause im pretty sure you had something to do with the virus. So im tearing you a new one and telling people not to even try to down load your video free, which is more benificial to you then not i think.:mrgreen::evil::mrgreen::peace:

iloveyou... :mrgreen::mrgreen:
zekke and with those differnt movies how many motnhs of filming was that to record or was it a day here a holiday here? When you edited it for dvd quality and sound what programs did you sue as to be retail it has to be at certain standards if its gonna be carried by a well known sponsor like Advance nutes like his dvd will be.What bandwidth will you post thos videos in and for what connection frames?Did you send your artwork out for approval and test press? On distribution how many companies did you deal with to meet deadlines and price in your budget? Now when your had a minute did you travel to promotion meetings and talk to the financers or what? Need some of that info to see if you made a 5 minute home movie or a detailed sponsored retail dvd with a marketing push and budget

What does the 5 minute clips of footage have to do with his DVD? What Im saying is YES production can take time but we are talking about clips of what he is supposed to be making, very easy to throw some clips and say OK peeps, this is it, now you must wait for the DVD but I dont see how to justify waiting a month for a 5 minute clip of what he already has filmed
Check this out dude, I have video footage of family shit with my kids, christmas's and everything like that...I can go through them all and edit what I dont want, add music and put it up on youtube with 15 different episodes each being 5 or so minutes a piece in less than a week and still work 60+ hours at my job:hump:

link me please

BTW (not directed at you ZEKDOG) - living with your parents is the most noble thing a man can do.. IF somebody thinks their shit don't stink.. they they need to go live with their parents., it is the ultimate and only REAL self help tool..

love your parents or deny you're an asshole... those are the only two options ion life...

even if your dad touched you and your sisters junk....

everything you hate about your parents is YOU....
fdd you can have an opinion but why not make it about the topic the actual clips if in clip 3 you disagrreed with how he planted the plants then fine but a bunch of people are trying to make it out as he somehow tricked everyone under a lie that he was gonna sell a dvd those are the main jackasses.Coming back saying he lied and just used this thread to promote the dvd...yes we know that he told us move on.Thats the issue people who think you click your fingers and its done. Yes he took the whole year to promote he could have done a wait and promote tactic if he had done this before but he is new to it.How long do movies get promoted before they are ready at the theater for public viewing 1 year sometime 2 or 3 ? How long did it take to get each Soprano series and they had money and connections? An opinion about the videos hes post is fine but why make conspiracy therories on time lengths and making money when thats all beee told in advance and was never a secret
What does the 5 minute clips of footage have to do with his DVD? What Im saying is YES production can take time but we are talking about clips of what he is supposed to be making, very easy to throw some clips and say OK peeps, this is it, now you must wait for the DVD but I dont see how to justify waiting a month for a 5 minute clip of what he already has filmed
you ever think the films get delayed due to pests such as yourself.???:twisted:
i love threads like this.. everybody is just typing away.. sipping cold coffee.. while their dog sleeps on the couch (or cat FDD :) ) and their girl friends masterbate in the bedroom waiting for us to come to bed..

life is awesome!!!
i love threads like this.. everybody is just typing away.. sipping cold coffee.. while their dog sleeps on the couch (or cat FDD :) ) and their girl friends masterbate in the bedroom waiting for us to come to bed..

life is awesome!!!
i have a raccoon:mrgreen::hump:
iloveyou... :mrgreen::mrgreen:
But dont get me wrong, it will be on my top ten of first downloads on this new bitcomet program. :smile: Fuck yeah for bitcomet!!!

And thanks filthy, idk like i said i never had any problems, but then again i havnt been running limewire for a couple years. Maby just lucky? But limewire is going in the trash as soon as i get home, and ill check into this bitcomet, i like how like you said, people dont have direct acess to your computer. I just hope my computer isnt completly fucked already.
you ever think the films get delayed due to pests such as yourself.???:twisted:

Well hell did you ever think that if he gives a shit about his fanbase then why he gonna let an asshole and pest like myself ruin it for everyone....Trust me...I am no reason, nor is anyone here for that matter to why it is the way it is...but i will play the scapegoat if it makes you any happier:hump:
Im trying to talk to those who just dont get it I guess. .Ok I guess I was thinking having Graden verify the time and work it takes to do a public release correctly is not a quick thing.I can make a single band home video with music and toss it out in 5 minutes yes. Is that gonna load for several bands of connections like 56k,sattelitte,dsl, and cable nope it wont.Itll play but wont synch righ for each of those connections. Now lets say would the Rolling Stones toss out a rough edit of thier new single for millions to see and judge the upcoming album or do you not find it wierd how clean the so called leaked songs are.Thats because thats a market promotion a fine finished ready for market leak.This gets you hype and promotions. If its a shit song missing the hook or chorus or half mixed vocals its done thats the end of the hype. If its real good and people can see what they will get you get potential takes alot of time and planning and expirence.BDW is new at it yes and along with sponsorship is self guerilla promoting obviously.why is that so bad to make people hate him for sharing what he has and dragging out the last few episodes to coinside with the dvd release when the last clip is posted??Its actually very very smart
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