USA Drug testing on 4/21/12


Active Member
My buddy just told me that all goverment jobs will have a suprize drug test the day after NPD. I'm guessing jobs like teaching and mailmen. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
How about the stoners declare it a bank holiday, still blazed from the day before. It'd save a good chunk of the workforce being fired...


Well-Known Member
Search. There are dozens of threads on drugs tests, discussing how long the person didn't smoke for, what they tried to cheat with, what worked and what didn't work etc..



Well-Known Member
Spoke like a true republican LOL!!!!!
Oh but wait, I'm not! I voted for the guy in '08 and will hold my nose as I vote for him again this year (I believe in choosing my candidate based on the lesser of two evils).

You really need to read last month's Rolling Stone article entitled "Obama's War on Pot".


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry I was trolling alittle bro.
The thing the way I see it as when I hear any politician making promises that their going to do this or that really depends on what the rest of or elected officials will allow.
It would be very easy for us to insist for them to tell us if their pro or con for MMJ and that we do have the process to remove them before their term is up if they back track.
Oboma wanted what he said but when he hung his shingle out at the White House he found out that theres others there that will make or break his wishes.
Every one here is old enough to vote only 1/2 of you get off your butts and vote. The other 1/2 lay there crying in their beer cause the big bad US government is picking on them.
Get out and vote my minions!!!!!
I did read enough to see he'd like for us to belive it's someone eles doing the bad stuff and not him, whats so new about a President doing that??


just some guy
Yea sorry I was trolling alittle bro. The thing the way I see it as when I hear any politician making promises that their going to do this or that really depends on what the rest of or elected officials will allow. It would be very easy for us to insist for them to tell us if their pro or con for MMJ and that we do have the process to remove them before their term is up if they back track.Oboma wanted what he said but when he hung his shingle out at the White House he found out that theres others there that will make or break his wishes. Every one here is old enough to vote only 1/2 of you get off your butts and vote. The other 1/2 lay there crying in their beer cause the big bad US government is picking on them.Get out and vote my minions!!!!! I did read enough to see he'd like for us to belive it's someone eles doing the bad stuff and not him, whats so new about a President doing that??
R es pect !!!!!


Active Member
dirtsurfr:7255417 said:
Yea sorry I was trolling alittle bro.
The thing the way I see it as when I hear any politician making promises that their going to do this or that really depends on what the rest of or elected officials will allow.
It would be very easy for us to insist for them to tell us if their pro or con for MMJ and that we do have the process to remove them before their term is up if they back track.
Oboma wanted what he said but when he hung his shingle out at the White House he found out that theres others there that will make or break his wishes.
Every one here is old enough to vote only 1/2 of you get off your butts and vote. The other 1/2 lay there crying in their beer cause the big bad US government is picking on them.
Get out and vote my minions!!!!!
I did read enough to see he'd like for us to belive it's someone eles doing the bad stuff and not him, whats so new about a President doing that??
I agree that the president is just a spokesperson for the goverment. We all know who's really in charge