RUI doesn't seem very welcoming


Well-Known Member
You'd think where this is a marajuana based site...everyone would be CHILL and happy! I think everyone just needs to smoke more weed...
This is so true! As some others said, a few people are immature and apparently the only way they can build self-esteem is to troll on internet forums. So I just chill, take a rip from my bong and realize that the majority of people I have interacted with (not many due to my few # of posts) have truly been helpful and a joy to chat with. It is definitely a minority of people but they do their best to get noticed. I just ignore the idiots and interact with the adults. Enjoy the good parts of RIU and don't feed the trolls everyone! bongsmilie Cheers!


Active Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
dude u dont have a chance


New Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.

sorry some people made u feel this way but as u can see by post here there is good friendly helpful people here
stick around site needs more people like u


Active Member
The best advice I was ever given here is to simply ignore the negative here on this site. Just like any other cannabis forum on the net. Stay positive and don't let that cancerous thing called negativity effect you.

Just focus on your vision. The reason why you joined the site. Anything other than that does not warrant your attention.

Trust me, this is the best path anyone can take towards this site.

All the Best!


Well-Known Member
It's spring break time for the high school kids, hence the increase in retarded posts lately


Well-Known Member
troll button... never gonna happen, they haven't even brought back the like button, but would be sooo helpful.


Well-Known Member
This is so true! As some others said, a few people are immature and apparently the only way they can build self-esteem is to troll on internet forums. So I just chill, take a rip from my bong and realize that the majority of people I have interacted with (not many due to my few # of posts) have truly been helpful and a joy to chat with. It is definitely a minority of people but they do their best to get noticed. I just ignore the idiots and interact with the adults. Enjoy the good parts of RIU and don't feed the trolls everyone! bongsmilie Cheers!
It is such a common misconception that weed makes people happy. It doesn't. Happy people often smoke weed. But some people are miserable fucks and they smoke weed to make it easier to cope with being that way. Such is life. We create our realities by choosing how we want to feel... whatever we feel is what we get.


Well-Known Member
That's alright man, honest mistake. I can see how contextually you might think I was referring to you indirectly or somethin.

Have you checked through the settings to turn off notifications?


Well-Known Member
I know you're busy going off and being angry and shit, so I won't take your attitude personally, but: You can choose how you want to feel about any given parameter of reality. I didn't say you could choose whether or not famine exists... but you can choose how you feel about it's inevitable existence. That will redefine your reality instantly, if you can get your head to shift in that way.

See how upset you are about all those bad things that are in the world? I just go "Those aspects of reality are an inevitable counterbalance to other aspects of reality, and must be accepted at face value if I am going to enjoy my life." And then I do, I accept them as a part of our world, and I do my best to enjoy my life by feeling acceptance about both the smaller contrasting elements and the wholeness of the bigger picture.

What does white look like in a world where there is no other color? Black is there to balance it so that we can understand, hold preference, et cetera. If you believe in world peace, for instance... you'd never know it existed unless there was conflict. Then what would you believe? Nothing. Life is an elaborate painting. I would not have it any other way. How would you feel if someone outlawed all the colors they deemed "evil" and you were only allowed to see/think/feel/use colors that that person deemed acceptable? It would be a restrictive and limiting experience, and I am not interested in that. I have no interest in committing heinous crimes, but I appreciate that those who do act as a marker and a guidepost on the road of life that reminds the rest of us to keep on the path and be righteous and honor life.


Well-Known Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, maining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" tryin to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because Im saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
it's not what you know but who you know, seems to be the moral of your story
welcome to the harsh reality of life young sir :)


Well-Known Member
it's not what you know but who you know, seems to be the moral of your story
welcome to the harsh reality of life young sir :)
Haha, so true.

I did not get a warm welcome at first. I elbowed my way into every thread with opinions and blazing truths. Now people love me. Go get 'em tiger.


Well-Known Member
i have noticed a fair few feisty youngsters here, all trying to get noticed and impress with their grow book jorge cervantes quoting skills
and then we have the OG kush hipsters from LA , everyone else is jealous of their weed because its the best weed in the world
quite a funny bunch here overall,
if you kind of go with the flow, i am sure you will find amusement here

peace :)


Well-Known Member
Hey People
Background: College student, Majoring in Horticulture, mining landscape/landscape design and green house management. And yes I'm young, being 19, but that does not mean I'm not serious or some "thug" trying to grow all stealth away from his parents. I know a ton about Horticulture for someone my age.

For the most part I only used RIU as a part of my research guide into the questions I need answered.

Everyone once in awhile I'll throw in a post if I cant find anything exactly what I was looking for.

But recently, it seems like everyone just sits and trolls on here, ignores you, acts immature or cocky. Like are we suppose to be nice and helpful and not dicks. The only time you get treated "better" is if you've known been forever on here.

I just thought I'd put that out there, RIU is a great site that has helped me a lot, but it just seems like its not full of a lot of "respectful authority figures" compared to others.

I would love for someone to talk to me about this, that understands or something and not just get pissed because I'm saying this, because I'm mad, I'm more upset and want to stay on the site, its just hard to stay here.
Couldn't agree with you more. Lots of good info here . Ive been on here for several years but rarely post because of all the trolls on here. Live an learn my friend.