Carbon scrubber help needed... does this look right?


Hey guys, just got my new tent setup and I made a carbon scrubber from chicken wire, carbon filter, panty hose, and activated carbon (4/5 full). I am venting the air into the attic as you can see in the pictures. I have an inline fan sitting right on the other side of the ceiling panel. Problem is, it seems to be sucking air through the top 1/5th portion of my carbon scrubber that is not filled with activated carbon. The tutorial I read for building it, did it exactly like I have it, and said to leave a small part unfilled (1/5th)... but that guy also had his carbon scrubber on the outside of his box with no external ventilation (he must have had the fan on the inside pushing air through his scrubber (which doesn't make sense to me)). Am i doing everything correctly having my scrubber on the inside of my tent, pulling air through it into the attic? My tent area doesn't smell, but if I smell the air coming directly out of the inline fan in the attic, it doesn't smell like its getting scrubbed well... I feel like all the air is going through the top 1/5th portion that isn't filled with activated carbon (going through just the carbon air filter). Would it be effective to duct tape off that top 1/5th portion to force air to be sucked through the activated carbon? Any advice would be appreciated as my 1000watt HPS/MHS is coming in Monday, and I want to have the ventilation problem fixed before I start on my light's ventilation (GOODBYE CFL'S!!)

Sorry, that last picture got cut off... Here's a small version: View attachment 2108582View attachment 2108583


Active Member
I wouldn't trust a homemade carbon filter for any of my grows. Especially when running a 1000w light. What kind of inline fan do you have? how many CFM?


I'm using a 240cfm 6" fan, but I'm only pulling the air maybe 4 feet. It seems that if I hang it horizontally that it will just suck air from the portion that's facing upwards, no? Any other suggestions? Would taping off the top part not work?

kbo ca

Active Member
hey and props for making your own filter, most guys think you have to buy expensive equipment, when a good deal of grow equipment can be made just like this.
I'd like to post a fallow up to another question he asked.

Is it better to pull air through your carbon filter, or push it out through the filter, to scrub the air?


Well-Known Member
Mine is set up in a way that air is forced through the fan sucks the air in and pushes it out through the carbon filter and then clean air disperses....


Well-Known Member
You need it completely filled or to cover that top 1/5 portion with something that blocks airflow. Air is going to take the path of least resistance which is the portion of the filter that is not blocked with coal.

Pulling though and pushing out have the same effect. Pulling through it however gives you the option to direct your exhaust post filter.


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters are designed to have air pulled through them...that's why there's dust covers on them.

Grow Safe

kbo ca

Active Member
you want to pull air through any and all of your filters. One major reason being keeping your fans clean.
Mine is set up in a way that air is forced through the fan sucks the air in and pushes it out through the carbon filter and then clean air disperses....
Would it be ok for the filter to push hot air through it? say if you had it, inline with you air cooled hood. pulling the air from the room, through the cool tube/hood, then out through the filter.


Active Member
Would it be ok for the filter to push hot air through it? say if you had it, inline with you air cooled hood. pulling the air from the room, through the cool tube/hood, then out through the filter.
A carbon filter is designed to pull air through it. Like so.....

Carbon Filter --> Air Cooled Hood --> Inline Fan --> Out of Tent

Fan could be on either side of the hood


They say it is better to pull air through. it is moving 10X as fast after the fan and does not leave a lot of time to scrub the air that way