new outside grow

the peach

just got some seeds from a friend and planted 4 in a small pot on my balcony. i have 3 sprouts and want to know what is best to do next. just looking to keep them healthy and growing. will have pics up later. just normal dirt for now. will change to something else later i suppose

thanks for your help


Active Member
Hey man your really gonna need a different soil and some nutrients... move the sprouts to there own containers.. spray them a few times a day with a spray bottle. If you wanna go cheap on soil & nutes I suggest checkin out ur local hydro shop. Hell of a lot cheaper than buying stuff offline..and u can talk to ur hydro guy and look for some help. Good luck

the peach

Ok. Got 4 sprouts. The 2 taller ones sprouted outside before i became concerned with amt of sun. move them inside under an ordinary light.

will buy separate containers and soil and light soon. waiting for good seeds


taken this morning. both tall ones have fallen over. have nutes, soil, light, and new homes inbound

suggestions anyone?


Active Member
those are supppppperrrrrrr stretched!! What light source are you using??? Whatever it is you need more light.