is alaska fish fertilizer good?


Well-Known Member
yeah its good i think all organic, but wild animals love it so its critical you have fencing, i stress that. the next day you will have a dyg uo plant unless yoy take pecautions. but its good organic fert and cheap


Well-Known Member
should i use Alaska fish fertilizer for the vegatative state instead of fox farm grow big?

its all i use on my seedlings, indoor plants, and vegetable garden. guerilla growing is something different though.if you can protect your plants good enough yeah it would be good but i think it would be risky. i personally wouldnt but thats me.


Well-Known Member
36in Chicken wire for sure. and make sure to bury the bottom 4-5in of the wire or those critters will dig right under it no prob.. I had this problem last year.. They didn't touch or eat my plants, they just dug and rolled around in the soil!!