LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
I hear that, FFOF only has enough nutes for like 6 weeks though so it definitely needs follow up feeding. Honestly I don't know what is best, I am not experienced with soil beyond FFOF, heh. I have heard peat moss has acidity issues, is that right? So leaning towards coco or perlite base?

Honestly I am curious as to what you would recommend for someone who doesn't know WTF they are doing, hahaha.

I'm looking at what you posted above and I feel fucking overwhelmed already, ROFL. But don't feel like you have to hold my hand, I will have to start researching this stuff heavily myself anyway if I'm ever gonna get good at this...

I have heard people complain about using strong soils due to not being able to control what fertilizers the plant can get when it needs it, etc... is that something that concerns you? What happens if it DOES burn? You're just fucked? heh.

BTW, we are getting this thread way off topic... maybe you could start a new thread in the organics forum about this and we can talk about it there? Or you can send me PMs? Seems like info that would be useful to others though, so maybe a new thread would be good!

So you're saying that certain elements of this mix won't provide the P needed until flowering because it takes time for it to break down in a way that will provide it? Which elements are providing it? Soil mixes seem so complicated when I have no idea what i'm doin, heh.
fox farm will make it all the way to the end, its just got a lot of material that can be broken down by bennies so most people who dont just water water end up using all the available nutrient way before their time. peat moss is great, dolomite lime takes care of this and promix peat moss has both dolomite and perlite mixed in. yeah i will start a thread with some soil help mostly been thinking about doing that.


Well-Known Member
HYDRO! DWC!!! Ive done soil.. never again! I dunno, to each his own, but a sterile DWC is the simplest way that ive found. No need to worry about the mircro-environment / microbes / bennies etc, just give the straight nutes in 5.5ph water with an air rock... easy peasy baby
Hahaha... and there we go in the opposite direction. So many options. :P What kind of nutes do you use in a DWC setup? I am wondering if I can use the FoxFarm nutes I bought in DWC... I've noticed they have a "hydroponic" version of each of their liquids, not sure about the solids.

I'd like to try DWC eventually but I'm not set up for it yet... still, if I'm gonna drop a bunch of money on soil ingredients I could probably go buy some hydro supplies instead...

*head spinning*

Are you guys trying to play pin the tail on the donkey with me here? LOL


Well-Known Member
fox farm will make it all the way to the end, its just got a lot of material that can be broken down by bennies so most people who dont just water water end up using all the available nutrient way before their time. peat moss is great, dolomite lime takes care of this and promix peat moss has both dolomite and perlite mixed in. yeah i will start a thread with some soil help mostly been thinking about doing that.
Well my FFOF have shown N deficiency around 6 weeks in the past... but I guess I might have jumped the gun and started adding nutes early since I was trying to follow their sched... I'm starting to see it now on my air pot babies, which are gonna be transplanted to bigger containers shortly so they should get some more food from that... what the heck am I doing wrong if there's supposed to be enough to go a whole run?


Active Member
Hahaha... and there we go in the opposite direction. So many options. :P What kind of nutes do you use in a DWC setup? I am wondering if I can use the FoxFarm nutes I bought in DWC... I've noticed they have a "hydroponic" version of each of their liquids, not sure about the solids.

I'd like to try DWC eventually but I'm not set up for it yet... still, if I'm gonna drop a bunch of money on soil ingredients I could probably go buy some hydro supplies instead...

*head spinning*

Are you guys trying to play pin the tail on the donkey with me here? LOL
I want to build a DWC setup badly, but my problem is all my clones and seedlings right now are in soil. So I dont get the fun of Earth Juice Hydroponics for at least a year the way my veg holder is looking. Though I may end up trashing half of my Fire OG clones if they dont start showing some better signs of recovery from the heat stress they got the day I brought them home.


Well-Known Member
I want to build a DWC setup badly, but my problem is all my clones and seedlings right now are in soil. So I dont get the fun of Earth Juice Hydroponics for at least a year the way my veg holder is looking. Though I may end up trashing half of my Fire OG clones if they dont start showing some better signs of recovery from the heat stress they got the day I brought them home.
You can transplant clones in soil into DWC, I've done it sevreal times now with no problems. That's only dixie cup sized though. Thoughh, I also use the big baskets.


Well-Known Member
Okay I officially hate you all, LOL.

I kid I kid... but seriously there are too many options and my head is spinning...

I like options but I am prone to indecision, haha. I like the idea of fast grow cycles with DWC, that's for sure..


Active Member
You can transplant clones in soil into DWC, I've done it sevreal times now with no problems. That's only dixie cup sized though.

They are all in red solo cups, and I am sure they are root bound to hell. Friend moved and he still had 10 clones left that he didnt have room for in his new tent, so I took em instead of them just being trashed.


Well-Known Member
DWC is for those with # limits IMO yield for yield in soil i can get a better yield quicker, with more plants, its just DWC is like taking one plant and making it the size of 6 plants it takes time. 2 very different styles. as a far a nutes go all hydro nutes can be used in soil but not vice versa. i love soil but honestly my favorite sytem is aero and if we are talking about investing, well lets just make it worth while, i can help you design that too. but i will say im more the expert at soil. it up to you man. i have done both DWC and soil, i love DWC but soil is faster(if you know what your doing!)


Well-Known Member
You can transplant clones in soil into DWC, I've done it sevreal times now with no problems. That's only dixie cup sized though. Thoughh, I also use the big baskets.

i do it often too. but i kinda gave up on the DWC due to my rooms size restrictions couldn't do both and i know soil and organics like the back of my cock


Active Member
DWC is for those with # limits IMO yield for yield in soil i can get a better yield quicker, with more plants, its just DWC is like taking one plant and making it the size of 6 plants it takes time. 2 very different styles. as a far a nutes go all hydro nutes can be used in soil but not vice versa. i love soil but honestly my favorite sytem is aero and if we are talking about investing, well lets just make it worth while, i can help you design that too. but i will say im more the expert at soil. it up to you man. i have done both DWC and soil, i love DWC but soil is faster(if you know what your doing!)
Really? I had allways heard the oposite the DWC is faster then soil. I am limited on space. My 3 plants under a scrog really stretch my limit allready thats part of the reason I was thinking DWC. What do you guys think.

ED: Of course I could also get off my lazy ass and clean my garage so I can build a bigger grow room, or a grow cabinet that I have an idea for.


Well-Known Member
DWC is for those with # limits IMO yield for yield in soil i can get a better yield quicker, with more plants, its just DWC is like taking one plant and making it the size of 6 plants it takes time. 2 very different styles. as a far a nutes go all hydro nutes can be used in soil but not vice versa. i love soil but honestly my favorite sytem is aero and if we are talking about investing, well lets just make it worth while, i can help you design that too. but i will say im more the expert at soil. it up to you man. i have done both DWC and soil, i love DWC but soil is faster(if you know what your doing!)
That's pretty fascinating there... I thought the main bene of hydro was faster growth rates and therefore shorter cycles. I'm not looking to limit #'s necessarily, I was more interested in the idea of a faster growth cycle from start to finish...


Well-Known Member
this comes down to your method, but my growth times are outrageous with proper organics. DWC takes time the first month there is like very little to no growth. those clones you saw in the pics in my veg room in the 1 gal bags on the floor where 1 week old and their old 4x4in pots were filled with roots. that huge cucumber plant is 3 weeks old


Well-Known Member
ED: Of course I could also get off my lazy ass and clean my garage so I can build a bigger grow room, or a grow cabinet that I have an idea for.
Wish I was working with such options there, man. You should do that shit. Got a garage but it's not secure or private enough. Really can't wait to own a place so I can build a serious hidden room.


Well-Known Member
then you want a low nutrient content soil with a compost tea feeding once a week and a chemical nute feeding once a week(to regulate microbes and well feed your plants too) i dont use any plain water till last 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Wish I was working with such options there, man. You should do that shit. Got a garage but it's not secure or private enough. Really can't wait to own a place so I can build a serious hidden room.
me too. me and my girl have been looking at places but haven't decided yet.


Active Member
Wish I was working with such options there, man. You should do that shit. Got a garage but it's not secure or private enough. Really can't wait to own a place so I can build a serious hidden room.

I want to just convert my fiance's sewing room, but A my fiance would kill me. B my fiance would kill me, and C My fiance would kill me.

The garage would be great and if I do the closet idea it would be very stealth even. I have a feeling it is what I will ultimately do, but going to perfect what system I want to use ect. in this little room before I scale up any.

Did I mention, my fiance would kill me? :P


Well-Known Member
then you want a low nutrient content soil with a compost tea feeding once a week and a chemical nute feeding once a week(to regulate microbes and well feed your plants too) i dont use any plain water till last 2-3 weeks.
*sputters to the surface* sounds reasonable... *resubmerges into the depths*

I am going to get some sleep guys, I will think on all this info you have filled my head with and try to figure out what i want to do, lol ;)