Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
Acknowledged, Captain. I'll keep the temps low and a prolonged dark period for sure. They're running on next to no nute and have been for the past week or so... so, we're gettin' there.
nice, cant wait to see them ress up. the color changes will blow your mind, youll wake up one morning with a whole bunch of plants youve never seen! and some people prefer purp, most think its always strain dependent but all strains will turn a color from resin, and they'll swell with resin to prepare for lower temperatures so the water weight wont freeze, they do the same thing when spidermites attack so its harder for the mites to get to the center of the buds. its like a defense mechanism they put out, they will do anything to survive. another cool defense mechanism cannabis has is that it will hermie if flowered too long, this way their species continues. mj has a lot of tricks that are pretty sweet, i feel like nobody ever mentions how resilient of a plant mj is, everyones too busy loving them to death with a whole bunch of overpriced nutes.


Well-Known Member
nice, cant wait to see them ress up. the color changes will blow your mind, youll wake up one morning with a whole bunch of plants youve never seen! and some people prefer purp, most think its always strain dependent but all strains will turn a color from resin, and they'll swell with resin to prepare for lower temperatures so the water weight wont freeze, they do the same thing when spidermites attack so its harder for the mites to get to the center of the buds. its like a defense mechanism they put out, they will do anything to survive. another cool defense mechanism cannabis has is that it will hermie if flowered too long, this way their species continues. mj has a lot of tricks that are pretty sweet, i feel like nobody ever mentions how resilient of a plant mj is, everyones too busy loving them to death with a whole bunch of overpriced nutes.
Kickin' down the knowledge!

From the looks of those bud shots you would think you were growing out "the white"
Awesome job jin
Thank you! Tahoe is crazy frosty. One more week!


Well-Known Member
Might have to see if I can get my hands on a tahoe cut
Check out my Larry , she's coming along nicely for a cfl grow if i say so myself

Flowering for 9 days,
Day 51 seems so far away lol

Some sour diesel for ya ;)

Just love how the leaves catch the flash


Well-Known Member
Might have to see if I can get my hands on a tahoe cut
Check out my Larry , she's coming along nicely for a cfl grow if i say so myself

Flowering for 9 days,
Day 51 seems so far away lol

Some sour diesel for ya ;)

Just love how the leaves catch the flash
That is very lovely. CFL's, huh? I never would have guessed.

BTW: Your Larry looks like the illegitimate child of my current Tahoe and Larry plants. Has characteristics of both my plants without quite looking like either. That might be a special pheno.

You're a handy trainer/top multiplier. I'm seriously amazed that those were grown with CFL's. You're kidding, right? Just to impress us? What is that you're hiding behind your back? Is that a 600 watt hid in your pocket?


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I can still see a little green on those calyxes.

Pst...hey, I'm planning to play hooky day after tomorrow to harvest. I'm just gonna give it a quick one day Final Phase flush and lights out.

Or should I wait until Saturday and let Tahoe become snowballs on sticks?

Saturday would be only day 56. I get the feeling that this weed is going to show an old stoner something new.

chop those girls!......those trichs will amber up in no time, even after you chop, they have gone milk white overnight almost!!
no way i could wait to saturday for that!!! you'll know what to do jin' u lucky greener


Well-Known Member
That is very lovely. CFL's, huh? I never would have guessed.

BTW: Your Larry looks like the illegitimate child of my current Tahoe and Larry plants. Has characteristics of both my plants without quite looking like either. That might be a special pheno.

You're a handy trainer/top multiplier. I'm seriously amazed that those were grown with CFL's. You're kidding, right? Just to impress us? What is that you're hiding behind your back? Is that a 600 watt hid in your pocket?
Hmmm maybe ill keep her going then
Good thing I took 2 clones before flipping the switch.

Yea I had to train them or else they'll out grow my space lol
Especially the sour d , she stretches like crazy once she starts flowering

Training also helps keep a even light distribution on the canopy.

No I'm not kidding you I'm using all cfls and a t-12 fixture I had laying around for side lighting.

Maybe after this grow i be able to upgrade to a 600w hid
Just maybe


Well-Known Member
chop those girls!......those trichs will amber up in no time, even after you chop, they have gone milk white overnight almost!!
no way i could wait to saturday for that!!! you'll know what to do jin' u lucky greener
I'm chopping soon... so soon that i can already feel the sticky on me.

Hmmm maybe ill keep her going then
Good thing I took 2 clones before flipping the switch.

Yea I had to train them or else they'll out grow my space lol
Especially the sour d , she stretches like crazy once she starts flowering

Training also helps keep a even light distribution on the canopy.

No I'm not kidding you I'm using all cfls and a t-12 fixture I had laying around for side lighting.

Maybe after this grow i be able to upgrade to a 600w hid
Just maybe
That's right. Only a person who already knows stretching trains their tops like that.


Well-Known Member
Hey, in case you guys aren't getting enough nature programming in your life...

My co-worker just told of this huge fucking wasp he found in his bathroom last night. He said he walked into what sounded like a leaf-blower in his bathtub to discover this:

It was injured somehow and couldn't take full flight (lucky for my co-worker)...just buzzing and crawling around the tub. He said he swore he could feel a downdraft from his wings when he buzzed. Scary shit. Just to give you an idea of its size, here's a dead mounted specimen in an adult male's hand:

It ranges all across the world and preys specifically on tarantulas for the specific purpose of reproduction.

Hey, you're a fucking tarantula, right? You're a huge, hairy spider... the biggest spider in the world. What could there possibly be for you to be afraid of, right? It's a crazy world.

And there's plenty to be afraid of.

Y'know what kind of stories tarantulas tell their kids when they've been naughty?

Here's a video of the beast doing her thing to you-know-who.


Well-Known Member
Check out these sadistic fucks. They put a hawk in with four tarantulas in a large jar. This wasp is a fucking tarantula hitman.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so is this the new one?

Look at this! Buyer beware!

Meaning if anything should go wrong, YOU get in trouble...NOT US. Remember, our seeds are only for people UNABLE to grow. And they are for souvenir purposes only. As in, "Wouldn't you like to have a look at my cannabis seed collection?" Lol! Oh, and if you never receive your package, what are you gonna do? "Help, police! My illegal mail order never came!"

Edit: And readers in the good ol' US of A, note how the disclaimer refers to "national laws." That means federal law... which still says it's illegal in the US.

Now who's feeling like an adventurous souvenir collector?

I say forget all that shady nonsense and deal with local trusted sources only.


Well-Known Member
Hey Flow - why is the moon upside-down?
that's cause i'm on the other side of the world Mo ;)

thanx Jin :) a little playing on the iso, and aperture, but thats a basic shot from this camera, not bad huh!? maximum zoom without digital, i could probably get cleare on a full moon and a tripod, that was freehand so lucky shot i guess, 1 out of 3 anyway


Well-Known Member
Also, the water swirls counterclockwise down his drain.
lol correct :) even if you try to force it the other way, the 2 forces against one another will collide :) trippy shit, just got my new snips, and some iso for dipping the scissors, i think i'm gonna need it!, i'm gonna have alot of scissor hash this time round, this greasy bitch is oozing


Well-Known Member
Hey Flow - I use WD-40 on the snips and tools to keep them cleen and sticky-free. WD-40 contains butane so it cleans and lubricates in one quick step :)

I am so amazed at the beautiful shots you are getting with that camera. I think I need to get one! Just asked my wife and she said OK! Sweet!
