Deer... lots of deer


Active Member
Aight so my grow spot is infested with deer. (must of walked past 50 shit piles scouting it out) will deer repelents (the works human hair piss coyete piss etc) keep them away or do I need to go tree bound? or will they just not be able to resist a ton of weed growing even with all the repelents?


Well-Known Member
I would never trust just a repellent. just think, youre a deer in mid summer, everything is brown and dry but then you see a big green snack bar...


Well-Known Member
Human Hair. That and piss around your plants. Deer do not like the smell of human scent. Usually scares them off if the get a wiff.



Well-Known Member
Even after these precations you should use deer fencing. dont have the fence in the open. if you have to make a larger perimeter around the plants so choppers cant see it. the dark green plastic deer fencing at home depot is ideal its easy to work with as opposed to wire


Well-Known Member
fencing and dried blood is great that will attract the animals that a deer will try to
avoid . unless you live in a area were there are no natural predators.
good luck

such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
To increase lethality, I attach scopes to my high explosive grenades.

Works wonders. One stakeout is all it takes.


Well-Known Member
Not tryin to be mean but dude WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT? fencing is not going to attract a bear or mountain lion! ive grown for years using the exact same area with the exact same fencing...


Well-Known Member
PumkinRoller are you serius or just kiddingLOL, and blood, urine or anything like that is NOT going to keep deer away... sounds like your spot is a path deer often take so its not like if a deer runs through and smells some hair its just gonna trun around and run the other way... definatley put up a fence!


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in this too. While fencing does sound great there of those of us who can't use it because of security reasons. If an area is infested by deer is it pretty much certain they will mess with your weed?

I read somewhere else that using really smelly shavings of soap, such as Irish Spring, helps too. I have no first hand experience in doing this though.


Well-Known Member
piss works better than soap, not that it doesn't work, it keeps deer away but will attract soap hungry rodents. cages are the best tho IMO


Active Member
try runnin a perimeter with high test fishing line around your grow at knee and stomach height. deer wont go through it if they walk into it.


Active Member
exactly. thats what i have outthere now. its basically invisible. i was walking to my spot yesterday and i couldnt even see it until i got within 5 ft from it. my plants hav sprouted an i hope that it keeps the deer away. plus i use deer repelent an i hold my piss until i go back ther an pis all around the area.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
when i go hunting we use female dear piss to attract them. we spot some on tampons and hang them on our shirts. only a couple. i have used mountain lion piss and tampons in the past to deter the deer from my patch with good results. the best thing you can use is chicken wire if possable. i also piss around my patch whenever i can. hope this helps


Active Member
Im not sure if its feasible to do the home depo plastic deer fence tho it sounds like best bet, my budget is tight and planting plants really far apart in small batches, does the fishing line seriously work that sounds like best idea could do that for individual patches with ease.


Active Member
i have to rows of line set up now around my patch at about 18 inches and probly 4 ft. when my plants get bigger ill probly put one above that cause theyll see them big beautiful plants an wanna jump that shit to get to em. but of what i hear. its probly the second best thing next to wire fence. plus its practically invisible so thats great. haha


Active Member
Yeah thats what I was planin on doing anyways fkin make a fence outa that shit id die if I came to visit my crop and they got ate

that combined with repelents should do it thanks dudes


Active Member
I'm interested in this too. While fencing does sound great there of those of us who can't use it because of security reasons. If an area is infested by deer is it pretty much certain they will mess with your weed?

I read somewhere else that using really smelly shavings of soap, such as Irish Spring, helps too. I have no first hand experience in doing this though.
haha convient I just stocked up with like 10bars of irih spring for shower ^^


Active Member
hahaah im gonna do that with the soap to. hang like 3 bars in areas near on trees. then cut some up an spread it out throughout the area. deer may come close. but theyll leave. an if they run into the fishin line. theyll turn around.


Well-Known Member
this is a different problem over here, we have rabbits and kangaroos to worry about.
but they only touch them when they are young plants.
once they get to around two feet tall they dont eat them any more.

back to the deer i have a big gun and a big freezer that could use filling