Deer... lots of deer

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
i didnt read all the posts but i heard that scarecrows work!!!

no but for real i heard if you stretch vhs tap real tight between trees, that when the wind slightly blows it makes a noise that deer despise.... i heard ppl use this to bottleneck deer into their tree stand.. maybe it can work to repel deer from yoru spot

ohh and dont use the fishing line on a main trial where ppl might ride dirtbikes or whatnot... you dont want to decapitate anyone for the sake of your spot....

LOL thatd be some pretty brutal strong fishing wire. We use to tie real strong fishing wire across the streets on trashnights to each trashcan on the side of the street so like


Nice diagram huh

And a car would drive by and pull the trashcans along with it, was always so funny with a few bowls right before.

Off topic but reminded me of good times :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Elk Boy

Active Member
I live in the country , mostly farmlands and state game lands , There are tons of deer around . There are a few different ways to keep them at bay but with all the of them you need to reapply after a good rain..
1. Liquid soap. (any kind will do .Body soap, dish soap. laundry soap,)
you pour it about 25' away from your plants in a big circle
2. Human urine do the same thing .. Piss in bottles and save them every few days pour them
3. amonia works great
4. Also a friend of mine grows in a corn field and leaves old dirty smelly socks and his old work cloth's on scarecrow type dummies ...

What about Moose?


Well-Known Member
LOL thatd be some pretty brutal strong fishing wire. We use to tie real strong fishing wire across the streets on trashnights to each trashcan on the side of the street so like


Nice diagram huh

And a car would drive by and pull the trashcans along with it, was always so funny with a few bowls right before.

Off topic but reminded me of good times :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Excellent! We did something similar with an assload of kite string my dad got when I was a kid and he got into dragon kites. He got this huge box of thousands of yards of string. So, one night we were all bored and we strung up the whole God damn street, via the pylons/road reflectors. We posted look-outs on the rooves and DAMN if the first car to come by wasn't L.A. County deputy.
The string fucking STOPPED HIS CAR DEAD IN THE STREET. He couldn't see it so at first he thought something was wrong with his car. Then he gets out and sees all this fucking STRING, up and down the street, from 1'-3' off the ground, we laid a web. Those of us who'd been stringing were hiding in the horse feeders and corrals, while the little look-outs were crying on the rooftops. :lol:

Good times, man, good times.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Excellent! We did something similar with an assload of kite string my dad got when I was a kid and he got into dragon kites. He got this huge box of thousands of yards of string. So, one night we were all bored and we strung up the whole God damn street, via the pylons/road reflectors. We posted look-outs on the rooves and DAMN if the first car to come by wasn't L.A. County deputy.
The string fucking STOPPED HIS CAR DEAD IN THE STREET. He couldn't see it so at first he thought something was wrong with his car. Then he gets out and sees all this fucking STRING, up and down the street, from 1'-3' off the ground, we laid a web. Those of us who'd been stringing were hiding in the horse feeders and corrals, while the little look-outs were crying on the rooftops. :lol:
Jesus, don't stop there! What happened?!?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
hahahah that is epic man, great story. Makes me wanna go get some great giggles herb and do shit like that again!


Well-Known Member
Humbo, if I was as flexible as I used to be... :twisted:
I LOVE playing tricks. I just wish I had more ideas, and better ones, usually I hide behind a door or under a table. :roll:
Jesus, don't stop there! What happened?!?
How'd you know? That was the highlight, definitely scared the crap out of all of us. :lol: The deputy got out of his car, and popped the hood. Then he went back and turned the car off, then started it again. :| We could hear him on his radio saying something about a problem with his car. Man, this was better than we even imagined!
(Except that we did NOT expect the five-oh, we expected some poor sod just driving through.)

Then, he tried to walk around his car, but kept getting caught up in all that fucking string. Imagine a 50' stretch of road, hilltop is at the corner, then it goes down a gentle slope, strung up from your ankles to your hips, back and forth and back and forth, just completely woven. When he realized that he'd been caught like a fly in our web he got the flashlight out and on the radio. :shock: Yeah, some buttholes started twitchin'.

He finally went to the nearest house and knocked (POUNDED) on the door. Of the wrong house. :lol: No one answered and even if they did they didn't know anything about it... although, if they were home they would have told him exactly where to find us. So he went all over the property (this is a neighborhood where the houses usually have about an acre apiece) trying to find SOMEONE, and he came pretty close but we'd managed to shut up the look-out crybabies (I've gotta remind my sisters about this story).
He came REALLY close, but never quite caught us. After about a half an hour he either gave up or got a call and left, string snapping as he pulled forward.

Anyway, after the sheriff broke through then other cars were able to get through the string, but it slowed them down, and then it was all broken. :(

Then we got a boogie board and more string, tied it to the boogie board and threw the board over some wires that went across the street. Then we hid behind some bushes and waited for a car to come by, then dropped the boogie board onto the car. That was kind of an asshole thing to do, because the first few cars sort of skidded out, stopped, panicked. One car almost skidded into a parked car. Finally the boogie board got caught on one last car and off it went, bumping into the night. No more boogie board.

By then everyone's parents were home, so no more shenanigans that night. However, there was still a lot of string leftover....

The End.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Humbo, if I was as flexible as I used to be... :twisted:
I LOVE playing tricks. I just wish I had more ideas, and better ones, usually I hide behind a door or under a table. :roll:

How'd you know? That was the highlight, definitely scared the crap out of all of us. :lol: The deputy got out of his car, and popped the hood. Then he went back and turned the car off, then started it again. :| We could hear him on his radio saying something about a problem with his car. Man, this was better than we even imagined!
(Except that we did NOT expect the five-oh, we expected some poor sod just driving through.)

Then, he tried to walk around his car, but kept getting caught up in all that fucking string. Imagine a 50' stretch of road, hilltop is at the corner, then it goes down a gentle slope, strung up from your ankles to your hips, back and forth and back and forth, just completely woven. When he realized that he'd been caught like a fly in our web he got the flashlight out and on the radio. :shock: Yeah, some buttholes started twitchin'.

He finally went to the nearest house and knocked (POUNDED) on the door. Of the wrong house. :lol: No one answered and even if they did they didn't know anything about it... although, if they were home they would have told him exactly where to find us. So he went all over the property (this is a neighborhood where the houses usually have about an acre apiece) trying to find SOMEONE, and he came pretty close but we'd managed to shut up the look-out crybabies (I've gotta remind my sisters about this story).
He came REALLY close, but never quite caught us. After about a half an hour he either gave up or got a call and left, string snapping as he pulled forward.

Anyway, after the sheriff broke through then other cars were able to get through the string, but it slowed them down, and then it was all broken. :(

Then we got a boogie board and more string, tied it to the boogie board and threw the board over some wires that went across the street. Then we hid behind some bushes and waited for a car to come by, then dropped the boogie board onto the car. That was kind of an asshole thing to do, because the first few cars sort of skidded out, stopped, panicked. One car almost skidded into a parked car. Finally the boogie board got caught on one last car and off it went, bumping into the night. No more boogie board.

By then everyone's parents were home, so no more shenanigans that night. However, there was still a lot of string leftover....

The End.

HUZAH!!! Awesome man, was a great way to start my morning! Now a quick hike to my grow, and then to class :(


have a good one!


Humbo, if I was as flexible as I used to be... :twisted:
I LOVE playing tricks. I just wish I had more ideas, and better ones, usually I hide behind a door or under a table. :roll:

How'd you know? That was the highlight, definitely scared the crap out of all of us. :lol: The deputy got out of his car, and popped the hood. Then he went back and turned the car off, then started it again. :| We could hear him on his radio saying something about a problem with his car. Man, this was better than we even imagined!
(Except that we did NOT expect the five-oh, we expected some poor sod just driving through.)

Then, he tried to walk around his car, but kept getting caught up in all that fucking string. Imagine a 50' stretch of road, hilltop is at the corner, then it goes down a gentle slope, strung up from your ankles to your hips, back and forth and back and forth, just completely woven. When he realized that he'd been caught like a fly in our web he got the flashlight out and on the radio. :shock: Yeah, some buttholes started twitchin'.

He finally went to the nearest house and knocked (POUNDED) on the door. Of the wrong house. :lol: No one answered and even if they did they didn't know anything about it... although, if they were home they would have told him exactly where to find us. So he went all over the property (this is a neighborhood where the houses usually have about an acre apiece) trying to find SOMEONE, and he came pretty close but we'd managed to shut up the look-out crybabies (I've gotta remind my sisters about this story).
He came REALLY close, but never quite caught us. After about a half an hour he either gave up or got a call and left, string snapping as he pulled forward.

Anyway, after the sheriff broke through then other cars were able to get through the string, but it slowed them down, and then it was all broken. :(

Then we got a boogie board and more string, tied it to the boogie board and threw the board over some wires that went across the street. Then we hid behind some bushes and waited for a car to come by, then dropped the boogie board onto the car. That was kind of an asshole thing to do, because the first few cars sort of skidded out, stopped, panicked. One car almost skidded into a parked car. Finally the boogie board got caught on one last car and off it went, bumping into the night. No more boogie board.

By then everyone's parents were home, so no more shenanigans that night. However, there was still a lot of string leftover....

The End.
All righty then, so I need moth balls, 110 test fishing line, mountain lion piss, coyote piss, human hair, human urine (from a MALE - supposedly can't use MINE) and/or I need to secure the perimeter buck ass naked (smeared with blood - male blood I assume - hey guys - anyone wanna come over for - uh, for a bite to eat?!?) and hang out on a tree branch - and kite STRING?
Did i mention everything? I fel like I missed somethin vitally important...

Of course this morning I found that I still have the deer to worry about, but I discovered I also have little foxes to consider.

Hey - do foxes eat MICE - or is it 'meeses'. I've got to stop watching those cartoons - of course cartoons are the only thing besides bud keeping me alive right now..
anybody else still love cartoons - at an advanced age i mean?
Maybe I should just build a MOAT..


Well-Known Member
All righty then, so I need moth balls, 110 test fishing line, mountain lion piss, coyote piss, human hair, human urine (from a MALE - supposedly can't use MINE) and/or I need to secure the perimeter buck ass naked (smeared with blood - male blood I assume - hey guys - anyone wanna come over for - uh, for a bite to eat?!?) and hang out on a tree branch - and kite STRING?
Did i mention everything? I fel like I missed somethin vitally important...

Of course this morning I found that I still have the deer to worry about, but I discovered I also have little foxes to consider.

Hey - do foxes eat MICE - or is it 'meeses'. I've got to stop watching those cartoons - of course cartoons are the only thing besides bud keeping me alive right now..
anybody else still love cartoons - at an advanced age i mean?
Maybe I should just build a MOAT..
whatcha cooking? id be glad to watch you secure the perimeter. but your not getting any blood form me:evil:........ maybe some other bodily fluids:hump:

got any pics?:mrgreen:


Active Member
I deer hunt usually every other weekend in the season down here in TN

Best thing I can tell you is liquid soap but needs a very strong scent,
clothes that have a strong human scent or get a motion activated deer camera with a really bright flash


Well-Known Member
lol, sorry about that guys..... thats what happens if i dont get off enough- my sexual frustration shows :D

im under 25, so i have a lot of built up......... you know:hump:


whatcha cooking? id be glad to watch you secure the perimeter. but your not getting any blood form me:evil:........ maybe some other bodily fluids:hump:

got any pics?:mrgreen:
Considering I'm old enough to be your mother's oldest sister (or her very young mom eg: your grandmother) -

THANKS! :peace:



Active Member
the best thing i can come up with is to put some salt licks or deer feed far away from the plants as to try to keep them in that area,oh and the sopa bar smells like salt to deer so it might attract them but i wouldn't do any of this unless they start eating away at it