How do I muffle the sound of an 8" Vortex Inline Fan?


Well-Known Member
I plan on buying a Vortex 8" inline fan as part of my grow. But I just read that it's 78 db's; that's kinda loud. :-(
Any way to muffle that sound, and bring it down a few notches?
I plan on buying a Vortex 8" inline fan as part of my grow. But I just read that it's 78 db's; that's kinda loud. :-(
Any way to muffle that sound, and bring it down a few notches?

I put my 5" inline fan in a decent sized carboard box. then lined the box with bubble wrap and filled it with crushed up polystyrene. I had that insulated 4" ducting comming out each end of the box aswell. This worked great, sounded like a PC to naive ears. There was a slight heat build up in the box but nothing that was dangerous or damaging to the fan. A bigger fan may make alot more heat tho. I've heard that Building an MDF box (or whatever that wooden board stuff is called) around the fan can work really well, seems to be what the expensive fans have built around them to reduce noise.
Oh and anything to absorb the vibrations will help alot - for example if you are just gona hang it from the top of tent say - use bungie cords to hang it with.
what they said, i have also used a radio in my room. bushings, little cardbord cuttings, cloth ect ect when attaching
Lot of good information. One thing has changed though; I went with the 10" inline fan. I figured you never know if your needs change in the future ya know? But I've been doing a lot of reading and I will be creating a box to place my inline fan in, and cushion it with that sound proof foam.

The VTX1000 (Vortex by Atmosphere) is the model I went with. Rated @ 78 dB, that's quite loud. Don't want to arouse any suspicions in my neighbourhood. ;)
get a muffler. Also try to use fans with 'jackets'.

Mufflers are good as mentioned but boxing it with MDF is the cheapeast and most effective noise reducing method. U can also go one step further and line the inside of the box with soundproof foam if it fits ur budget. Bungee chords to hang it as scroglodyte recommended is best for reducing/eliminating vibrations. Peace
I have a 600 cfm 8" fan and the blowing noise is what seems to be loudest I found that a carbon filter help my setup alot and mine is in my room, For a side note my tv volume is regularly on 13-15 when fan off and around 20- 25 with fan on, although it sounds like a jet engine when starting up(but you do get use to it after awhile)
I use blankets and winter jackets (summer is coming!).I have 2 6" ecoplus supremes. There loud, you can hear it at the door.

But if you can have it where there not right at your neighbors wall, or have rooms inbetween, its not so bad.
Plus I have had my parents, landlord and friends over when both fans on, It just sounds like a box fan on medium, I keep my door closed and you barely hear it, and i have to be stealth about my setup. Hope that helps
get a muffler. Also try to use fans with 'jackets'.


Silencer?!?! You just blew my mind.......

Didn't even know they were out there! This changes everything. I just did a Google search and came across this :

It's a 10" but sadly no reviews so I guess it's a hit or miss scenario. BUT....something else did come up in my search, and it may seem kinda silly but raises a question as well. I did a search for : "10 inch" + duct + mufflern and in my search a picture of an automotive muffler popped up with a 10" inlet. Then I was wondering if, theoretically one was to hook up their inline fan to an automotive muffler....would it work? I would think it should but that's just me.

Any thoughts?
Get the real deal, get a variac. A motor speed controller that's good for your motor unlike the popular speed controllers that function more like a dimmer switch.

You can make a silencer using two 10" to 8" reducers, a section of 10" duct, hardware cloth and some poly batting. Google to get the build details.

Both in combination are stellar performers for maximum attenuation of the fan noise.
Go with the one you found they work well ,he has different sizes ,msg him and no youcant hook up an inline fan to a car exhaust system and run it in the grow room bro.

ok this isnt the best pic of my fan..but i built a box
around the fan and fastened it
down at its base with bolts
and rubber washers,then used three eye hooks
and bungie cords to hang it from the ceiling.
It works excellent a light hum can be herd from it.Benn using it for over a year now.
Go with the one you found they work well ,he has different sizes ,msg him and no youcant hook up an inline fan to a car exhaust system and run it in the grow room bro.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking; I'll go with that one.....guess the automotive muffler wouldn't work because it would reduce the air flow? Yes? No? Maybe so? (I'm reaching.....)
Sound & smell (both) are a HUGE concern for me. I've got a hepa filter (one of those Honeywell stand alone units; not the cheap ones either) and I won't be scrimping on the scrubber either so I've got smell covered. As for sound, I might go overkill on that, and hook it up to this sound muffler, and put the sound muffler in a box like "Dislexicmidget2021" over, essentially it would be a muffler in a box.

I know, it's a bit much, but I said, HUGE concern. :)