Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower


Hey everyone, this is going to be my log of my first grow.. feel free to offer any advice and please comment on my plants progress :D

I plan on growing organic and only using molasses to supplement my plants. My soil is organic and it is advertised to have enough nutes to last 3-4 months.

-1 large grow box (about 5Hx2Lx1D)
-4 67 Watt CFL's; all 4 bulbs are 2700k. = 268 watts total
-1 12v PC fan for intake
-1 small cabinet fan for exhaust
-2 12v fans blowing on plants (air flow)
-1 activated carbon sheet (for smell)

March 14: I germinated 2 Feminized Autofower Afghan Kush seeds from Attitude Seed Bank.

March 16: Both of my seeds have sprouted

March 16-31: I have had steady growth so far. I did have a little scare though, I transplanted both seeds into bigger containers in my grow box and I believe one of my plants had slight root shock and a nute deficiency

15 days since sprout
The one I believe suffered root shock: his bottom leaves were very droopy and yellow the other day... looks like he is healing

The other guy: nice and green! very tall!!

Day 18

both plants are getting bigger, however the one is still yellow. I got a bottle of superthrive and put a few drops of it in my water/molasses mixture. I might have put a little too much, but I wont be using this stuff every time I water. I only used about 1 cup of water for each plant, so I don't think it will harm them at all.

day 20

Overtop view

Shes looking big!

added a very little bit of superthrive to some water yesterday and a dab today... hows she looking?



Well-Known Member
not bad scrappy i was looking at this strain last night ima sub to see what kinda yields come off of it, keep postin!


Well-Known Member
Your probably gonna need some feed for them soon. I dont think you'll have enough nitrogen for the entire grow.


Your probably gonna need some feed for them soon. I dont think you'll have enough nitrogen for the entire grow.
what would you suggest? I have superthrive, idk if that will do the trick or not... I would need something low-cost and something I could pick up at home depot or someplace


Day 24!

Both girls are doing good, one has started to flower (the bigger one) and when I put my nose close it smells like weed haha

this is her:

close up:

Here is my other girl, she isn't very bushy, however she is about an inch taller then the one showed above.. does she look ok?

here is them both together (ignore how high the lights are, I usually move them a few inches away from the girls):

how does everything look? should I be worried that my weird growing plant wont produce much bud?


Active Member
Had a RoadRunner automatic about 2 months back, took it too slow i guess. The final result wasnt that great in yeild or quality. BUT... I never had any prior experience with auto's so i put no credibility on my grow, as i can tell with these gorgeous healthy plants you have here. Very nice my friend.


Had a RoadRunner automatic about 2 months back, took it too slow i guess. The final result wasnt that great in yeild or quality. BUT... I never had any prior experience with auto's so i put no credibility on my grow, as i can tell with these gorgeous healthy plants you have here. Very nice my friend.
thanks man, I really hope I get something good out of these 2


I went to bed last night and Righty (her name lol) was like 3-4 inches away from my CFL's.. well when I woke up she was touching them and she was even growing around my lights. So I moved my lights up a few inches... I just checked her again and this is what I see:

she is getting so big! why is she getting so tall compared to my other girl (lefty)

here's a close up of her

Lefty is flowering so much more than righty (I think shes a few days behind).. but does righty look healthy?


Well-Known Member
Nice I got 2 double diesel ryders from tude going right now one just germed and was put in aoil today the other one is day 8 had the same scare with transplant but didnt get shock


Nice I got 2 double diesel ryders from tude going right now one just germed and was put in aoil today the other one is day 8 had the same scare with transplant but didnt get shock
righty defiantly went through a little shock, that's why I believe she is a few days behind.. but now shes starting to shoot up haha

good luck on your grow man, its fun to see them grow!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah I got a led on the way and a co2 exhale bag for them. 8 days in and shes already almost 4 ins. Has first set of true leaves. Starting to push up her second set. Subd.


Well-Known Member
nice i had to raise my lights just a bit so i can strech her just a lil. think sh might of been stunted she didnt grow for a day or two but then shot up about .5in in a day. keep 24 on till both are done and now i have a buddha tahoe going. so ill hav ekinda perpetual i haverst one in a month and half another in 2 and a half months and a nother in 3. oh my.


here are some updated pictures.. righty is streaching so much.. I have to fix the lights so that lefty's main bud is closer to them

I don't think rigty is going to produce much :(
but lefty looks perfect and is really starting to smell :)


Day 45:

I haven't updated this in a little while, but both girls are doing fine.. they are yellowing their fan leaves, but growth has not stopped nor has it slowed down. All the leaves that have bud sites on them look super good and there are crystals on the buds/small leaves.


The main cola on Lefty


I think I have about 20-25 more days until I can harvest. I am hoping that by day 70, they will be monsters lol