Need suggestions on cooling my grow?


Well-Known Member
i use the cheap and easy yeast,sugar and water in a small water or soda bottle...i dont have to space for a full size co2 setup(drools on keyboard)but someday...anyway...co2 shots really do the trick.....


Active Member
Will adding CO2 bring the heat down some......?

The plant looks healthy though, temp is at 100 right now :( Light on for almost 6hrs.


Well-Known Member
it might bring the heat down a little but dont expect it....the co2 helps the plant breath..its basidally their oxygen...when temps are higher it does something to the co2 count..again,,,waaaay over my head..i just read it utilized it ..and im getting great results............


Well-Known Member
Will adding CO2 bring the heat down some......?

The plant looks healthy though, temp is at 100 right now :( Light on for almost 6hrs.
also.go hit the local wal-mart and pick up 2 or 3 of their little 4" desk fans....their about 5 them in your box to create more airflow......a nice breeze between the lights and plants is great for the kids


Well-Known Member
Giving another little update, Got a 2L container, put 2cups of sugar in it, and 2 1/4oz yiest packages (is this too much yiest), filled it up 3/4 of the way for a cheap CO2 supply, as per in the FAQ

I looked for the little $5 fans you mentioned at walmart, but the cheapest they had was $17 or something of the nature, but internal temps are currently at 92F and has been going down from 95 since adding the CO2 container. Adding this also upped the humidity from 22 to 45%, a basic doubling of moisture.

No CO2 is being produced yet so that cannot be affecting it, as thy FAQ mentioned it would be a few days before the yiest begins to grow.

Either way the 2nd pair of leaves is coming in., largest 2 leaves are right at 1" together, Slightly larger than yesterday but still on the small, slow side of things.....Is this primarily due to temp or something else, that it would be on the small side, or am i expecting a faster growth than it should have? Either way just wanting to know i'm right in line with what should be going on.

Color looks very good though, no burning from nutes in my soil, or water., As i used MG Moisture control, and have not used any nutes at all other than whats in the soil i have. Seems to be fine, havn't watered in 3days since i re-potted it.

Would also like to add this is just for shits and giggles btw, so beasters is perfectly fine with me, gotta learn somewhere, and i'd rather now buy expensive seeds and never had grown anything, just not logical to me.

My next turn out, i will definently get better genetics.


Well-Known Member
Thats what i'm really trying to pull, had heard about some ak clones, but nothing 100% sure, but yea i've looked into it. How aeromatic would a single or 2 plants be, i live in an apt building, grow is inside my closet, i can keep the doors closed to the closet, i have the glade plugin liquid things right at it, and i also have some lavender and basil planted near it as well, and planning on doing some DIY filters, carbon and/or kittylitter types, to screw in where the output fans go. Would this be enough?

But yea hopefully the clones will come through, i've had ak47 before and it was so so good, nothing that really stuck out in my mind though, but could have just been badly grown.


Well-Known Member
yeah......the smell from 1 or 2 plants isnt that bad.....if your set up is in your closet it should stay in the confines of the room the closet is in.....check out they have some oder deneutrilizer gels that ive heard good things about


Well-Known Member
To add a little more the closet actually has a door to the bathroom and a door to the bedroom.

I'm going to be looking into the ONA's and see what i can find.

Thanks again for your help.

I'd really only like 2-3oz total for a harvest, that would make me rather happy, if its beasters quality its still worthwhile to me.

Monkey where would you suggest i put that inline fan, i'm going to try and find some other small fans to put inside for air circulation, and the sorts, using input fans really didn't help me all that much, i have both of my cpu fans at output on the top right now, temp is at 91F, and seems to be hovering there.


Well-Known Member
another thing to keep in the back of your head....i thought i was having a temp problem...did everything to cool and ventilate...still didnt go down...wierd thing was the plants were showing no signs of heat stress.....i finally figured out it was the 5 dollar thermo and humidity gauge......the thing was stuck on 90..........


Well-Known Member
I have 3 3" round holes in the bottom on the sides specifically for air flow in, price looks pretty good on it as well. ~$25. Do they carry that same fan at lowes, i havn't a HD in my town, after searching for it i don'y think they carry anything like that. Any other store that would carry that type item for very cheap?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 3" round holes in the bottom on the sides specifically for air flow in, price looks pretty good on it as well. ~$25. Do they carry that same fan at lowes, i havn't a HD in my town, after searching for it i don'y think they carry anything like that. Any other store that would carry that type item for very cheap?
if home depot has it.....lowes will have it......

you can also get a 3" to 4" reducer so you can run that fan to your existing vent


Well-Known Member
i know that lowes has one, they are meant for storage spaces or other things, if you go there and as they will have it for sure

usually by the duct work

only thing i have to say is that is it a bit louder then a cpu fan, and not to have it put right beside the plants because it sucks in a lot, put it on the corner

post how it goes or what you end up doing


Well-Known Member
I figured i would put it about 6" or so on the top of the enclosure where the top fan is, it would be directly above the plant 1.5 foot, and about 6" above the lights......Prolly gonna use it sorta like a smokestack, with a holed diffuser on the end capping it to keep light to a minimum. Carbon scrubber will be inline as well.

I'll probobly leave the other hole i have uptop where my other cpu fan is currently at as a peep hole.

Are those holes in the bottom enough total sq" to allow sufficient intake? for up to 80cfm of airflow?


Well-Known Member
haha man dont get a 6 inch thats way to much power for that box, the in line is a lot better then a cpu... and a 4 inch can max out higher then the box needs... for a 6 inch you might even get your box sucking in

i suggest going to a pet store and getting the fish carbon fliters, cause they come in bags that fit perfectly into a 4 inch tub right on the end of the scrubber and they are 10 bucks for 3 lol

i wouldn't keep the hole at the top so it draws air from the bottom and not the top

and the holes at the bottom if you have 3 that big should be enough, if not cut them a bit bigger but i doubt it


Well-Known Member
I figured i would put it about 6" or so on the top of the enclosure where the top fan is, it would be directly above the plant 1.5 foot, and about 6" above the lights......Prolly gonna use it sorta like a smokestack, with a holed diffuser on the end capping it to keep light to a minimum. Carbon scrubber will be inline as well.

I'll probobly leave the other hole i have uptop where my other cpu fan is currently at as a peep hole.

Are those holes in the bottom enough total sq" to allow sufficient intake? for up to 80cfm of airflow?
try riggin the inline fan onto a 3" abs 45.....the black and the turn help to keep light out or in.....