Craigslist ads about overages in the Metro Detroit area

The Growery

Active Member
I've noticed dozens of craigslist ads about caregiver overages, offering free delivery, ect. Is this even legal though? A lot of them say they want a donation of $250 for the time it took to grow the medicine, I wonder if anyone gets busted this way?


Well-Known Member
I have often wondered the same thing. Prostitution is illegal and girls been slinging pussy on craigslist for years. I have bought meds and clones off craigslist several times, it is hit and miss on quality, but honestly the grow shops and dispensaries are hit and miss as well.

The Growery

Active Member
im watching this show called american weed on national geographic and they are trying to bust this guy selling mmj through craigslist, its crazy, they got like a 6 car team, the car is wired and the seller sells it and has no clue that they're following him home lol

if it turns out to be legal that would be amazing, what a amazing way to recoup costs, i am struggling with figuring out how to recoup my costs, I'm $2k into my grow and about $450 in electricity so far and never intended it to be this big. been thinking maybe collectives, idk though. sell to a drug dealer in detroit? lol


Well-Known Member
im watching this show called american weed on national geographic and they are trying to bust this guy selling mmj through craigslist, its crazy, they got like a 6 car team, the car is wired and the seller sells it and has no clue that they're following him home lol

if it turns out to be legal that would be amazing, what a amazing way to recoup costs, i am struggling with figuring out how to recoup my costs, I'm $2k into my grow and about $450 in electricity so far and never intended it to be this big. been thinking maybe collectives, idk though. sell to a drug dealer in detroit? lol
Gotta be a little careful about the term selling in regards to MMJ. We're "accepting donations" for our work. It's lame I know, but a big difference I guess.

Have you tried to make medibles/concentrates for your patients and yourself with the extra? There is so much awsome info on how to make a million things with your meds. I highly suggest BHO, and making coco hash pills. Simpson oil is next, but butter can eat (pun intended) up large amounts of great meds in food products.


Active Member
I have seen these on Craigslist in RI as well... As far as I know, If your a licensed patient, you can share medicine with any other patient.... If you are a caregiver, you can share medicine with any patient, whether he/she has signed you on as their particular caregiver.... I think that you could require the buyer to provide his/her MMP license #, then you could call the number on the back of the card to confirm that the person is indeed a patient.... Then when you meet them, require them to show you their card... I dont think you can get in trouble for that....

And BHO is Butane Hash Oil.... It is a hash oil made from running Butane through your product, then double boiling the liquid out..


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend NOT doing BHO unless you like working with a bomb in your hands. I cannot tell you how many BHOtards have blown themselves, their friends, family, and everything else on the block up. Google it, besides the fact it is a controlled substance if you are caught with it (in Cali anyways). Full melt ice wax is the way to go, look for Matt Rize's videos on you tube to learn all about it. Don't be a BHOtard, Rize up!


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend NOT doing BHO unless you like working with a bomb in your hands. I cannot tell you how many BHOtards have blown themselves, their friends, family, and everything else on the block up. Google it, besides the fact it is a controlled substance if you are caught with it (in Cali anyways). Full melt ice wax is the way to go, look for Matt Rize's videos on you tube to learn all about it. Don't be a BHOtard, Rize up!
OMG what an alarmist. I've made tons of it. If you have half a brain, it's not dangerous at all, just follow the rules. Californians aren't known for being that bright. Go surfing or something. Jesus.


I have to agree with Glad on this one. I've met with several people getting rid of their overages on CL. For the most part everyone has some ok stuff, medical quality, but a few are certainly scammers. I've had people show up with wet, under cured meds on several occasions, as if they just chopped up their plant. Even the ones that were good when I first met them have all done wrong by me, be it agreeing to meet and never showing up or having given you consistently good meds at a very fair donation rate and then slamming you with some crappy meds. For example, I dealt with this guy most recently and he gave me an oz for a $225 donation, his usual rate and he had helped me with quality medication several times before. I was on my way to school so I didn't get a chance to scope what he had given me and it was in a brown paper bag, not unusual. When I got home and went to medicate I ground up a bud and found 4 seeds right away! I did a scout of the buds with my scope and magnifier and this was not the quality I expected. I have a real medical condition and I don't make much money so to find out that I had been scammed by someone I felt was a goo guy was terrible. I called him and left a kind message saying he must have given me the wron bag or something, but he didn't call me back and it's been over a week, pretty sad and makes him a coward IMO. I don't know about the legality but I do wish there was a better way to get meds when your crop isn't ready, without having to pay top dollar at a dispensary when you actually need the medication. I know a lot of hard work goes into growing our girls but there are people who are really in NEED of medication that can't afford the high costs these places or people charge for proper medicine. I give my meds to my fellow patients for the same cost I pay for them and I know that it's financially stupid but who cares? And when I get my harvests I donate to them for less than what I ever pay for meds, that's just the kind of guy I am. Too bad I don't know someone like me who has a farm lol
Sorry for ranting :)

The Growery

Active Member
hey kief, yeah that's what i was afraid of/kind of want to avoid. i'm just gonna play it safe and keep vaping trimming a friend gave me until harvest. just sucks not being able to smoke a bowl for a couple months ><

almost makes me want to start a informal collective (just a email mailing list) for these situations when growers like us are waiting for our next harvest so we can help eachother out.


That email list idea is genius, The Growery!! I wouldn't throw the idea out of the window (craigslist) but I'm surely not promising results. It sucks to have no medicine, I know, and some of them will have nice meds for you, it's just hit or miss. Up to you I just hate to see you have to smoke trim :(. If I didn't get screwed over I would help you out but the meds I have suck more than your trim probably lol

The Growery

Active Member
yeah I want to buy one real bad but totallly sketched out after seeing american weed on national geographic lol. they had a sting setup on a craigslist deal. i dont need anyone jotting down my plate for this lol god that would suck


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend NOT doing BHO unless you like working with a bomb in your hands. I cannot tell you how many BHOtards have blown themselves, their friends, family, and everything else on the block up. Google it, besides the fact it is a controlled substance if you are caught with it (in Cali anyways). Full melt ice wax is the way to go, look for Matt Rize's videos on you tube to learn all about it. Don't be a BHOtard, Rize up!
If your not smart enough to understand the dangers of butane and an ignition source then yes avoid bho. Its actually safe to make and consume if your not stupid!


Active Member
OMG what an alarmist. I've made tons of it. If you have half a brain, it's not dangerous at all, just follow the rules. Californians aren't known for being that bright. Go surfing or something. Jesus.
LOL that's like saying if you are careful nuclear bombs is totally safe... I do agree tho... making BHO or simpson oil isn't rocket science and if done carefully can be RELATIVELY safe. I've made literally gallons of oil over the years... last summer a friend got 3rd degree burns over a large percent of his body when the rice cooker he was using for cook off caught fire.. he was by no means a newbie... just caught a bad break


Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Jackson or lansing farmers markets are great for getting quality meds. every weekend, check one out. worth the drive!!!

The Growery

Active Member
i best stay away from BHO then, i'm not always the most careful and sometimes look over simple details, i could see me burning my house down, what a downer that would be


Well-Known Member
LOL that's like saying if you are careful nuclear bombs is totally safe... I do agree tho... making BHO or simpson oil isn't rocket science and if done carefully can be RELATIVELY safe. I've made literally gallons of oil over the years... last summer a friend got 3rd degree burns over a large percent of his body when the rice cooker he was using for cook off caught fire.. he was by no means a newbie... just caught a bad break

Rice cooker and butane, not smart. I use a pan of hot water and when it cools off I add more (takes a while with a lot of oil). I do it in the garage with the door cracked. The first time I made bho I loaded some in a bowl and quickly learned not all the butane was gone, ever since then I have had no problems, flare up or such.

You shouldn't compare butane to nuclear weapons (or power). Those things are the work of the devil and the people who have them have been warned I'm sure. Only one country has used a nuclear weapon in an act of war and guess who's evil empire that was?

BHO when dealt with correctly has the highest THC levels of anything I've read about and that means eating or smoking less to reach the desired effect which makes it the most pure way of ingesting THC. My only problem is using that much butane (not really good for the earth). I plan to try the dry ice wax next, the stuff does look good and easy.


Active Member
Rice cooker and butane, not smart. I use a pan of hot water and when it cools off I add more (takes a while with a lot of oil). I do it in the garage with the door cracked. The first time I made bho I loaded some in a bowl and quickly learned not all the butane was gone, ever since then I have had no problems, flare up or such.

You shouldn't compare butane to nuclear weapons (or power). Those things are the work of the devil and the people who have them have been warned I'm sure. Only one country has used a nuclear weapon in an act of war and guess who's evil empire that was?

BHO when dealt with correctly has the highest THC levels of anything I've read about and that means eating or smoking less to reach the desired effect which makes it the most pure way of ingesting THC. My only problem is using that much butane (not really good for the earth). I plan to try the dry ice wax next, the stuff does look good and easy.

I'm gonna have to check out the dry ice wax, sounds interesting... any links to it?
