Shit Conspiracy Theorists say


New Member
all i see are labels here

come back when you no longer need them and ill grant you a seat at the long table


Well-Known Member
The Dreyfus Affair
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Northwoods
Manhattan project
Tuskegee Syphilis study
1990 Testimony of Nayirah
Rex 84
Iran-Contra affair
BCCI Scandal
CIA Drug Running in LA
Gulf of Tonkin incident
Operation Ajax
Operation Snow White
Operation Gladio
Operation Paperclip

Nothing to see here folks, do not Google these terms, you will sleep better at night knowing conspiracies do not exist.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
The US Army is currently guarding the biggest poppy field in Afghanistan (opium) surely the US is only guarding it and nothing else xD. Dont believe anything your government has to say

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Zaehet Strife:7306636 said:
If i'm not mistaken, religion/theology/spirituality is the biggest conspiracy theory of them all.

I'm pretty sure the santa claus deniers are the biggest conspiracy theorists of all.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It is extremely hard for unrational, emotional, fear filled people to give up the belief that individual existence lasts for eternity.

As we all know, and have known for a while.. that nothing lasts forever, why would that be any different for anything else in existence?

For all i know, maybe we do... but when i think rationally about it, without letting my emotions effect my judgement, all signs point to "cease to exist after death" rather than "continue to exist for all eternity"


Well-Known Member
It is extremely hard for unrational, emotional, fear filled people to give up the belief that individual existence lasts for eternity.

As we all know, and have known for a while.. that nothing lasts forever, why would that be any different for anything else in existence?

For all i know, maybe we do... but when i think rationally about it, without letting my emotions effect my judgement, all signs point to "cease to exist after death" rather than "continue to exist for all eternity"
And yet both yours and theirs are simply beliefs that cannot ever be proven.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
And yet both yours and theirs are simply beliefs that cannot ever be proven.
I do not have any beliefs, i dont beleive (claim truth to) any type of metaphysical thinking. I just "think" not "believe" that most rationally speaking, taking into consideration what we humans know about how the universe works, that nothing lasts forever, and that humans cease to exist after death. I do not claim any truth to this idea, i merely think it is most probable, yet i really do not know.


Well-Known Member
I do not have any beliefs, i dont beleive (claim truth to) any type of metaphysical thinking. I just "think" not "believe" that most rationally speaking, taking into consideration what we humans know about how the universe works, that nothing lasts forever, and that humans cease to exist after death. I do not claim any truth to this idea, i merely think it is most probable, yet i really do not know.
You have no more basis for this belief than they have for theirs, and you basically admit as much at the end there.

I don't see why people like to insult people of differing belief systems claiming their irrationality or what have you when there is no basis for the claims of either side on any level. I'd suggest such discourse leads to nothing productive.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You have no more basis for this belief than they have for theirs, and you basically admit as much at the end there.

I don't see why people like to insult people of differing belief systems claiming their irrationality or what have you when there is no basis for the claims of either side on any level. I'd suggest such discourse leads to nothing productive.
I am not trying to insult of offend anyone, it is the individuals choice to be insulted when talking about beliefs... for if we were talking about ideas there would be no need for anyone to be insulted or offended. Tell me of some sort of matter humans have discovered that lasts forever... there is more evidence showing that in this universe nothing lasts forever, rather than evidence showing things that do last forever, am i not right?

*You're right Mr. Ginga, it is spiritual woo woo of the highest order. -the only reason people take offense to statements like this, is because they are trying to hold onto claims of truth that prove anything but the truth... they realize this, and yet still choose to disregard any/all rationality in order to claim truth to something no one knows about. If only everyone would realize that these thoughts people are having about spirituality are merely ideas...not truth, we wouldn't feel the need to be offended.

Ideas are ever changing, where as beliefs tend to stay the same.


Well-Known Member
You have no more basis for this belief than they have for theirs, and you basically admit as much at the end there.

I don't see why people like to insult people of differing belief systems claiming their irrationality or what have you when there is no basis for the claims of either side on any level. I'd suggest such discourse leads to nothing productive.
When it comes to individual life not lasting eternally, we have excellent evidence that this is not the case: we witness mammals (including ourselves) die every day. We see that dead bodies no longer produce electricity or repair/regenerate cells, the meat rots and eventually returns into the state of simple molecules from whence we came. This is irrefutable evidence for our lives, and our consciousness, ending. Where is any shred of evidence that individual life is eternal? it seems merely a comforting notion that most latch onto despite the strong evidence to the contrary. I'd say one of these belief systems has more basis for its claims than the other...