

New Member
FAB you know me. I will say if your wrong there wrong and even if I'm wrong. I'm not for or agenst anybody. We have had our fights as well. But some things need wiped out.

we are cool
my fights get wiped out when i pass out but unfortunatly they start back the next day


New Member
Cat I'm not a person that's gangs up on somebody but you need to let people breath/vent. Dsb is going threw some shit I hope nobody has to deal with. Give some slake and ask your ferinds to give the same respect.
if he donti will stomp to mother of all mudholes in his ass
u dont fuck with dsb
thats my brother
so cat if that is your new plan u done fucked up already
best for u if u dont even contact him again
and if u think u can get to me through him u right fucker
im your man


Rebel From The North
I am!

Ptsd, sleep apt, insomnia, multible types of nerve damage! And a fucked up back, and il say this xanax works wonders


Rebel From The North
There are some things smoke cant help enough with :(
Every chance i can i pass on pills but theres a time for everything.
And i dont think you have been blown up more than once have you


Rebel From The North
There are some things smoke cant help enough with :(
Every chance i can i pass on pills but theres a time for everything.
And i dont think you have been blown up more than once have you


New Member
There are some things smoke cant help enough with :(
Every chance i can i pass on pills but theres a time for everything.
And i dont think you have been blown up more than once have you
no not blown up
hit a pine tree at 75 mph and other shit
got shot before
been cut did some cutting
and been stomped down and stomped down others
take it day by day bro


New Member
ok fuck them faggots
lets party


Well-Known Member
ok fuck them faggots
lets party
Me and Joe never got along. I didn't want crack in my town. But he got it when me and my boys got locked up for 3 years. Yes we where the white boys and peckerwoods he talks about in Palmdale. He did that to belittle us. Knowing that wasn't what we where about.