Shit Conspiracy Theorists say

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
When it comes to individual life not lasting eternally, we have excellent evidence that this is not the case: we witness mammals (including ourselves) die every day. We see that dead bodies no longer produce electricity or repair/regenerate cells, the meat rots and eventually returns into the state of simple molecules from whence we came. This is irrefutable evidence for our lives, and our consciousness, ending. Where is any shred of evidence that individual life is eternal? it seems merely a comforting notion that most latch onto despite the strong evidence to the contrary. I'd say one of these belief systems has more basis for its claims than the other...
Dude, well fucking said! Man, i am impressed! +Rep

"An intellectual explains a simple thing in a complicated way, an artist can explain a complicated thing in a simple way" -Bukowski


Well-Known Member
Dude, well fucking said! Man, i am impressed! +Rep

"An intellectual explains a simple thing in a complicated way, an artist can explain a complicated thing in a simple way" -Bukowski
Thanks, Zaehet. BTW, LOVE Bukowski. I was really into his writings in my 20s, what a colorful mofo ;)

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
this is exactly the spiritual stuff that i consider mumbo jumbo, it is woo woo of the highest order.
Oh so proving the ancients had advanced mathematical knowledge about the universe and proving that a brilliant pattern of circles is the pattern of creation in which everything in the world can be measured by is mumbo jumbo? I love you guys, you so called "Rational thinkers" but as soon as spirituality comes in, rationality has to be thrown out the window, right? "this smart guy from the past said this!.. Theres no evidence of that!! blah bllaaahh blah All rationality points to this conclusion!"... I just shown you hard, mathematical evidence that people from 200000 years ago know more about life than we ever will, and the first conclusion you jump to is "HAH this has something to do with spirituality, MUMBO JUMBO!" "it doesnt matter if that 200000 year old (probably WAY older) pattern of circles is compatible with the periodic table, and that even non tangible things like sound and brain waves can be measured by it, its MUMBO JUMBO!" ... But what more can I expect from you ignorant calculating robots of rationality? Theres just no way to get this stuff to compute with you people because as soon as you hear the word spirit you think fairy tail.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Human life- just trying to find different cool ways to enjoy passing the time before we cease to exist... it is so sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I look down upon no one, it just makes me sad, that because of fear, people will lie to themselves and give themselves truth... in the absence of it. The reason being... that to me, the most important aspect of who i am, is complete and utter honesty with myself, regardless of how i feel about something. I think no matter who you are, lying to oneself is the most harmful thing anyone could do. That is it.


Well-Known Member
I look down upon no one, it just makes me sad, that because of fear, people will lie to themselves and give themselves truth... in the absence of it. The reason being... that to me, the most important aspect of who i am, is complete and utter honesty with myself, regardless of how i feel about something. I think no matter who you are, lying to oneself is the most harmful thing anyone could do. That is it.
it's good that you are honest with yourself because you're certainly not honest with us when you go around plagiarizing and then defending said plagiarism.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Im not lying to myself, I've experienced some amazing things that made me come to this conclusion, things that are not an illusion of a mind that lead me to a conclusion that I have an emotional attachment to, that is not the case... One experience I can talk about without looking like a crazy hippy has to do with the stars. Me and my friend thought it was a good night to drive 10 minutes out of town, get baked and look at some stars, I find myself looking at Orions Belt a lot and when I gazed at it that night something was not right. The three main stars in Orions Belt point to the star Sirius, one of the brighter stars in the sky, but that night Sirius was no where to be seen, almost shit my pants lol I didnt know what to think about it, my friend was less impressed because he doesnt have that much knowledge about stars, so I explained to him that a star fucking disappeared! lol I was pretty excited and was disappointed that it didnt get media attention, but that didnt surprise me that it didnt get noticed because most of the worlds population is totally oblivious to whats around them... And the next clear night Sirius was there, plain as day, I didnt know what to think of it, Im just glad my friend witnessed it as well so I could talk about it and not seem like a nutcase.


Well-Known Member
Oh so proving the ancients had advanced mathematical knowledge about the universe and proving that a brilliant pattern of circles is the pattern of creation in which everything in the world can be measured by is mumbo jumbo? I love you guys, you so called "Rational thinkers" but as soon as spirituality comes in, rationality has to be thrown out the window, right? "this smart guy from the past said this!.. Theres no evidence of that!! blah bllaaahh blah All rationality points to this conclusion!"... I just shown you hard, mathematical evidence that people from 200000 years ago know more about life than we ever will, and the first conclusion you jump to is "HAH this has something to do with spirituality, MUMBO JUMBO!" "it doesnt matter if that 200000 year old (probably WAY older) pattern of circles is compatible with the periodic table, and that even non tangible things like sound and brain waves can be measured by it, its MUMBO JUMBO!" ... But what more can I expect from you ignorant calculating robots of rationality? Theres just no way to get this stuff to compute with you people because as soon as you hear the word spirit you think fairy tail.
its mumbo gumbo because, he takes the geometric patterns made from the circle as beautiful and as elegant as they are then went on to make shit up about what it he didnt prove any higher meaning to them

he used appeals to antiquity claiming the ancients had "higher knowledge" when all they knew how to do was draw pretty circles
the whole video was him trying to shoehorn it into meaning everything. None of it was proof and to be honest you should be ashamed of your self for believing for a minute that it was.

what you "spiritualist" are doing when you show us this drivel is asking for us to be gullible in order to start believing it and sorry its not something im willing to do at all

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
its mumbo gumbo because, he takes the geometric patterns made from the circle as beautiful and as elegant as they are then went on to make shit up about what it he didnt prove any higher meaning to them

he used appeals to antiquity claiming the ancients had "higher knowledge" when all they knew how to do was draw pretty circles
the whole video was him trying to shoehorn it into meaning everything. None of it was proof and to be honest you should be ashamed of your self for believing for a minute that it was.

what you "spiritualist" are doing when you show us this drivel is asking for us to be gullible in order to start believing it and sorry its not something im willing to do at all
LOL you're a fucking idiot my friend, its ironic that you try to make me look like a blind fool... That video explains the mathematical facts in the most simple way possible, PLEASE tell me more on how the math and geometry does not compute, I'd very much like to hear your full opinion on what was so simply explained... Not simple enough I guess, maybe he should of used more pictures? Perhaps he should make a pop-out book to catch your interest, thats when the pictures come off the page!! xD


Well-Known Member
LOL you're a fucking idiot my friend, its ironic that you try to make me look like a blind fool... That video explains the mathematical facts in the most simple way possible, PLEASE tell me more on how the math and geometry does not compute, I'd very much like to hear your full opinion on what was so simply explained... Not simple enough I guess, maybe he should of used more pictures? Perhaps he should make a pop-out book to catch your interest, thats when the pictures come off the page!! xD
i said it before and i'll say it again. ashamed of yourself. now i suggest you go watch that video again but this time with an open mind then repeat till you know what im talking about.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
hahaha *Pats head* ... Of course you couldnt disprove the math and geometry... You remind me of Christians saying "Fossils are the work of the DEVIL!" When the evidence is as plain as day... "ashamed of yourself" lol OH THE IRONY... You poor thing, so oblivious.


Well-Known Member
hahaha *Pats head* ... Of course you couldnt disprove the math and geometry... You remind me of Christians saying "Fossils are the work of the DEVIL!" When the evidence is as plain as day... "ashamed of yourself" lol OH THE IRONY... You poor thing, so oblivious.
nothing at all to disprove about maths and geometry.

what i said is that video isnt proof of anything he takes pretty picture/ shapes then adds non meanings to them. he shoehorns a shit load of bullshit into that video and your a fool to bring it here claiming it as some ultimate proof

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
nothing at all to disprove about maths and geometry.

what i said is that video isnt proof of anything he takes pretty picture/ shapes then adds non meanings to them. he shoehorns a shit load of bullshit into that video and your a fool bring it here claiming it as some ultimate proof
Poor oblivious child =)